Information and comments on Trump's Vice President picks

Trump brought beauty into the White House with Melania and then Joe brought Dr Nursemaid.
I believe the orange bag O' shit brought petty, incompetent and tacky to the WH. If this empty populist is the epitome of what Boomers believe is the perfect candidate, we're already in deep shit as a society. :rolleyes:
I believe the orange bag O' shit brought petty, incompetent and tacky to the WH. If this empty populist is the epitome of what Boomers believe is the perfect candidate, we're already in deep shit as a society. :rolleyes:
See soon as “orange” shows up we know we are seeing another child who can’t articulate
I believe the orange bag O' shit brought petty, incompetent and tacky to the WH. If this empty populist is the epitome of what Boomers believe is the perfect candidate, we're already in deep shit as a society. :rolleyes:
I think people who use the Sh word in every other sentence

are tacky
Why not? I realize he is needed in Florida, and he would prefer to lead as opposed to hold the powerless VP position, but his Conservative record is proven in Florida, and he'd be fit to take over for eight more years.

I also expect that Trump buried the hatchet as soon as DeSantis dropped out and endorsed him. Trump did similar with Cruz and Rubio.

Speaking of Rubio, he showed people how it's done the other day....


This is cool... Rubio gets ticked at this irritating "reporter" who is so biased, she just keeps hammering away about Hitlery "accepting" the 2016 election, which she did NOT

she had a whole book tour on how unfair it was and said Trump was an illegitimate president

some concession, eh?

Noem She is till higher on the List than Tim Scott
Well, I think Mr Scott would be loyal, I'll say that for him. I like him for other reasons also, but

frankly, I think Greg Abbott is VERY under-appreciated!

He saved the entire nation from probably millions of illegals. He defied this lame "administration" that lets any old yahoo into our country...

thieves, rapists, murderers

Abbott said NO WAY

It literally can't be.
President and VP can't be from the same state.
Listen up dumbass! Read your Constitution. The rules say that the voters in the Electoral College cannot vote for President and Vice President from the same state. That doesn't mean they cannot be elected. It just means that if Trump has a fellow Floridian as VP, the electors can vote for him as President, but will have to vote for someone else for VP. In a very tight election, under bizarre circumstances, Trump could be President and Kamala Harris could be his VP. I taught this shit for too many years to be wrong.
I think we're talking about the land near Grand Forks ND, and the sale was halted. I wouldn't have a problem with Burgman ... if he was at the top of the ticket (-:

He really is a self made billionaire.

Not his name. Educate yourself!
a person's policy preferences are what matter, not what comments he/she makes when irritated or what have you. This is how people trash Trump... by focusing on minutiae and how he says something instead of WHAT he does
MTG led a push to remove Johnson as Speaker. That is being a traitor to her party and her cat fight in the House with Crockett and AOC was embarrassing to the political world. She is simply not aware of the consequences of her actions.
Trump needs a VP that ensures Constitutionality, not a radical that would go along with his crazy shit.

I like Nikki Haley for VP. She came in 2nd in the primaries, She would NOT take ANY shit from Trump.

Nikki Would ensure 8-more years of Republican control in DC after Trump.
Trump can't pick another insider, IMO.

How about Vivek instead?
So, you are a lesser of two evils voter. or have you changed your evil ways? :abgg2q.jpg:
Its ALWAYS a choice of the lesser of two evils.

1. Trump wants to cut taxes and destroy the dollar. (they never cut spending)

2. Biden wants to tax and spend us into bankruptcy.

3. Medicare and SS are going bankrupt, the interest on the $35T Debt is approaching $1T a year, a balanced budget looks unattainable without sending Welfare and Education back to the states.
Its ALWAYS a choice of the lesser of two evils.

1. Trump wants to cut taxes and destroy the dollar. (they never cut spending)

2. Biden wants to tax and spend us into bankruptcy.

3. Medicare and SS are going bankrupt, the interest on the $35T Debt is approaching $1T a year, a balanced budget looks unattainable without sending Welfare and Education back to the states.
That just shows how truly ignorant you are! The states support education to approximately the 90% level, and your average students gets 0 federal dollars towards their education before college. To be fair, you are typical when it comes to being ignorant about that fact.

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