Why let your arguments be diminished by the hatred and vitriol you attach to them?


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
This thread is obviously not for everybody. I've been watching this forum and the political scene in general get more and more toxic. I have a question for the people that rage at the ignorant others. Why? You've done nothing but discredit and lower yourself by getting angry, by using ad hominems in place of thought and reason. Not only do you make yourself look bad doing that, you add to the negativity and hatred that is tearing our nation apart. It just doesn't make sense to me, never has.
Because they have strong opinions, usually based on hyperbolic rhetoric that either party's adherents regularly spits out.
This thread is obviously not for everybody. I've been watching this forum and the political scene in general get more and more toxic. I have a question for the people that rage at the ignorant others. Why? You've done nothing but discredit and lower yourself by getting angry, by using ad hominems in place of thought and reason. Not only do you make yourself look bad doing that, you add to the negativity and hatred that is tearing our nation apart. It just doesn't make sense to me, never has.
Yep, I often wonder what the goal of the behavior is. It can't possibly be anything constructive. I do believe it's tied to self esteem at some level.

Those who exist in an ideological cocoon simply don't understand how absurd they can be. They have completely bought into their dogma, and their dogma is more important than anything else. And they seem to believe that they can ultimately "beat" the other "side" with this behavior, which simply isn't cogent, rational thinking.

Further, a perfectly intelligent individual can become afflicted with this condition. Intelligence and ideology are mutually exclusive, like intelligence and cancer.

I remain absolutely fascinated by the behaviors of partisan ideology.
This thread is obviously not for everybody. I've been watching this forum and the political scene in general get more and more toxic. I have a question for the people that rage at the ignorant others. Why? You've done nothing but discredit and lower yourself by getting angry, by using ad hominems in place of thought and reason. Not only do you make yourself look bad doing that, you add to the negativity and hatred that is tearing our nation apart. It just doesn't make sense to me, never has.
Yep, I often wonder what the goal of the behavior is. It can't possibly be anything constructive.

Those who exist in an ideological cocoon simply don't understand how absurd they can be. They have completely bought into their dogma, and their dogma is more important than anything else. And they seem to believe that they can ultimately "beat" the other "side" with this behavior, which simply isn't cogent, rational thinking.

Further, a perfectly intelligent individual can become afflicted with this condition. Intelligence and ideology are mutually exclusive, like intelligence and cancer.

I remain absolutely fascinated by the behaviors of partisan ideology.

It's the same way feminism operates. They tolerate NO dissent or critical discussion in that group, especially if the "trouble-maker" is male. Ironically, they treat males as inferior, not worthy of being heard. I know because I've spent a lot of time interacting with them. They talk a big game about equal rights, but ultimately they follow a religion, and that religion has an enemy: men.

Politics is the same way. Who is the enemy of conservatives? Filthy liberals. Who is the enemy of liberals? Racist conservatives. There is no room for critical analysis of the group. If you question the religion, you're a traitor, not to be heard.
This thread is obviously not for everybody. I've been watching this forum and the political scene in general get more and more toxic. I have a question for the people that rage at the ignorant others. Why? You've done nothing but discredit and lower yourself by getting angry, by using ad hominems in place of thought and reason. Not only do you make yourself look bad doing that, you add to the negativity and hatred that is tearing our nation apart. It just doesn't make sense to me, never has.
Yep, I often wonder what the goal of the behavior is. It can't possibly be anything constructive.

Those who exist in an ideological cocoon simply don't understand how absurd they can be. They have completely bought into their dogma, and their dogma is more important than anything else. And they seem to believe that they can ultimately "beat" the other "side" with this behavior, which simply isn't cogent, rational thinking.

Further, a perfectly intelligent individual can become afflicted with this condition. Intelligence and ideology are mutually exclusive, like intelligence and cancer.

I remain absolutely fascinated by the behaviors of partisan ideology.

It's the same way feminism operates. They tolerate NO dissent or critical discussion in that group, especially if the "trouble-maker" is male. Ironically, they treat males as inferior, not worthy of being heard. I know because I've spent a lot of time interacting with them. They talk a big game about equal rights, but ultimately they follow a religion, and that religion has an enemy: men.

Politics is the same way. Who is the enemy of conservatives? Filthy liberals. Who is the enemy of liberals? Racist conservatives. There is no room for critical analysis of the group. If you question the religion, you're a traitor, not to be heard.
It's tribal behavior writ large, and there is zero slowdown in the momentum of its growth right now.
I have been posting longer than most. I started on another board that is no longer and the hatred there was strong.

This is nothing new and will never change. Just find those you can converse with and just ignore the rest...
Self-righteous rage feels good and is highly addictive. This board for most is simply a way to get their fix. No one is really talking about it because getting people addicted to an ideology is the most effective way to gain power but a lousy way to run a society. Even the best of us loose our temper occasionally and vent all our frustrations on some particularly loathsome individual and it's always a rush feeling like we struck a blow for justice.
I beg to differ about the claim that the Nation is being "torn apart". There are political differences but Americans are blessed by the most stable government on earth thanks to the foresight of the Founding Fathers who created the greatest document in the world, The U.S. Constitution, that changed civilization forever. Generally speaking, lefties see the U.S. Constitution as an impediment to progressive government and conservatives keep copies in their back pockets.

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