I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris

Harris is more than quaified to be president. She was AG of Callifornia for two terms. This means she ran the secnd largest DOJ in this country.. The only one larger is the United States DOJ. So I think she is very capable and again, we need to stop believing the propaganda. The meda is not controlled by liberals.
she was kind of half assed as the AG of california....
You run your mouth with the right wing talking points but the last 2 Republican presidents fucked up the entire countries economic situation. I live n Kansas, and I have seen what a Republican government has done to a state. We're still trying to fix the mess he made.
i lived in California for 50 years and i have seen how a way too democratic government can fuck up a state too....thats why both parties should go to hell....
I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris. I am serious as the polling fucking sucks for Biden as the American people see him as too old and he doesn't get the base fired up like Trump gets his. We need younger blood or we're going to fucking lose. The polling is showing Trump pulling away in nearly every metric and Biden has the worse approving rating in recent presidential history. I honestly don't understand it, but have to admit to the realities on the ground. Harris would give us a chance as she is young, would bring out the base as she is a progressive and that would give us the upper hand over the old Trump.

Wake up Biden

They passed her up once already (when the real Joe Biden passed) the only way they can pass her up again if they find another black female with an actual vagina (eliminating Michelle) to be President. Gavin is not black
I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris. I am serious as the polling fucking sucks for Biden as the American people see him as too old and he doesn't get the base fired up like Trump gets his. We need younger blood or we're going to fucking lose. The polling is showing Trump pulling away in nearly every metric and Biden has the worse approving rating in recent presidential history. I honestly don't understand it, but have to admit to the realities on the ground. Harris would give us a chance as she is young, would bring out the base as she is a progressive and that would give us the upper hand over the old Trump.

Wake up Biden
I agree.
Harris is more than quaified to be president. She was AG of Callifornia for two terms. This means she ran the secnd largest DOJ in this country.. The only one larger is the United States DOJ. So I think she is very capable and again, we need to stop believing the propaganda. The meda is not controlled by liberals.
She locked up more blacks than Trump ever did

They passed her up once already (when the real Joe Biden passed) the only way they can pass her up again if they find another black female with an actual vagina (eliminating Michelle) to be President. Gavin is not black
How did you allow yourself to be duped into thinking Michelle Obama isnt a woman? Your kind is truly sick in the head.
I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris. I am serious as the polling fucking sucks for Biden as the American people see him as too old and he doesn't get the base fired up like Trump gets his. We need younger blood or we're going to fucking lose. The polling is showing Trump pulling away in nearly every metric and Biden has the worse approving rating in recent presidential history. I honestly don't understand it, but have to admit to the realities on the ground. Harris would give us a chance as she is young, would bring out the base as she is a progressive and that would give us the upper hand over the old Trump.

Wake up Biden
tRump's base is too small for him to win.
She doesn't want to run. What I wonder is why have Republicans chosen to follow Trump to such an extent?
I don't know, maybe because he isn't considered to be the establishment's bet? At least, Trump looks more suited for that post than Biden is.

When Biden run for the office the first time I had a feeling that the Dems understood that he should be a one-term president.
I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris. I am serious as the polling sucks for Biden as the American people see him as too old and he doesn't get the base fired up like Trump gets his. We need younger blood or we're going to fucking lose. The polling is showing Trump pulling away in nearly every metric and Biden has the worse approving rating in recent presidential history. I honestly don't understand it, but have to admit to the realities on the ground. Harris would give us a chance as she is young, would bring out the base as she is a progressive and that would give us the upper hand over the old Trump.

Wake up Biden

Oh, sheesh. Even many Democrats have come to realize that Kamala Harris is an empty skirt, a hollow dress, a hack, an unprincipled power seeker. Even some liberal news outlets have acknowledged that she's been a flop as Vice President, that she's a terrible person to work for, and that most other Democrats in the White House view her as shallow and incompetent.

But, yes, by all means, dump Biden and make her your nominee. Please.
I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris. I am serious as the polling fucking sucks for Biden as the American people see him as too old and he doesn't get the base fired up like Trump gets his. We need younger blood or we're going to fucking lose. The polling is showing Trump pulling away in nearly every metric and Biden has the worse approving rating in recent presidential history. I honestly don't understand it, but have to admit to the realities on the ground. Harris would give us a chance as she is young, would bring out the base as she is a progressive and that would give us the upper hand over the old Trump.

Wake up Biden
Harris is a next level moron perfect choice for mouth breathing lefty loons.
I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris. I am serious as the polling fucking sucks for Biden as the American people see him as too old and he doesn't get the base fired up like Trump gets his. We need younger blood or we're going to fucking lose. The polling is showing Trump pulling away in nearly every metric and Biden has the worse approving rating in recent presidential history. I honestly don't understand it, but have to admit to the realities on the ground. Harris would give us a chance as she is young, would bring out the base as she is a progressive and that would give us the upper hand over the old Trump.

Wake up Biden
LOL. The left is in a quagmire of its own making.
Shitty attempt at a dodge. I never voted for Trump and don't like the man. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist, the moron spent his honeymoon in Soviet Russia.
I've got a friend that travels to different places each year. This year one of his trips was to Cuba. Does that make him a communist?
I think Biden should drop out and endorse vp Harris. I am serious as the polling fucking sucks for Biden as the American people see him as too old and he doesn't get the base fired up like Trump gets his. We need younger blood or we're going to fucking lose. The polling is showing Trump pulling away in nearly every metric and Biden has the worse approving rating in recent presidential history. I honestly don't understand it, but have to admit to the realities on the ground. Harris would give us a chance as she is young, would bring out the base as she is a progressive and that would give us the upper hand over the old Trump.

Wake up Biden

And she would lose...badly.

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