Reports: Pelosi's Injuries in Luxembourg Are Quite Serious


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Pelosi's Injuries in Luxembourg Are Quite Serious

13 Dec 2024 ~~ By Matt Vespa

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is recovering at a hospital in Luxembourg. When it was first reported, the California liberal was reported to have suffered an undisclosed injury while on a congressional delegation. Katie wrote about the incident, adding that the injuries were severe enough that Pelosi would miss the rest of the trip’s events:

We know what the reported injury was, and it’s not uncommon for someone in their 80s. It’s also a serious injury: She tripped, fell down some steps, and fractured her hip (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:
Ms. Pelosi tripped going down marble stairs at the Grand Ducal Palace and took a hard fall, according to a person familiar with the incident who was not authorized to comment and spoke on condition of anonymity.
People close to Ms. Pelosi in California and Washington, D.C., speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak for her, said the former speaker fractured her hip when she fell. They said doctors were confident the damage could be repaired with a routine operation, but it was not yet clear whether that would be done in Luxembourg or in the United States.

Pelosi is old, has brittle bones and fractured hips are common in geriatrics.
This may be the impetus for Nan to retire totally from Congress.
Factually 99% of people over 70 years old that suffer traumatic hip fracture have serious complications for the rest of their lives. Over 80..... the anesthesia alone for surgery causes serious cognition issues. Alcohol abuse exacerbates these issues because the liver cannot process the chemicals and produce ammonia in the blood stream.
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Just do us all a favor and cut to the chase Nancy.


Pelosi's Injuries in Luxembourg Are Quite Serious

13 Dec 2024 ~~ By Matt Vespa

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is recovering at a hospital in Luxembourg. When it was first reported, the California liberal was reported to have suffered an undisclosed injury while on a congressional delegation. Katie wrote about the incident, adding that the injuries were severe enough that Pelosi would miss the rest of the trip’s events:

We know what the reported injury was, and it’s not uncommon for someone in their 80s. It’s also a serious injury: She tripped, fell down some steps, and fractured her hip (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:
Ms. Pelosi tripped going down marble stairs at the Grand Ducal Palace and took a hard fall, according to a person familiar with the incident who was not authorized to comment and spoke on condition of anonymity.
People close to Ms. Pelosi in California and Washington, D.C., speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak for her, said the former speaker fractured her hip when she fell. They said doctors were confident the damage could be repaired with a routine operation, but it was not yet clear whether that would be done in Luxembourg or in the United States.

Pelosi is old, has brittle bones and fractured hips are common in geriatrics.
This may be the impetus for Nan to retire totally from Congress.
Factually 99% of people over 70 years old that suffer traumatic hip fracture have serious complications for the rest of their lives. Over 80..... the anesthesia alone for surgery causes serious cognition issues. Alcohol abuse exacerbates these issues because the liver cannot process the chemicals and produce ammonia in the blood stream.
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If waiting to do the surgery back here, she better have some good drugs. That is a long flight, even if not doing it with major broken bones.
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WTF are congressional democrats doing in Luxembourg while Biden's foreign policy is in chaos? Spending what's left of the slush fund before the new sheriff comes to town?


One last luxurious tour of what's left of Europe.
While traveling with a bipartisan Congressional delegation in Luxembourg to mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge

In other words, traveling the world taking an expensive vacation at the sole expense of the taxpayer having nothing to do with serving any need of actual taxpayers. I hope she ends up in a walker.
WTF are congressional democrats doing in Luxembourg while Biden's foreign policy is in chaos? Spending what's left of the slush fund before the new sheriff comes to town?

Flying the world staying in grand hotels eating the very best food living like a queen at your expense while you stretch to afford basic groceries.

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