Charter Member
Ron Marr / Troutwrapper -- In Bruce Springsteen's tune "Glory Days," The Boss weaves the tale of a guy whom we all know. He sings of a middle-aged fellow whose life peaked as a high school sports hero. The former jock's evenings are now spent at the local bar, regaling all with stories of his brief success and synthetic heroics.
Such describes perfectly the liberal philosophy generally, and Tom Daschle particularly.
Liberals suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but several are painfully obvious. First, not only are they incapable of taking care of themselves, they cannot comprehend why they should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by an official governmental entity. "Governmental Entity," by the way, is defined as Martin Sheen, a guy who's not the President but plays one on TV.
That the recycling truck might be an hour late propels liberals into a state of near hysteria. That someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief-counseling and Deepak Chopra seminars. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.
The goals of a totalitarian, Fascist state are reflected in the ramblings of liberal politicians and Hollywood idiots. They say they want peace, but the sort of peace they seek is more akin to slavery then it is the ideals upon which America was founded.
Following the "Glory Days" scenario, liberals are bitter, angry and dogmatic. They cannot believe they lost the 2000 and 2002 elections. They feel the conservative ascendancy is an anomaly, and wax nostalgic over the administration of a lecherous sociopath who offered soothing words but never a vestige of reality, substance or results. They yearn for a choreographed fantasy world which disputes human nature. They swoon at the idea of standing on the side of the hill while reciting poetry with talking raccoons and drinking decaffeinated Coke.
Liberals want to play happily in a field of daisies, unable to accept that we live in a time of daisy cutters. True, if their desires were the rule of the land they would get their wish. Our enemies would gladly provide that field of daisies, and make certain every single American - liberal or conservative - was pushing them up.
The garden variety leftist attacks our country with every breath, oblivious to the fact that their ability to speak out, to acquire their toys, to travel and protest and whine, are provided by the very system they despise. They know only hate for those who disagree with their Utopian vision of unchecked liberalism. They immediately label as racists any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with the logic of protecting our sovereignty and future. They want but one thing...for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White House.
Such describes perfectly the liberal philosophy generally, and Tom Daschle particularly.
Liberals suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but several are painfully obvious. First, not only are they incapable of taking care of themselves, they cannot comprehend why they should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by an official governmental entity. "Governmental Entity," by the way, is defined as Martin Sheen, a guy who's not the President but plays one on TV.
That the recycling truck might be an hour late propels liberals into a state of near hysteria. That someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief-counseling and Deepak Chopra seminars. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.
The goals of a totalitarian, Fascist state are reflected in the ramblings of liberal politicians and Hollywood idiots. They say they want peace, but the sort of peace they seek is more akin to slavery then it is the ideals upon which America was founded.
Following the "Glory Days" scenario, liberals are bitter, angry and dogmatic. They cannot believe they lost the 2000 and 2002 elections. They feel the conservative ascendancy is an anomaly, and wax nostalgic over the administration of a lecherous sociopath who offered soothing words but never a vestige of reality, substance or results. They yearn for a choreographed fantasy world which disputes human nature. They swoon at the idea of standing on the side of the hill while reciting poetry with talking raccoons and drinking decaffeinated Coke.
Liberals want to play happily in a field of daisies, unable to accept that we live in a time of daisy cutters. True, if their desires were the rule of the land they would get their wish. Our enemies would gladly provide that field of daisies, and make certain every single American - liberal or conservative - was pushing them up.
The garden variety leftist attacks our country with every breath, oblivious to the fact that their ability to speak out, to acquire their toys, to travel and protest and whine, are provided by the very system they despise. They know only hate for those who disagree with their Utopian vision of unchecked liberalism. They immediately label as racists any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with the logic of protecting our sovereignty and future. They want but one thing...for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White House.