Winning the Senate is HUGE

Let's see if we have this right..Trumpers support him BECAUSE of this issue...more than almost anything.

Does that tell you folks something?
It certainly does. It tells me that they are tired of activist judges overturning the express will of the people.
Yes, these are the people who will do everything they can to make sure the constitution will never apply equally to everyone and lightly slap the plutocrats on the wrist no matter what they do. It sounds bad but it's pretty much the current status quo.

And you did a careful analysis of each judge's ruling record, or was it more along the lines of, "Orange man bad, all he do is bad", and you're just sure that's what they're going to do?
They are conservative judges, it's what conservative judges are appointed for.

So you want "liberal" judges?
Trump Has Confirmed 150 Lifetime Federal Judges. That's A Lot. | HuffPost

Trump and Moscow Mitch have been slamming through corporatist, right wing and often incompetent LIFETIME judges at a furious pace and will continue if we don't turn the Senate Dem in 2020.

If this keeps up we won't recognize this country in a very short time

Just wait until Trump replaces RBG and Sotomayor.

I can foresee Democrats lining up for Kool-Aid like they did in Jonestown, when that happens.
If this keeps up we won't recognize this country in a very short time

It will be quite recognizable...

600 more to go.
Kiss abortion rights goodbye.

Kiss healthcare goodbye

Neither abortion nor health care are "rights." Please point out the section of the U.S. Constitution where it says you have the "right" to either.

Nor is a free education, a guaranteed wage, free internet, or free unicorns spewing cotton candy out of their butts, for that matter.
Funny, Obama used to confirm Federal Judges but Trump confirms "lifetime" Federal Judges.
The fiction of non-partisan judges and Justices.

The four Democratic appointees vote as a block in the vast majority of controversial cases. And in these cases, at least four of the five Republican appointees typically line up on the other side.

The same pattern applies at lower levels of the federal judiciary. Leftist lawyers invariably want to bring their cases before Democratic appointees on the West Coast?

Judges, and Justices in particular, want to believe they and their institution are special. Naturally, they chafe at the notion that they are just politicians in robes. There’s nothing special about that status.

Judges and Justices also want their decisions to be respected. If they are little more than politicians, there’s no reason to respect what they say.
For theoretical purpose only, I see capturing the House during a presidential election year as a comforting proposition for either party. The new congress counts the votes from the electoral college and determines who'll be president if no candidate gets a minimum of 270.
Trump Has Confirmed 150 Lifetime Federal Judges. That's A Lot. | HuffPost

Trump and Moscow Mitch have been slamming through corporatist, right wing and often incompetent LIFETIME judges at a furious pace and will continue if we don't turn the Senate Dem in 2020.

If this keeps up we won't recognize this country in a very short time

The thing is... if you have a divisive primary, a lot of Democrat voters will stay home on election day.

In a Presidential election, people come out to vote their choice of President. Voting for members of Congress is an afterthought.

Without partisan Democrat voters, there is no chance of changing the color of the Senate.

Independent voters will vote for the name with which they are most familiar.
For theoretical purpose only, I see capturing the House during a presidential election year as a comforting proposition for either party. The new congress counts the votes from the electoral college and determines who'll be president if no candidate gets a minimum of 270.
While the House is is the Senate that confirms judges for lifetime appointments.

There is no DOUBT that both healthcare and abortion are at risk if the GOP keeps the Senate...along with workers rights generally

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