Poll: Americans are siding with Texas without even knowing about Biden’s war on Texas’s natural gas.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Poll: Americans are siding with Texas without even knowing about Biden’s war on Texas’s natural gas.

29 Jan 2024 ~~ Bu Andrea Widberg

Rasmussen Reports asked Americans if they feel that there is a civil war taking place in America…and a majority of those polled said “yes.” The context, of course, was the looming battle over our Southern border. Americans are right, of course, but with Biden’s Liquified Natural Gas (“LNG”) edict, things are even worse than they know.
I don’t have access to Rasmussen Reports, which conducted the poll, but the Washington Examiner sums up its findings:
…69% of likely 2024 voters said that they support the border wall and razor-wire fence that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has ordered. Among those, a majority, 51%, said they “strongly” back Texas in its fight to stop illegal immigration and the surge of “gotaways” getting past federal border agents.
A majority of voters told Rasmussen Reports that Biden is stoking the fires of civil war.
Asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement about the border dispute between Texas and the federal government: ‘The feds are staging a civil war, and Texas should stand their ground?'” 55% said they agreed, while 36% said they didn’t.
Over three-fourths of Republicans agreed that Biden’s threat is hurtling the country to civil war. Democrats were less sure, though 39% agreed.
Americans are right to be concerned. To date, the government has officially allowed in 6 million asylum seekers, and we have no idea how many tens of millions of people have circumvented the official process and vanished into America’s heartland. We also have no idea how many of the “gotaways” are coming here with nefarious goals.
When the Holocaust happened, it was apparent that the Nazi government had as its official policy the destruction of German, and then European, Jewry. Behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, anyone who opposed the tyrannical communist regime was likely to find himself in a gulag or dead. These were objective events. Moreover, the people fleeing these events were sure to be well-inclined to support America and her values.
However, leftists have dumbed down persecution to the point at which it simply means, “I want a better life in rich America.” This is not a standard at all. It’s simply a way to replace the population.
All of this means that the people viewing what’s happening as a civil war are right. Currently, the federal government is violating properly passed immigration laws. Multiple American states, led by Texas, are trying to reinstate the practical effect of those same laws. The federal government has responded by trying to destroy Texas’s LNG industry, a major part of its economy.
And that move against LNG is a whole other story that’s just as important as the war on the border itself.
In other words, even as he (or the brains behind him) is creating a crisis at the border, Biden is using that crisis to leverage the Obama policy regarding controlling LNG in a way that benefits China and other global players. (For now, Ukraine is no longer a player.)
Americans may not know about the behind-the-scenes LNG issue, but the Rasmussen poll shows that they understand that something is rotten at the border, that’s what happening is terribly bad for American interests, and that these issues go to the very heart of American politics where terrible civil breakdowns can occur.
Biden has no wisdom, while Obama is driven by arrogance. These two men, one the front guy and the other the handler, are at the wheel of the car that is the American government, and the path they are steering is on a collision course with a terrible, destructive destiny. We can only hope that other institutions in the American government—Congress? The Supreme Court?—will step in and step up to stop this peddle-to-the-metal destruction from within the heart of the American government.

The greed of politicians is beyond astounding. LNG is a valuable asset relegated to private industry. The federal parasites need to be extracted from all aspects of industry.
Biden set out to destroy America from the get go.
He's done so every day and ebery month since he's been in office.
Meanwhile, his useful dolts nod their heads in agreement with every dangerous movement to destroy the economy, infra-structure and entrepreneurship.

The largest LNG operations happen to be in Texas and it is impossible to see this as anything but a means to punish Abbott’s closing of the border. It will do nothing to ease chimerical “climate change.” Natural gas is one of the most benign sources of energy, even if you subscribe -- and I do not -- to the notion that CO2 emissions need to be severely limited. What it will do is create great problems for our European allies and Asian countries who depend on and plan for steady supplies of energy to meet their domestic needs. Who dreamed up this ludicrous strategy? Apparently 25-year-old Tik Tok “influencer” Alex Haraus, who demanded Biden save the planet by killing the Calcasieu Pass 2 Natural gas Project.

It appears that having infuriated most of the country with an outlandish immigration policy, it hopes to pick up the ignorant youth vote to make up for the loss of millions of voters who see and feel the consequences of those policies.

ok, maybe im starting to see the connection.....~S~
There is no war between the White House and Texas. The childish MAGA cultists that say there is a war are just dumb. Texas has a conflict with the supreme court, and the DOJ. The differences will be worked out, not on the border with Mexico, but in our courts.

Poll: Americans are siding with Texas without even knowing about Biden’s war on Texas’s natural gas.

29 Jan 2024 ~~ Bu Andrea Widberg

Rasmussen Reports asked Americans if they feel that there is a civil war taking place in America…and a majority of those polled said “yes.” The context, of course, was the looming battle over our Southern border. Americans are right, of course, but with Biden’s Liquified Natural Gas (“LNG”) edict, things are even worse than they know.
I don’t have access to Rasmussen Reports, which conducted the poll, but the Washington Examiner sums up its findings:
…69% of likely 2024 voters said that they support the border wall and razor-wire fence that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has ordered. Among those, a majority, 51%, said they “strongly” back Texas in its fight to stop illegal immigration and the surge of “gotaways” getting past federal border agents.
A majority of voters told Rasmussen Reports that Biden is stoking the fires of civil war.
Asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement about the border dispute between Texas and the federal government: ‘The feds are staging a civil war, and Texas should stand their ground?'” 55% said they agreed, while 36% said they didn’t.
Over three-fourths of Republicans agreed that Biden’s threat is hurtling the country to civil war. Democrats were less sure, though 39% agreed.
Americans are right to be concerned. To date, the government has officially allowed in 6 million asylum seekers, and we have no idea how many tens of millions of people have circumvented the official process and vanished into America’s heartland. We also have no idea how many of the “gotaways” are coming here with nefarious goals.
When the Holocaust happened, it was apparent that the Nazi government had as its official policy the destruction of German, and then European, Jewry. Behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, anyone who opposed the tyrannical communist regime was likely to find himself in a gulag or dead. These were objective events. Moreover, the people fleeing these events were sure to be well-inclined to support America and her values.
However, leftists have dumbed down persecution to the point at which it simply means, “I want a better life in rich America.” This is not a standard at all. It’s simply a way to replace the population.
All of this means that the people viewing what’s happening as a civil war are right. Currently, the federal government is violating properly passed immigration laws. Multiple American states, led by Texas, are trying to reinstate the practical effect of those same laws. The federal government has responded by trying to destroy Texas’s LNG industry, a major part of its economy.
And that move against LNG is a whole other story that’s just as important as the war on the border itself.
In other words, even as he (or the brains behind him) is creating a crisis at the border, Biden is using that crisis to leverage the Obama policy regarding controlling LNG in a way that benefits China and other global players. (For now, Ukraine is no longer a player.)
Americans may not know about the behind-the-scenes LNG issue, but the Rasmussen poll shows that they understand that something is rotten at the border, that’s what happening is terribly bad for American interests, and that these issues go to the very heart of American politics where terrible civil breakdowns can occur.
Biden has no wisdom, while Obama is driven by arrogance. These two men, one the front guy and the other the handler, are at the wheel of the car that is the American government, and the path they are steering is on a collision course with a terrible, destructive destiny. We can only hope that other institutions in the American government—Congress? The Supreme Court?—will step in and step up to stop this peddle-to-the-metal destruction from within the heart of the American government.

The greed of politicians is beyond astounding. LNG is a valuable asset relegated to private industry. The federal parasites need to be extracted from all aspects of industry.
Biden set out to destroy America from the get go.
He's done so every day and ebery month since he's been in office.
Meanwhile, his useful dolts nod their heads in agreement with every dangerous movement to destroy the economy, infra-structure and entrepreneurship.
If Biden uses the US military to attack American citizens in Texas, the Civil War will have started.
If the dirty South thought they got their asses handed to them back then, just imagine what a colossal decimation they will receive today.

Let them come.

There is no war between the White House and Texas. The childish MAGA cultists that say there is a war are just dumb. Texas has a conflict with the supreme court, and the DOJ. The differences will be worked out, not on the border with Mexico, but in our courts.

The conflict is with the Executive Branch of the government not doing its fucking job.

Poll: Americans are siding with Texas without even knowing about Biden’s war on Texas’s natural gas.

29 Jan 2024 ~~ Bu Andrea Widberg

Rasmussen Reports asked Americans if they feel that there is a civil war taking place in America…and a majority of those polled said “yes.” The context, of course, was the looming battle over our Southern border. Americans are right, of course, but with Biden’s Liquified Natural Gas (“LNG”) edict, things are even worse than they know.
I don’t have access to Rasmussen Reports, which conducted the poll, but the Washington Examiner sums up its findings:
…69% of likely 2024 voters said that they support the border wall and razor-wire fence that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has ordered. Among those, a majority, 51%, said they “strongly” back Texas in its fight to stop illegal immigration and the surge of “gotaways” getting past federal border agents.
A majority of voters told Rasmussen Reports that Biden is stoking the fires of civil war.
Asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement about the border dispute between Texas and the federal government: ‘The feds are staging a civil war, and Texas should stand their ground?'” 55% said they agreed, while 36% said they didn’t.
Over three-fourths of Republicans agreed that Biden’s threat is hurtling the country to civil war. Democrats were less sure, though 39% agreed.
Americans are right to be concerned. To date, the government has officially allowed in 6 million asylum seekers, and we have no idea how many tens of millions of people have circumvented the official process and vanished into America’s heartland. We also have no idea how many of the “gotaways” are coming here with nefarious goals.
When the Holocaust happened, it was apparent that the Nazi government had as its official policy the destruction of German, and then European, Jewry. Behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, anyone who opposed the tyrannical communist regime was likely to find himself in a gulag or dead. These were objective events. Moreover, the people fleeing these events were sure to be well-inclined to support America and her values.
However, leftists have dumbed down persecution to the point at which it simply means, “I want a better life in rich America.” This is not a standard at all. It’s simply a way to replace the population.
All of this means that the people viewing what’s happening as a civil war are right. Currently, the federal government is violating properly passed immigration laws. Multiple American states, led by Texas, are trying to reinstate the practical effect of those same laws. The federal government has responded by trying to destroy Texas’s LNG industry, a major part of its economy.
And that move against LNG is a whole other story that’s just as important as the war on the border itself.
In other words, even as he (or the brains behind him) is creating a crisis at the border, Biden is using that crisis to leverage the Obama policy regarding controlling LNG in a way that benefits China and other global players. (For now, Ukraine is no longer a player.)
Americans may not know about the behind-the-scenes LNG issue, but the Rasmussen poll shows that they understand that something is rotten at the border, that’s what happening is terribly bad for American interests, and that these issues go to the very heart of American politics where terrible civil breakdowns can occur.
Biden has no wisdom, while Obama is driven by arrogance. These two men, one the front guy and the other the handler, are at the wheel of the car that is the American government, and the path they are steering is on a collision course with a terrible, destructive destiny. We can only hope that other institutions in the American government—Congress? The Supreme Court?—will step in and step up to stop this peddle-to-the-metal destruction from within the heart of the American government.

The greed of politicians is beyond astounding. LNG is a valuable asset relegated to private industry. The federal parasites need to be extracted from all aspects of industry.
Biden set out to destroy America from the get go.
He's done so every day and ebery month since he's been in office.
Meanwhile, his useful dolts nod their heads in agreement with every dangerous movement to destroy the economy, infra-structure and entrepreneurship.

A fake poll does not impress anyone.
The conflict is with the Executive Branch of the government not doing its fucking job.
The conflict is with one man trying to userp the authority of the constitution to look tough to MAGA cult members.
There is no war between the White House and Texas. The childish MAGA cultists that say there is a war are just dumb. Texas has a conflict with the supreme court, and the DOJ. The differences will be worked out, not on the border with Mexico, but in our courts.
There is clearly a war between the pretend president and Governor Abbott. It is not mere coincidence that the vindictive pretend president took actions against the LNG industry.
There is clearly a war between the pretend president and Governor Abbott. It is not mere coincidence that the vindictive pretend president took actions against the LNG industry.
Pretend president? Your brainwashng is complete. You can now proudly join the ranks of all those other childish branwashed MAGA cult members.
Pretend president? Your brainwashng is complete. You can now proudly join the ranks of all those other childish branwashed MAGA cult members.

Nothing but slogans. I would suggest you correct your spelling and use MAGAat. It’s the preferred slogan for you teens surfing the web and not doing your homework.

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