Winning the Senate is HUGE

600 more to go.
Kiss abortion rights goodbye.

Kiss healthcare goodbye
Uhhh, we'll still have heathcare and abortion.

HOMOPHOBIA, STRAIGHT UP: Trump tries (again) to confirm gay federal appeals judge.

Trump initially nominated Bumatay for a seat on the Ninth Circuit last year, but was thwarted by objections from the nominee’s home state senators. Both Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Whorizontal Harris recommended other judicial picks for the Ninth Circuit, but Trump ended up ignoring them and choosing his own, including Bumatay.​

The standoff ended with Trump rescinding Bumatay’s nomination for the Ninth Circuit and nominating him instead to become a trial judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.​

But things changed after the retirement of U.S. Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who left the bench amid allegations of sexual misconduct and abusive employment practices.​

Speculation emerged Trump would once against nominate Bumatay to the Ninth Circuit — this time to replace Kozinski.​

Whorizontal Harris in a statement made clear she continues to hold the same opposition to Bumatay’s nomination she held the first time around.​

You’d think this would be a bigger story, if it weren’t for the part where it disrupts the Left’s narrative.
Yes, these are the people who will do everything they can to make sure the constitution will never apply equally to everyone and lightly slap the plutocrats on the wrist no matter what they do. It sounds bad but it's pretty much the current status quo.

And you did a careful analysis of each judge's ruling record, or was it more along the lines of, "Orange man bad, all he do is bad", and you're just sure that's what they're going to do?
They are conservative judges, it's what conservative judges are appointed for.
Yep..! They follow the law and do not legislate from the bench like liberals do...
Yes, these are the people who will do everything they can to make sure the constitution will never apply equally to everyone and lightly slap the plutocrats on the wrist no matter what they do. It sounds bad but it's pretty much the current status quo.

And you did a careful analysis of each judge's ruling record, or was it more along the lines of, "Orange man bad, all he do is bad", and you're just sure that's what they're going to do?
They are conservative judges, it's what conservative judges are appointed for.
Yep..! They follow the law and do not legislate from the bench like liberals do...
Do LIbs that want activist judges figure that we should also appoint Conservative activist judges are they OK with us continuing to appoint judges that simply follow the Constitution and the Law?
Trump Has Confirmed 150 Lifetime Federal Judges. That's A Lot. | HuffPost

Trump and Moscow Mitch have been slamming through corporatist, right wing and often incompetent LIFETIME judges at a furious pace and will continue if we don't turn the Senate Dem in 2020.

If this keeps up we won't recognize this country in a very short time

Must be an old article, it's closer to 180, deal with it commie. I don't give clicks to commie hate sites.

152 as of 9/19/19
Trumper/right wingers are BRAGGING about how they are reshaping the courts for a generation.

If the GOP holds the Senate...there will be no going back
If the GOP holds the Senate...there will be no going back

Going back to what ? Activist judges rampantly legislating from the bench?

No thanks, I'd rather take my chances letting Emperor Donny and his merry band of douche bags appoint the federal judges, they can't do any worse than what we've had for quite a while and just maybe they'll help make the court system a little less about political correctness and more about justice for a change.

"The Court must be living in another world. Day by day, case by case, it is busy designing a Constitution for a country I do not recognize." -- Antonin Scalia
Yes, these are the people who will do everything they can to make sure the constitution will never apply equally to everyone and lightly slap the plutocrats on the wrist no matter what they do. It sounds bad but it's pretty much the current status quo.

Male bovine excrement!

These 150 judges, plus a lot more in the pipeline, are being selected for the adherancet o the US Constitution. They are not the types to try to enact laws from the bench.
Trump Has Confirmed 150 Lifetime Federal Judges. That's A Lot. | HuffPost

Trump and Moscow Mitch have been slamming through corporatist, right wing and often incompetent LIFETIME judges at a furious pace and will continue if we don't turn the Senate Dem in 2020.

If this keeps up we won't recognize this country in a very short time

Must be an old article, it's closer to 180, deal with it commie. I don't give clicks to commie hate sites.

152 as of 9/19/19

152 Article 3 Courts confirmed
12 Article 1 Courts confirmed
37 Pending Senate action on Article 3 Courts
8 Pending Senate action on Article 1 Courts
1 Pending Senate action on Article 4 Courts

The 45 pending Senate action will likely be confirmed before the end of the year.

There are currently 4 vacancies on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, 91 vacancies on the U.S. District Courts, so there are many more to be nominated and confirmed. Remember what Mitch said, no vacancy left behind.

List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Trumper/right wingers are BRAGGING about how they are reshaping the courts for a generation.

If the GOP holds the Senate...there will be no going back
Are you suggesting that we should be appointing Constitutional Activists Judges? Or are you OK with us appointing judges that simply follow the law and the constitution and leave law making to the elected Congressional branch?
Trumper/right wingers are BRAGGING about how they are reshaping the courts for a generation.

If the GOP holds the Senate...there will be no going back
Are you suggesting that we should be appointing Constitutional Activists Judges? Or are you OK with us appointing judges that simply follow the law and the constitution and leave law making to the elected Congressional branch?
You can bet that I am!!!
Trumper/right wingers are BRAGGING about how they are reshaping the courts for a generation.

If the GOP holds the Senate...there will be no going back
Are you suggesting that we should be appointing Constitutional Activists Judges? Or are you OK with us appointing judges that simply follow the law and the constitution and leave law making to the elected Congressional branch?
You can bet that I am!!!
The idea that conservative judges and Justices ane anything BUT activists is a total myth
Trumper/right wingers are BRAGGING about how they are reshaping the courts for a generation.

If the GOP holds the Senate...there will be no going back
Are you suggesting that we should be appointing Constitutional Activists Judges? Or are you OK with us appointing judges that simply follow the law and the constitution and leave law making to the elected Congressional branch?
You can bet that I am!!!
The idea that conservative judges and Justices ane anything BUT activists is a total myth

If you call ruling WITH the constitution as activist, you're absolutely right.
Trump Has Confirmed 150 Lifetime Federal Judges. That's A Lot. | HuffPost

Trump and Moscow Mitch have been slamming through corporatist, right wing and often incompetent LIFETIME judges at a furious pace and will continue if we don't turn the Senate Dem in 2020.

If this keeps up we won't recognize this country in a very short time

You do have a point there. If the R's lose the Senate next year, President Trump will be stymied as far as any more appointments for the judiciary or anything else.

It will put the brakes on Trump's ideas of cleaning up the judicial swamp.

Although it will give the President a lot more time to issue executive orders, so there is some good that might come out of it.

Any appointments that Trump will be making will be temporary. Cabinet level and other job, people will be appointed on the basis of how they will look at a hearing- not whether or not they even want the job (which they won't be getting anyhow)
HuffPo. Can you show where any of his judges are "incompetent"?

Go and read the confirmation hearings records. Some of these appointees have never tried a case, don't go to court, they just happen to have a law license, and they're a right winger. There have been dozens of appointees so bad even Republicans won't vote for them.
Trumper/right wingers are BRAGGING about how they are reshaping the courts for a generation.

If the GOP holds the Senate...there will be no going back
Are you suggesting that we should be appointing Constitutional Activists Judges? Or are you OK with us appointing judges that simply follow the law and the constitution and leave law making to the elected Congressional branch?
You can bet that I am!!!
The idea that conservative judges and Justices ane anything BUT activists is a total myth

If you call ruling WITH the constitution as activist, you're absolutely right.

The Supreme Court ruled that corporations had election rights and could fund PACS which is hardly Constitutional. Corporations should have no rights in election law. They're not voters, and they have no interests at all. Only voters should be allowed to donate or participate in elections.

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