Why Michelle Would Be A Worse POTUS Than Hillary


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats are trying to quietly offer Michelle Obama as an alternative to Joe Biden. It's not very loud right now, but I think this is what they've been trying to weasel their way into the public eye all along. The only problem is the death(murder) of their personal chef. If not for that event they maybe could have gotten away with it.

Barack Obama is in control of the White House. He wants to be a king or a dictator, and if he can get Michelle elected, the titles may be different but the leadership will remain the same. Then he can go about ending the practice of free elections in America. What would be more deadly for America than putting the most racist Jew hating/White hating couple in American history back in the Oval Office. One only has to watch a movie that Barack and Michelle produced on Netflix (Leave The World Behind) to know this is a huge threat to the freedoms of Americans. According to the Obamas everything would be fine if not for those darned white people.

Who can forget the nasty scowl on Michelle's face during the inauguration in 2017. Michelle was so angry that an Obama associate wasn't going to occupy the WH for the next 4 years that she couldn't fake being friendly. I've met folks like that before. I remember going to church services....and some of the most racist blacks in America go to church every week. When I went to shake the hand of a black woman after the service it was like shaking hands with a Mackerel. The message was clear. This black woman hated my white skin and she couldn't hide this fact to save her life. This is the kind of person I see in Michelle Obama. A person that cannot hide her hatred.

December 18, 2023

Why Michelle Obama is as Rotten a Choice for President as Hillary Clinton​

By Marie Hembree

Democrats are using identity politics again to test the waters for a ballot replacement for Joe Biden instead of finding a candidate with bona fide qualifications -- and integrity.

Michelle Obama is being touted a possible candidate who could beat Donald Trump.
She was recently publicized as an executive producer of a Netflix fiction movie, along with husband Barack.
There was not much of the old Obama hopey-changey messaging in her anti-white Netflix endeavor, however, which left identity politics as her selling point with voters.

Per the academic definition, identity politics is a Marxist tactic of assigning utmost societal importance to a candidate’s empowerment of a collective, victimized group such as women, or minorities.


Anyone opposing the victim-candidate is immediately labeled as suppressing the entire representative group. For example, people who opposed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton were labeled as anti-women or misogynists, just as those who criticized Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 were called racist.
Identity politics has pulverized Dr. Martin Luther King’s Jr.’s dream of Americans judging others by the “content of their character instead of the color of their skin” in choosing a candidate.

Meanwhile, collectivism is a fundamental element of totalitarian ideology.
As a result, political candidate selection that should embrace American individualism and Dr. King’s character-content theory is now surpassed by identity politics.
But individualism and integrity as candidate-qualifiers have not worked out well for Democrats.

For example, in Hillary Clinton’s case, her entire 2016 campaign was dependent on identity politics and Democrats’ collective yearning to elevate women with a first woman president.
But, Clinton’s integrity was defined by such moments as being caught on tape nervously laughing about winning a case for a 41-year old rapist of a 12 year-old girl, and her soulless, exasperated, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” remark regarding her part in terrorists’ 2012 murders of a U.S. ambassador and three embassy employees in Benghazi, Libya shortly before President Obama's 2012 re-election.

Yet, Clinton had the opportunity for an unprecedented moment of integrity, that could have secured her future presidency, relevant to having endured many insufferable sexual misconducts (including dubious Jeffrey Epstein'd travels) by her philandering husband, Bill.
In that respect, Clinton was a genuine victim of wifely, mental abuse. She could have evidenced some feminist leadership by taking daughter Chelsea’s hand and proclaimed to the world, “We’re outta here, he’s a pig and women deserve better!"
Unfortunately, that moment never came, and she mercilessly maligned the “other women” instead.
So she showed zero moments of integrity to voters and Clinton was ultimately deemed by them a rotten choice for president of the United States.
But what of identity politics, and the possibility of Michelle Obama running against Trump — a first Black-woman president -- but another Barack Obama silhouette?
Michelle Obama has somewhat similar qualifications to Hillary Clinton, having served as first lady, and her capacity to project the appeal of identity politics.
But like Hillary, Michelle had a disqualifying moment that reflected poorly on her integrity, dating from Inauguration Day in 2016.
It was about her treatment of incoming the first lady, Melania Trump.
Americans will recall, Melania clad in a Jacqueline Kennedy-esque Ralph Lauren light blue pastel coat dress and matching gloves, nervously carrying a light blue Tiffany gift box to graciously offer the departing Michelle Obama.
But, instead of graciously accepting the gift and making Melania feel at home, Michelle recounted her alleged famously ‘awkward’ moment on the Ellen DeGeneres show this way:
Shaking her head with feigned embarrassment, Michelle stated she was given the famous robin’s egg blue box by Melania, and claimed she had no idea what to do with it. In other words, she attempted to construct the perception that Melania Trump had made the most unprecedented social gaffe in White House history.
To the delight of Trump-desping DeGeneres, Michelle complained: "So, I’m sort of like, 'O.K., what am I supposed to do with this gift?' and everyone (staff) cleared out and no one took this gift,” the former first lady added. With intuitive, Marxist finessing, Michelle painted herself as a victim of a traumatically awkward $1,000 sterling silver picture frame.
Moreover, this potential presidential candidate stated she felt helpless (by not a nuclear disaster, mind you) but by the utter shock of being handed a Tiffany gift box which required Barack’s vast political experience to rescue her from.
She confided to DeGeneres how thankful she was when her husband “saved the day” by taking the gift and (heroically) placing it inside the White House. Left-wing news platforms, only too happy to elicit hate against the Trumps, published dozens of headlines about Melania’s horrifically “awkward” gift.
In the video of the exchange, it doesn’t appear as though Michelle thanked Melania for the gift. She handed it off immediately and cast a flustered smirk into the camera, as if to say, “how weird is this?” The only explanation Obama offered for her boorish behavior was, “Well there is all this protocol. This is like a state visit so they tell you they’re going to stand here, and never before do you get this gift so I’m kind of like, ‘OK…What am I supposed to do with this gift?' ‘Never before,’ and ‘how awkward,’ was parroted for days in the halls of mainstream media.
But, in this defining moment of integrity, Michelle’s “protocol” story turned out to be a colossal lie, when the audience looks at the video of Michelle Obama giving outgoing first lady, Laura Bush, a similar gift on the exact same day: Inauguration Day in 2009, which brought the Obamas to the White House. Evidently, this is a tradition that Melania’s staff likely researched thoroughly, as opposed to any journalists reporting the stunningly awkward breaking news.

Then first lady Laura Bush, the epitome of Texas hospitality, had warmly thanked Michelle, and then simply positioned her gift box behind Barack’s back during the photo shoot as was normal social ‘protocol.’

What was Michelle’s defining moment hee-hawing with DeGeneres about the enormous “never been done before” lie rated?

What is this on the scale of presidential candidate choices?

Seems pretty much rotten.

However, Michelle’s intriguing memory loss could potentially be balanced out by association with husband Barack’s defining moments of integrity.

For example, who could forget the heart-wrenching video when Joe Biden, in the throes of senility, was pictured wandering in a crowd, lost, disoriented when suddenly he was relieved by spotting the familiar face of Barack?

This was an anguishing scene for anyone who has experienced the inner turmoil of dementia victims, and it was captured when Joe, snubbed by everyone swarming around him, fixated his eyes on someone he recognized and called out: 'Barack!' Painfully, Joe struggled through the unrecognized strangers in the crowd and when he did not get a response, he reached out and put his hand on Barack Obama’s shoulder, trying to get his attention and murmured a sentence... Barack...

But, Joe was icily ignored by the arrogant Obama, pompously working the room with more important people. Anyone who watched this pathetic video would identify the moment of disposable humanity oozing from the second gentleman in the White House if Michelle Obama were to be selected. How does this all measure up for a presidential candidate choice? Rotten indeed.
MAGA hates the Obamas, even though they have nothing to do with the coming election. Dragging them into the discussion is nothing more than giving the cult crazies something more to be riled up about. The election will come and go without any effect by the Obamas. That doesn't matter. The crazies need excitement now.
Legacy politics, why do spouses of politicians, including Hillary enjoy a career in politics? This is not how meritocracies should work,no? Hillary is definiely far more qualified than Michelle, but spouses of politicians becoming politicians seems problematic for me. It can be an extension of the prior administration, ducking term limits.
MAGA hates the Obamas, even though they have nothing to do with the coming election. Dragging them into the discussion is nothing more than giving the cult crazies something more to be riled up about. The election will come and go without any effect by the Obamas. That doesn't matter. The crazies need excitement now.
The crazies in this case are the people who are dumb enough not to know that Obama is running the White House.
They have their old white degenerate Dementia patient in there taking all of the blame for the crap they're pulling.

Biden is simply unable to run the White House. And so Obama and Hillary have volunteered to run the place behind the scenes in a totally illegal and unconstitutional manner. Biden cannot make rational decisions for himself. Watch this video at the 3 minute mark.

MAGA hates the Obamas, even though they have nothing to do with the coming election. Dragging them into the discussion is nothing more than giving the cult crazies something more to be riled up about. The election will come and go without any effect by the Obamas. That doesn't matter. The crazies need excitement now.
Here's Al Franken talking about what he thinks Trump will do if he's elected.....but ignoring the fact that Obama is doing exactly this right now. His Iranian born Chief Of Staff (Valarie Jarrett) said she would do this when Hillary lost to Trump in 2016.

The crazies in this case are the people who are dumb enough not to know that Obama is running the White House.
They have their old white degenerate Dementia patient in there taking all of the blame for the crap they're pulling.

Biden is simply unable to run the White House. And so Obama and Hillary have volunteered to run the place behind the scenes in a totally illegal and unconstitutional manner. Biden cannot make rational decisions for himself. Watch this video at the 3 minute mark.

You should have Twilight Zone music playing in the background of your dumb remarks. Your conspiracy theories need something new.
You should have Twilight Zone music playing in the background of your dumb remarks. Your conspiracy theories need something new.
The problem with you is you have zero ability to think rationally.

Obama proved early on that he didn't like playing by the rules.

And what do you think will happen when you elect a full-blown communist to be POTUS?
Do you think he'll mind his own business and walk away, or do you think he'll do what Putin did, and take back power while cancelling out Democratic elections in Russia so he can stay President for life?
The problem with you is you have zero ability to think rationally.

Obama proved early on that he didn't like playing by the rules.

And what do you think will happen when you elect a full-blown communist to be POTUS?
Do you think he'll mind his own business and walk away, or do you think he'll do what Putin did, and take back power while cancelling out Democratic elections in Russia so he can stay President for life?
You talk about thinking rationally, and then claim Biden is a full-blown communist. You're nuts.
Legacy politics, why do spouses of politicians, including Hillary enjoy a career in politics? This is not how meritocracies should work,no? Hillary is definiely far more qualified than Michelle, but spouses of politicians becoming politicians seems problematic for me. It can be an extension of the prior administration, ducking term limits.

Maybe that's what the majority of voters want.
Democrats are trying to quietly offer Michelle Obama as an alternative to Joe Biden. It's not very loud right now, but I think this is what they've been trying to weasel their way into the public eye all along. The only problem is the death(murder) of their personal chef. If not for that event they maybe could have gotten away with it.

Barack Obama is in control of the White House. He wants to be a king or a dictator, and if he can get Michelle elected, the titles may be different but the leadership will remain the same. Then he can go about ending the practice of free elections in America. What would be more deadly for America than putting the most racist Jew hating/White hating couple in American history back in the Oval Office. One only has to watch a movie that Barack and Michelle produced on Netflix (Leave The World Behind) to know this is a huge threat to the freedoms of Americans. According to the Obamas everything would be fine if not for those darned white people.

Who can forget the nasty scowl on Michelle's face during the inauguration in 2017. Michelle was so angry that an Obama associate wasn't going to occupy the WH for the next 4 years that she couldn't fake being friendly. I've met folks like that before. I remember going to church services....and some of the most racist blacks in America go to church every week. When I went to shake the hand of a black woman after the service it was like shaking hands with a Mackerel. The message was clear. This black woman hated my white skin and she couldn't hide this fact to save her life. This is the kind of person I see in Michelle Obama. A person that cannot hide her hatred.

I don't know why this keeps on coming up. Michelle Obama has absolutely zero interest in running for president, None, even if Democrats got down on their hands and knees and begged her.
I don't know why this keeps on coming up. Michelle Obama has absolutely zero interest in running for president, None, even if Democrats got down on their hands and knees and begged her.
Bingo......she has no interest in running.....she wants the job given to her without having to run.....and then she and Bathhouse Barry can live like Royalty for the rest of their lives. No more elections.

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