Zoom Call Leaked. More Lies


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Yeah, I think we all have known this all along. Sad thing is that the powers that be
are in on it. Nothing will happen, and nothing will change.

At this point I think it's important for the electorate to just become aware of representatives who are actually opposing this kind of stuff in a meaningful way rather than just providing lip service to get reelected/elected.
Here is what doctor asked his colleagues.
A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.

This is a CONSPIRACY when doctors lie to people because the government wants them to. Honor is gone and it is somehow acceptable.
Here is what doctor asked his colleagues.
A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.

This is a CONSPIRACY when doctors lie to people because the government wants them to. Honor is gone and it is somehow acceptable.
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You can watch the video here: Leaked Zoom Video Reveals True Terror: Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics - The True Defender !

The doctor is saying that the numbers they report on their dashboard for Covid cases does not include ALL the patients who have Covid. The patients who are still in the hospital recovering from Covid are not included in the dashboard numbers.

The number of actual Covid cases in the hospital is therefore being under-reported.

As caregivers, they want to make the public aware that Covid is more serious than the current numbers are suggesting.

That's it. The propaganda sites have created a fake scandal.
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Yeah, I think we all have known this all along. Sad thing is that the powers that be
are in on it. Nothing will happen, and nothing will change.

That's why we have a duty as Americans to resist, disobey, or ignore any Covid-related orders, mandates, or decrees that are issued by this illegitimate pseudoscientific regime.
So you know.
A little extreme for 67 deaths.
So you know.
This smells like there’s some really shoddy logic going on here.
So you know.
New Zealand had one of the strictest shutdowns in the world. Anyone and everyone who entered New Zealand had to isolate for two weeks.

As a result, they have the incredibly low death rate from Covid of 5 per 1,000,000.
New Zealand had one of the strictest shutdowns in the world. Anyone and everyone who entered New Zealand had to isolate for two weeks.

As a result, they have the incredibly low death rate from Covid of 5 per 1,000,000.
Not to mention only one of the reported deaths was deemed related to the vaccine. 19 of the 40 were not. The rest are undetermined.

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