Why Jews hate Chistianity?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Do you remember the date when an Christian activist openly attacked Judaism?
Probably fifty years ago, not now.
But when we ask today about the religion affinity of any anti-Christian politician, journalist, atheist, activist etc. etc. etc., we receive mostly as answer Jewish.
Christians are not allowed to blame Judaism, it would be called antisemitism.
Against that Jewish believers can moke and condemn Christians, Jesus, Christianity, that's fine, no problem.
Like many threads on this Religion Forum.
It looks like something is wrong here.
All humans and religions shall be equal, aren't them?
Would be it not better when bashing of Christians get stopped?
Do you remember the date when an Christian activist openly attacked Judaism?

Yes, I do.

It's cool and hip to hate christians. Similar to how it's acceptable to hate white people. Even in these ultra-PC times, certain forms of religious and racial bigotry is given a pass. It's because white christians have been the dominant force in human culture for the last couple thousand years. If you could rewind the clock and make it so hindu indians were top dog then the roles would be reversed and they'd be the ones getting the blame for everything bad that has ever happened and suburban Indian ladies would pretend to be spiritual by feigning Christian beliefs.
I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.
I've never seen Jews attack Christianity.
I have seen science-minded posters mock unrealistic/impossible LITERALIST beliefs of all religions though.
And attack those who knowingly make up lies and Foist those impossible/proven-wrong claims.
"Allah Foresaw this", "It's in the Koran," etc.
All the literalists here though do seem to be of one religion.

Who else would tolerate the vicious trash on this message board but the majority.
Someone (Essala) Viciously and OBSCENELY attacked me in many posts assuming I was a Muslim.
Unbelievable stuff. Worst I have ever seen.
Much of it removed by a moderator.

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Do you remember the date when an Christian activist openly attacked Judaism?

Yes, I do.

View attachment 389909
Many of the entries seem more political than religious. It's my understanding the pagans respected Judaism because of its ancient roots. Romans treated them better than other groups, at least until they revolted.

It seems to me anti-semitism is a Christian invention that started very early in Christian history. You can see it evolving in the Gospels as blame for Jesus' death is shifted from Rome to the Jewish people. It gave birth to crusades, pograms, ghettos, and the holocaust.
Some Jews attacked Christians from the very beginning, including mob executions and bannings from synagogues to lying to Roman police about them committing arsons in Rome. after the bar Kokbha revolt, the main surviving Pharisees retreated to a coastal town called Jabneh, iirc, and therein started the rabbinical 'traditions', rewriting a lot of 'laws', fake histories, etc. and started over, while most other Jews gradually assimilated into Christianity or into their own communities. The 'Orthodox' Jews aren't any more 'real Jews' than Christians are. Like Disraeli, a Christian Jew, said: " Christianity is Judaism completed." This doesn't sit well at all with the racist Orthodox and the ultra-racist Ultra-Orthodox, as it doesn't make them the center of the universe, a racist ideology they developed after the Babylonian exile, under the patronage of Darius's money and armies. They alienated the majority of Jews then and kept on doing so for the next 400-500 years and afterwards as well; the Jewish 'middle ages' lasted into the 18th Century, long after the Christian 'Renaissance', 'Reformation', and modernization's.

Much of the hatred comes from the fact they always aligned themselves with the state, and lived pretty well most of the time throughout history, with the occasional repressions, mostly due to politics, but far less than most other groups who fell out of favor and certainly far better off than the peasants they never minded squeezing for their own and the states' benefits. They did really well during the Thirty Years War, for instance, mostly looting peasants in the East for food and goods to sell to the armies in the western Europe. Naturally when the peasant revolts came along they were intent of killing Jews to the last man women and child. You can pretend this was 'anti-semitism', but they would have done the same to any group who plundered them like that, so I don't buy it was all just mindless Xian 'anti-semitism'. That's a rubbish argument. Jewish soldiers marched with the Muslim armies in their invasions and expansions into Spain, and served as garrison police and administrators for hundreds of years, so why would the local peasants not try and get revenge on them in their uprisings, or trust them after the Reconquestas?

And again, this was not 'The Jews', just the minority of Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox; they were not the only Jews, but they would have you think so and also whine about 'antisemitism' to keep anybody from airing their own dirty laundry. Many Jewsih Christians went on to do great things in the West, like Columbus, Montaigne in France, and a fairly long list of others.
Do you remember the date when an Christian activist openly attacked Judaism?

Yes, I do.

View attachment 389909
Many of the entries seem more political than religious. It's my understanding the pagans respected Judaism because of its ancient roots. Romans treated them better than other groups, at least until they revolted.

It seems to me anti-semitism is a Christian invention that started very early in Christian history. You can see it evolving in the Gospels as blame for Jesus' death is shifted from Rome to the Jewish people. It gave birth to crusades, pograms, ghettos, and the holocaust.

For one, the Orthodox Jews isolated themselves in ghettos, not the other way around. The rest is just a load of fantasy; there were always other causes for the uprisings, they weren't just 'christian inventions'; that is just another lie. Some pagans weren't bothersome, but others were. What bothers most Xian haters is just that Christians started defending themselves, and winning, that's all; and, they were more generous to those they conquered than their enemies ever were toward Christians, so the attempts at claiming fake 'objectivity' by claiming some moral equivalence will fail as well. A lot of the rubbish is just left over Protestant propaganda against the Catholics that few people ever bother to examine for historical facts, they just repeat it because it serves some modern narrative or other.

You want a good summary of where modern anti-semitism comes from? Here's one the best summaries online:

The Postwar, Pre-1967 Roots

Anti-Semitism was never exclusive to the Right; Communism, for its part, often vilified Jews as capitalists. Communism in East Germany, as elsewhere, denied the right to practice the Jewish religion and sought to eradicate religion in general, including Judaism. East Germany's anti-Semitic policies first became evident in January 1953 when the Stasi - the state security service - confiscated documents of the Jewish communities, searched the homes of Jewish leaders, and spoke of a "Zionist conspiracy." After the Six Day War, East Germany officially adopted an anti-Zionist stance. However, no serious data on East German anti-Semitism is available before the reunification in 1989.

Although West German left-wing anti-Semitism also increased steadily after the Six Day War, before then the West German Left supported Israel generally, and specifically the Wiedergutmachung (Reparations Agreement of 1953) and the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1965. This friendliness was, however, based on an idealization of Israel, kibbutzim, and pioneering and was not on genuinely firm ground.4 Opposition to the conservative government of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer also played a role in this left-wing philo-Semitism.

During the 1960s, the West German Left divided into a more "conservative" wing and a New Left trend. Whereas Chancellor Willy Brandt was said to be a true and unwavering friend of Israel,5 many young leftists took radical positions and opposed Brandt's "establishment" Social Democratic Party. In 1966 they founded the Nonparliamentary Opposition (APO), a popular movement that sought to "renew" German politics from the outside. Many of its members and supporters later showed sympathy for the RAF, a leftist terrorist movement that had ties to the PLO and whose cadres trained in terrorist camps in Lebanon.

Student Radicalization

During the Six Day War, the New Left definitively transformed its hitherto moderate pro-Arab positions into full support for Arab states and the Palestinians, and its fragile pro-Israeli attitudes dissolved into anti-Semitic slogans thinly disguised as "anti-imperialist" criticism of a "fascist state."

After 1967, however, not only the radicals but large parts of the German Left turned their backs on Israel. This went hand in hand with protests against the Vietnam War, against the conservative mainstream in Adenauer's Germany and afterward the "Great Coalition" that was headed from 1966 by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, a former member of the Nazi Party.6 The New Left also idealized Communist China and Ho Chi Minh, despite their involvement in mass murder against their own people.7

Well-known intellectuals who were more moderate leftists tried to dissuade the New Left from its extreme positions. Ernst Bloch, Jean Amery, Herbert Marcuse, Iring Fetscher, and Jean-Paul Sartre argued with the radicals and discouraged blind solidarity with the PLO, as opposed to legitimate criticism of Israeli policies. They warned that notions of Israel's annihilation were intolerable and linked to National Socialist ideology. However, they were not heeded by the radicals.8

... and more at the link. It doesn't come from 'Da Evul Xians'; I can find you more crazy racist Rabbis every week in the Israeli newspapers than you find crazy Xians ranting about Da Joos'. Ever wonder why you never hear about those? ...
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Against that Jewish believers can moke and condemn Christians, Jesus, Christianity, that's fine, no problem.
If Jewish believers condemn Christian unbelievers, how is that any different from the usual socialist Democrat party political campaign speech from the Christian pulpit? Once again, liberal anti-Semititic Christian-themed political parties are on the ascendancy in Europe:
And East Germany (Bavaria, Saxony, etc.) is back with the DDR, Stasi, and the whole Zersetzung apparatus of "gangstalking" and organized harassment of targeted individuals, including Jews, LGBT, mental defectives, social undesirables, etc., etc.

We need to go back a little further in history, to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, at the time of the Great Depression in the United States, so bad in Europe it was termed a Holocaust, and how many millions of Jews died?
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Do you remember the date when an Christian activist openly attacked Judaism?
Probably fifty years ago, not now.
But when we ask today about the religion affinity of any anti-Christian politician, journalist, atheist, activist etc. etc. etc., we receive mostly as answer Jewish.
Christians are not allowed to blame Judaism, it would be called antisemitism.
Against that Jewish believers can moke and condemn Christians, Jesus, Christianity, that's fine, no problem.
Like many threads on this Religion Forum.
It looks like something is wrong here.
All humans and religions shall be equal, aren't them?
Would be it not better when bashing of Christians get stopped?
Jew here... you have a lot of flawed reasoning above. My guess is you do not know any Jews and feel inferior to is because you have failed at life and many Jews have not. Just a guess, I could be wrong...

Jews have been persecuted by Christians for well over a thousand years. But to most Jews that is now history and Christians are our brothers and friends. In fact the biggest supporters of Israel are evangelicals! More so then the majority of Jews. Go to Israel as an Evangelical and you will be welcomed with open arms. Evangelicals are some of the best people in the world

Jews will always been wary of Christians because all white supremacist groups call themselves Christians and have Jews as there number 1 enemy (on a long list of enemies).

The problem is most Jews have a victim complex because we are so targeted by antisemites, such as yourself, so they prescribe to leftist ideals because they believe it is the compassionate and just way. Conservative Jews, like myself, feel more at home with Christians then Jews and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Do you remember the date when an Christian activist openly attacked Judaism?
Probably fifty years ago, not now.
But when we ask today about the religion affinity of any anti-Christian politician, journalist, atheist, activist etc. etc. etc., we receive mostly as answer Jewish.
Christians are not allowed to blame Judaism, it would be called antisemitism.
Against that Jewish believers can moke and condemn Christians, Jesus, Christianity, that's fine, no problem.
Like many threads on this Religion Forum.
It looks like something is wrong here.
All humans and religions shall be equal, aren't them?
Would be it not better when bashing of Christians get stopped?
Yep, they are pissed off mother fuckers.

I didn't have anything to do with it so when they give me lip now I just bust them in the lip for it.
Jews will always been wary of Christians because all white supremacist groups call themselves Christians and have Jews as there number 1 enemy (on a long list of enemies).
There are also white supremacists who call themselves Jews and whose number 1 enemy is conservative Christians.
In fact the biggest supporters of Israel are evangelicals! More so then the majority of Jews. Go to Israel as an Evangelical and you will be welcomed with open arms.
Just lift up your arms and praise God — evangelicals are too liberal and they've got that RINO/JINO red-light district going on. Their version of Zionism is a social-Darwinist "dating district" where reluctant or skeptical daters, unwilling or unwanted sex partners, social undesirables, and adjudicated mental defectives have been civilly committed and institutionalized for involuntary mental health treatment pursuant to court order.
I've never seen Jews attack Christianity.
I have seen science-minded posters mock unrealistic/impossible LITERALIST beliefs of all religions though.
And attack those who knowingly make up lies and Foist those impossible/proven-wrong claims.
"Allah Foresaw this", "It's in the Koran," etc.
All the literalists here though do seem to be of one religion.

Who else would tolerate the vicious trash on this message board but the majority.
Someone (Essala) Viciously and OBSCENELY attacked me in many posts assuming I was a Muslim.
Unbelievable stuff. Worst I have ever seen.
Much of it removed by a moderator.

I've never seen Jews attack Christianity.
- if you are interested, there is a new listing for ocean front property in arizona at just the right price ...
I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.

Many Jews consider Christians one step above Muslims. Their opinion matters not. God's does:

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.

Many Jews consider Christians one step above Muslims. Their opinion matters not. God's does:

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Historically Jews sided with Muslims against Christians, which is why they were never trusted, and as I said earlier in the European countries they nearly always sided with the feudal lords and worked for them in their own interests against the vast majority of people, the peasants and craftsmen classes, hence their unpopularity. There seems to be some beleif al Jews lived in western Europe or something, which isn't the case; most lived outside Europe, and even in Europe when they were expelled from Spain and other places they also found refuges in other Christian countries as well as Muslim ones, the Papal States being a major mecca; how couls that be if the root of all their alleged 'miseries' were Da Evul Catlicks? The regional Catholic Bishops were their most common protectors and providers of refuge in times of unrest for the most part, even in Germany, the most unreconstructed pagan part of Europe outside of eastern Europe.

Historically 'Muslims are just Jews on horseback' to most 'devout' Jews; Christians were the 'gentile cattle' and only existed as instruments God used to punish bad Jews, and not real humans. according to a big part of the Orthodox and all of the ultra-Orthodox. These two sects never represented the majority of Jews or Jewish beliefs, even in the days of the 2nd Temple. Those sects have a lot more in common with Islam's form of Judaism than with Christians.
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I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.

Many Jews consider Christians one step above Muslims. Their opinion matters not. God's does:

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Historically Jews sided with Muslims against Christians, which is why they were never trusted, and as I said earlier in the European countries they nearly always sided with the feudal lords and worked for them in their own interests against the vast majority of people, the peasants and craftsmen classes, hence their unpopularity. There seems to be some beleif al Jews lived in western Europe or something, which isn't the case; most lived outside Europe, and even in Europe when they were expelled from Spain and other places they also found refuges in other Christian countries as well as Muslim ones, the Papal States being a major mecca; how couls that be if the root of all their alleged 'miseries' were Da Evul Catlicks? The regional Catholic Bishops were their most common protectors and providers of refuge in times of unrest for the most part, even in Germany, the most unreconstructed pagan part of Europe outside of eastern Europe.

The more you expound on 'The Jews' the more obvious it becomes that you've never even met a Jew who wasn't your boss or your landlord.
I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.

Many Jews consider Christians one step above Muslims. Their opinion matters not. God's does:

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Historically Jews sided with Muslims against Christians, which is why they were never trusted, and as I said earlier in the European countries they nearly always sided with the feudal lords and worked for them in their own interests against the vast majority of people, the peasants and craftsmen classes, hence their unpopularity. There seems to be some beleif al Jews lived in western Europe or something, which isn't the case; most lived outside Europe, and even in Europe when they were expelled from Spain and other places they also found refuges in other Christian countries as well as Muslim ones, the Papal States being a major mecca; how couls that be if the root of all their alleged 'miseries' were Da Evul Catlicks? The regional Catholic Bishops were their most common protectors and providers of refuge in times of unrest for the most part, even in Germany, the most unreconstructed pagan part of Europe outside of eastern Europe.

The more you expound on 'The Jews' the more obvious it becomes that you've never even met a Jew who wasn't your boss or your landlord.
I call it goysplaining.
I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.

Many Jews consider Christians one step above Muslims. Their opinion matters not. God's does:

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Historically Jews sided with Muslims against Christians, which is why they were never trusted, and as I said earlier in the European countries they nearly always sided with the feudal lords and worked for them in their own interests against the vast majority of people, the peasants and craftsmen classes, hence their unpopularity. There seems to be some beleif al Jews lived in western Europe or something, which isn't the case; most lived outside Europe, and even in Europe when they were expelled from Spain and other places they also found refuges in other Christian countries as well as Muslim ones, the Papal States being a major mecca; how couls that be if the root of all their alleged 'miseries' were Da Evul Catlicks? The regional Catholic Bishops were their most common protectors and providers of refuge in times of unrest for the most part, even in Germany, the most unreconstructed pagan part of Europe outside of eastern Europe.

The more you expound on 'The Jews' the more obvious it becomes that you've never even met a Jew who wasn't your boss or your landlord.
I call it goysplaining.

It's like watching a toddler try to explain where babies come from.

They don't have a clue what they're talking about, but they say it with such conviction.
I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.

Many Jews consider Christians one step above Muslims. Their opinion matters not. God's does:

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Historically Jews sided with Muslims against Christians, which is why they were never trusted, and as I said earlier in the European countries they nearly always sided with the feudal lords and worked for them in their own interests against the vast majority of people, the peasants and craftsmen classes, hence their unpopularity. There seems to be some beleif al Jews lived in western Europe or something, which isn't the case; most lived outside Europe, and even in Europe when they were expelled from Spain and other places they also found refuges in other Christian countries as well as Muslim ones, the Papal States being a major mecca; how couls that be if the root of all their alleged 'miseries' were Da Evul Catlicks? The regional Catholic Bishops were their most common protectors and providers of refuge in times of unrest for the most part, even in Germany, the most unreconstructed pagan part of Europe outside of eastern Europe.

The more you expound on 'The Jews' the more obvious it becomes that you've never even met a Jew who wasn't your boss or your landlord.

Most bigots like yourself do indeed hate it when some gentile reads history and Jewish writers; it screws up the whole fake narrative the bigots have invented for themselves od some perpetual Victimhood. Thankfully most Jewish people have turned their backs on their own racist craziness and mindless hatred of Xians.

Unfortunately, Israel has decided to let their lunatic fringe serve in the IDF, as officers even, and we will soon indeed start seeing real atrocities committed if those units are set loose in a combat zone in the future. The fanatics have reached 10% + of the Israeli population now, similar to the neo-Nazi Right in some European countries, large enough to destabilize and influence politics in a bad way. You should be worrying about them instead of whining about Xians and the fact that the Xian Jewish sect plays a much bigger role in the survival of Israel than the Orthodox bigots do.

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