Zone1 100% proof the Pope is a Leftist and not a Christian


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Pope Francis drew scorn and accusations of heresy on social media Sunday for maintaining during his recent "60 Minutes" interview that the human heart is "fundamentally good."

Responding to interviewer Norah O'Donnell's question regarding what gives him hope when he looks at the world, the pontiff said "everything," and then went on to list examples of people doing good things as evidence of humanity's essential goodness.

Conversely, what does the Bible say that the Pope disregards?

Jeremiah 17:9-10

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

This is key to Left wing ideology. This is why they reject the notion of needing God for righteousness and salvation. This is why Leftists see nothing wrong with centralizing power and giving it to a sinful man. It is because they don't think man is fundamentally sinful and, therefore, won't abuse the power they give them if they deem them to be good.

Pope Francis drew scorn and accusations of heresy on social media Sunday for maintaining during his recent "60 Minutes" interview that the human heart is "fundamentally good."

Responding to interviewer Norah O'Donnell's question regarding what gives him hope when he looks at the world, the pontiff said "everything," and then went on to list examples of people doing good things as evidence of humanity's essential goodness.

Conversely, what does the Bible say that the Pope disregards?

Jeremiah 17:9-10

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

This is key to Left wing ideology. This is why they reject the notion of needing God for righteousness and salvation. This is why Leftists see nothing wrong with centralizing power and giving it to a sinful man. \

Making it into a political issue in America by creating some daylight between the church and the Pope!

From an atheist's POV, this represents the inevitable progress on moving away from the superstitious nonsense that is holding back the majority of humanity.

Is this just America's 'flash in the pan' or does it have the potential to split that church clean down the middle?

Pope Francis drew scorn and accusations of heresy on social media Sunday for maintaining during his recent "60 Minutes" interview that the human heart is "fundamentally good."

Responding to interviewer Norah O'Donnell's question regarding what gives him hope when he looks at the world, the pontiff said "everything," and then went on to list examples of people doing good things as evidence of humanity's essential goodness.

Conversely, what does the Bible say that the Pope disregards?

Jeremiah 17:9-10

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

This is key to Left wing ideology. This is why they reject the notion of needing God for righteousness and salvation. This is why Leftists see nothing wrong with centralizing power and giving it to a sinful man. It is because they don't think man is fundamentally sinful and, therefore, won't abuse the power they give them if they deem them to be good.

I can't find anything I disagree with here.

Most Catholics don't appreciate the BS coming from the Vatican..

don't appreciate the BS coming from the faker in the WH either... but it is the same thing.. the same BS

Even if I had never returned to my Catholic faith years ago (the rosary prayers brought me back)

it doesn't take a devout Catholic or any other kind of Christian to see that humans are evil. They are selfish, prideful, lacking in any kind of humility b4 God or man.. love pleasure and the things of the world more than they do Jesus ....

No, man is NOT inherently good

and the RCC has never taught this baloney from Francis
In the eyes of this atheist, mankind is still inherently good. The religious, superstitious has no credibility to claim otherwise.

Nor do they have any true perceptions on what is good!

While I agree man is not inherently good, neither is "god" so who gives a fuck what his book has to say?
While I agree man is not inherently good, neither is "god" so who gives a fuck what his book has to say?
God is good.

he allows evil and that doesn't seem too good, but He himself is... he just uses the evil man gives Him.. as it were.. to

I don't know... he uses it and it is a mystery how or why or what his purpose is... if you can't handle mysteries, I guess you can't handle God
God is good.

he allows evil and that doesn't seem too good, but He himself is... he just uses the evil man gives Him.. as it were.. to

I don't know... he uses it and it is a mystery how or why or what his purpose is... if you can't handle mysteries, I guess you can't handle God
No, he is not good. He has killed billions. Even infants.
He even admits he creates evil in Isaiah. Or calamity. Or disaster. Depends on which BS version you read.
No, he is not good. He has killed billions. Even infants.
He even admits he creates evil in Isaiah. Or calamity. Or disaster. Depends on which BS version you read.

Douay-Rheims Bible
But he that is the wise one hath brought evil, and hath not removed his words: and he will rise up against the house of the wicked, and against the aid of them that work iniquity.

It is different in other version but the DR is the most reliable one

I think what is meant is that God does things or allows things that humans do NOT like

But his perfect justice requires ... doing whatever.. We can't understand Him
How could you understand such inconsistency?
I used to hate that i couldn't u/stand God

but today, I think it is very cool we humans cannot u/stand Him... because that means He is


I hear He is all powerful, all knowing... That is just very cool...

I mean, think about it... someone who knows everything... That means he knows how to fix us messed up humans... if we let him
I used to hate that i couldn't u/stand God

but today, I think it is very cool we humans cannot u/stand Him... because that means He is


I hear He is all powerful, all knowing... That is just very cool...

I mean, think about it... someone who knows everything... That means he knows how to fix us messed up humans... if we let him
In this thread, there was some discussion about him being all knowing. I pretty much shattered that. So there is a trigger warning lolz
In this thread, there was some discussion about him being all knowing. I pretty much shattered that. So there is a trigger warning lolz
Come on... saying God doesn't know everything sounds so absurd
Just read it.
why? Is it some rambling tirade like that guy in Religion had about how he used to be Catholic but then he woke up one day and discovered the RCC was from Satan or some such thing... and now he is enlightened and knows all things blah blah blah?

Bc if it is remotely like that...

why? Is it some rambling tirade like that guy in Religion had about how he used to be Catholic but then he woke up one day and discovered the RCC was from Satan or some such thing... and now he is enlightened and knows all things blah blah blah?

Bc if it is remotely like that...

Then dont enlighten yourself to logic.
BTW, even a catholic was saying he wasnt all knowing ;)
Then dont enlighten yourself to logic.
BTW, even a catholic was saying he wasnt all knowing ;)
who cares?

I learned a long time ago that humans are all a bunch of selfish lying so and sos..

Why do I care what they think? (if you can call it that)

---not all humans, though. I've met some really special ones.. :)
While I agree man is not inherently good, neither is "god" so who gives a fuck what his book has to say?
So, the book reveals a truth that you agree with yet you don't care about the book?

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