Why Romney is the Worst Threat to Our Democracy since Nixon


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Romney is entangled with a web of corporate cronies so vast and networked in with Wall Street that he has access to almost unlimited money (his friends are the guys that print our money, lol).

He also has absolutely no sympathy what so ever about a single person on Main Street as his 15 years at the helm of Bain Capital demonstrates so clearly that only willful ignorance can escape recognizing that fact.

But those are mere factoids typical of so many Rockefeller Republicans over the last century and a half that it is almost trivial, and were this country not in so much economic pain at this time I wouldnt even bother bringing it up. But many of us are in such pain and desperate to end it, and so I mention this as just one more glaring gaping hole in Romneys armor that the Democrats will tear through like tissue paper if he gets the nomination.

What really reveals the moral bankruptcy of Romney and hints at the unimaginable depredation that he can inflict on this country is how ruthless and fraudulent he has been in attacking his opponents so far and what this implies might happen once he gets into office.

Romney buys overwhelming amounts of advertising to spread lies and smear his opponents in ways we havent seen since 1972. He not only does this with almost unlimited resources but he shows not one shred of respect for the dignity and reputations of those he has destroyed. Bachman, Perry, Cain, Gingrich and he started on Santorum befor Gingrich drew his fire again. Every leading competitor has endured his attacks via surrogates he lies about and pretends that he has no influence on. Does anyone really believe any of that? Romney has an extensive track record of making the most cynical swings in his political 'beliefs' that are plainly nothing more than posturing for the sake of getting elected, and he has repeatedly lied to the public about his conversion to being pro-life, his hunting activities, his gun ownership and his stance on gay marriage. It is plain that the man will say or do ANYTHING to get elected.

What would happen if Romney had access to the most powerful executive office the world has ever seen? Today our President can designate someone a terrorist or a supporter of terrorists and have them taken into military confinement without being charged, without access to legal advice and even have them killed with no due process whatsoever. It is dreadful that we have fallen to this point that we can have the worst dictator in charge of this country than it has ever seen, and the only saving grace we have is that up to now no one has had the complete lack of integrity and moral bounds it would require to use these powers in a truly tyranical way. Not W, not Obama nor any of the other candidates still in the race have the same lack of moral inhibition combined with unfettered ambition, global scale ego as Romney seems to display and the practically infinite resources of Romneys crony network. And these men do not spend their money without expecting manifold returns on their investments, and they have no sense of humor should their paid-for whores rebell against them.

Fascism, IMO, has three primary components that seperate it from Fabian Socialism and typical Crony Capitalism.

1) is the complete fusion of major corporate interests with the interests of the state. If you want to play in the fascist political games you have to buy your way in and join the rest of them at the hip. And nobody ever leaves those games vertically once they are in.

2) Fascism's hyper-corporate cronyism causes fatal flaws in the overall economy which steadily degrades, so the people in charge inevitably engage in foreign wars to distract the populace from the eroding economy and to pillage more resources from over seas to feed into their ever-growing patronage network that maintains their power. And so fascists are militarists at the same visceral level as Attila the Hun, Ghenghis Khan or Tamerlane and are proud of it.

3) As a buttress to their power, the central state becomes the focus of all political ends. No personal liberty, local autonomy or respect for human dignity will hinder them from grasping power and keeping it. Nationalism is used not to just merely unite the various local communities but to justify the arrogant tyrany that the fascist inevitably brings into play as the central state takes on a waxing bunker mentality that eventually views the majority of the population as weak, treacherous and undeserving of what little has been left to them by the state.

I am engaging in no hyperbole or mindless partisanship when I very seriously assert that Romney has the core principles of a neo-fascist American style. If he gets elected, we may not have another chance to elect a different President for decades.

I would much prefer the Chicago Mob rule of the three big families of Illionois (Daleys, Hines and Madigans) through their surrogate Obama, than to risk the end of our Republic by putting a ruthless egomaniacal liar and plundering neo-fascist like Romney into the White House.
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The rights power structure wants to hand this country to the corporations.
The rights power structure wants to hand this country to the corporations.

Not all of the right. Most want to preserve the Republic in functional terms as well as name, but many are exactly as you describe.

Fortunately for us, most of the latter have been devided against each other till now. Romney seems to have fused all the neo-fascists in the GOP behind him.

Romney is truly unbounded in ambition and morally void.

For Goodness sakes, he says he believes God lives on the planet Kolob; how can anyone seriously believe that crap? It is not even monotheistic, but pure pagan polytheism.

He believes that one day he WILL BECOME A GOD. This is all right out of Mormon theology that most Mormons are unfamiliar with, thank God.
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