Why Obama Won..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Eh, just my Opinion

1) Too many Americans afraid of losing or reduced government benefits..

2) Obama's use of stimulus funds to pay off special interests and set up a terrific ground game..

3) Voters choosing personal interests over patriotic national interests.

4) Democrats are just "Stupid Heads"....:lol:.....eh, just kidding
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6) Romney picked the guy throwing mom off the cliff and ending SS & Medicare
7) Romney couldn't put up a coherent plan that makes any sense, i.e. bad arithmetic
8) Romney is what he is, an out-of-touch rich guy, who would protect the wealthy
9) If Romney picked Rubio, he might have won.
10) The GOP needs to drop all preferences for pro-life. If the Catholic Bishops can't speak-up and sway Hispanics, the issue is settled.
Eh, just my Opinion

1) Too many Americans afraid of losing or reduced government benefits..

2) Obama's use of stimulus funds to pay off special interests and set up ground game..

3) Voters choosing personal interest over patriotic national interest.

4) Democrats are just "Stupid Heads"....:lol:

5) Republicans alienating anybody and everybody.

That had more to do with the Obama/liberal media misinformation machine than the actual reality..It's a tough brainwashing to overcome..Hell, you still actually believe it..lol

Sadly, because of Democrat government dependency policies, too many Americans have to swallow their pride and they fear loosing/reduced government benefits. It's a sad position to be caught in but I can understand their choice.
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Eh, just my Opinion

1) Too many Americans afraid of losing or reduced government benefits..

2) Obama's use of stimulus funds to pay off special interests and set up ground game..

3) Voters choosing personal interest over patriotic national interest.

4) Democrats are just "Stupid Heads"....:lol:


At least conservatives like the OP are being consistent by lying as much after the election as before; let’s give them credit for that.
Eh, just my Opinion

1) Too many Americans afraid of losing or reduced government benefits..

2) Obama's use of stimulus funds to pay off special interests and set up ground game..

3) Voters choosing personal interest over patriotic national interest.

4) Democrats are just "Stupid Heads"....:lol:


The half-wit skank offers nothing as usual...:lol:
He was successful in demonizing Gov. Romney. In other words he won but he won ugly. Hooray for ugly
Eh, just my Opinion

1) Too many Americans afraid of losing or reduced government benefits..

2) Obama's use of stimulus funds to pay off special interests and set up ground game..

3) Voters choosing personal interest over patriotic national interest.

4) Democrats are just "Stupid Heads"....:lol:

REpublicans alienated working folks, women, gays, minorities, anyone with a sense of decency.

And Americans are just smart enough to see Romney was offering the same nonsense Bush did that got us into this mess.
I can go on for a while about why I would never vote Democrat. That was never going to happen.

But the GOP suffers from the following:

Anti-gay rhetoric.

Anti-Muslim rhetoric.

Anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Coddling birthers.

Believing constantly attacking the other guy is a plan for growth and prosperity.

Believing constantly attacking the other guys is a plan for entitlement reform.

Believing Wall Street can do no wrong.

Making up lies and conspiracies at such a pace it is become positively breathtaking.

Refusing to take out the trash that has infected the party. The other day, several so-called conservatives could not even bring themselves to condemn a Tea Partier who has been caught having violated their most sacred principles. This encapsulates the utter ejection of all conservative principles from the party in favor of winning and power. Lip service to principles is worse than having no principles at all.

And that is why I stopped voting Republican six years ago.

The Democrats were not going to get my vote. No chance.

The Republicans ensured I would stay home.

And I have said this all year long. This would be why they were going to lose. They have let the hypocrites, liars, and maniacs take over.

That is why Obama won. Not because Obama is good for America, but because the GOP is rancid.

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