Check out the line to get into Trump's rally in the Bronx!

LOL yeah you've been losing. You just can't mentally handle you're a loser. Your premise is that elections have been stolen by dems for a very long time. If that were the case, why hasnt anyone done anything about it? Or are we just that much smarter than you that we can keep stealing election after election, year after year from you? You obviously havent thought your fucked up conspiracy through very well.

No, I often wondered how it was that the margin of victory for radical dems was always just enough to win, but never enough to require an automatic recount.

Over, and over and over again.

Now we know.
No, it proves he doesn't have any
Yes Biden doesnt have wacked out fanatics. You're of a lower level. Normal people arent going to stand outside for hours to listen to some 77 year old early onset alzheimers patient talk about putting on their pants and getting rid of vaccine mandates at elementary schools.
No, I often wondered how it was that the margin of victory for radical dems was always just enough to win, but never enough to require an automatic recount.

Over, and over and over again.

Now we know.
Yeah everyone is out to get you, you fucking freak. Get some mental help before it's too late.
Yes Biden doesnt have wacked out fanatics. You're of a lower level. Normal people arent going to stand outside for hours to listen to some 77 year old early onset alzheimers patient talk about putting on their pants and getting rid of vaccine mandates at elementary schools.

The Bronx is MAGA country, bitch!
This is why you guys keep losing elections and then afterward just can't seem to figure out how it happened.
You keep yourself disconnected from actual facts.
Dem please you and idiot Biden are going to get wiped out this November. Then when you are all crying we'll laugh and kick dirt in your faces.
What new York needs even more than a trump win is a Republican governor and representative. That is critical to new York regaining it's glory. Same thing with California.

But any of those is an uphill battle. Democrats use new York and California as a liberal stronghold. They will die giving it up.
NY is corrupt to it's core, that includes both the Dems and Reps. I doubt anyone can save that corrupt mess 200+ years in the making.
Dem please you and idiot Biden are going to get wiped out this November. Then when you are all crying we'll laugh and kick dirt in your faces.
I won't be crying at all if that happens. I will simply accept the will of the voters.
You MAGAt snowflakes on the other hand, if it goes the other way....will have a complete meldown.
Hell, you're still crying about the LAST two elections.
And yep, we're STILL kicking sand in your faces.
That's because you ask for it everytime you start whining that you didn't really lose in 2020 and 2022.
Each time you do we just bury you in sand with the simple FACTS like the worthless little cat turds that you are.
Yes Biden doesnt have wacked out fanatics. You're of a lower level. Normal people arent going to stand outside for hours to listen to some 77 year old early onset alzheimers patient talk about putting on their pants and getting rid of vaccine mandates at elementary schools.
No, it is plain to see that his only supporters are weak minded sycophants.

Like you.
I won't be crying at all if that happens. I will simply accept the will of the voters.
You MAGAt snowflakes on the other hand, if it goes the other way....will have a complete meldown.
Hell, you're still crying about the LAST two elections.
And yep, we're STILL kicking sand in your faces.
That's because you ask for it everytime you start whining that you didn't really lose in 2020 and 2022.
Each time you do we just bury you in sand with the simple FACTS like the worthless little cat turds that you are.
Democrats will be destroyed and erased from the nation's history books. :itsok:

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