God, Human Free Will, And A Strawberry Ice Cream Cone.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
JAG Writes:
How does God simultaneously , , ,
{A} maintain and respect our Human Free Will , , ,
while at the same time , , ,
{B} often working in our lives where we do His Sovereign Will?

One way is that He presents the "outside inducements"
and controls the external circumstances in such a way
where both {A} and {B} occurs and is the sustained reality.

Let me give you one example where you could do that
same thing with your son {assume you have an 8 year
old son}

A Father & Son & A Strawberry Ice Cream Cone , , ,

Let us say that you decide that your 8 year old son will
eat a strawberry ice cream cone this coming Wednesday
around 12 noon.

His favorite flavor is chocolate and strawberry is only his
2nd favorite flavor.

Remember that you are ONLY going to control the external
circumstances and the "outside inducements" -- you are NOT
going to Force your son to eat the strawberry ice cream cone.

~ the external circumstances , , ,
~ the "outside inducements" , , ,

You CAN Control
The "External Circumstances"
And The "Outside Inducements"

{1} On Wednesday morning you make certain that there is no
breakfast available so that your son will be hungry come
lunch time.

{2| You can control the place where you and your son go that

{3} You select a Park Area that has an ice cream stand.

{4} On Tuesday you arrange with the Ice Cream Stand's
owner for him NOT to have any chocolate ice cream available,
and for him to certainly have Strawberry Ice Cream available
when you and your son arrive at the park area at around 12 noon.

{5} When you and your son arrive at the park, your son tells
you he is hungry and wants an ice cream cone.

{6} You take your son to the ice cream stand.

{7} Your son is told there is no chocolate ice cream available.

{8} Your son asks if there is strawberry ice cream available.

{9} Your son is told yes there is strawberry ice cream available.

{10} Your son, now really hungry, and preferring chocolate ice cream,
nonetheless, gladly "settles for" his 2nd favorite strawberry flavor,
and asks for and eats the strawberry ice cream cone.


So your son did EXACTLY what you had planned for him to do
and at the same time you DID NOT violate your son's Free Will.

Your son at all times had the Free Will choice to say "No, I do not
want to eat a strawberry ice cream cone."

You did not urge him to eat the strawberry ice cream cone.
You did not say a single word to him about it.
You merely controlled the external circumstances and you
put the "outside inducement" of the strawberry ice cream
cone in front of him -- by making sure that he would be told
that the strawberry ice cram was available for him if he wanted

Your son made a 100% Free Will decision to eat the strawberry
ice cream cone.


That up there is one example of how the Sovereign God can control
the external circumstances and the "outside inducements" in such a
way where men end up doing what he has predetermined them to
do --- while at the same time -- their Free Will is not violated.


I realize that my example and illustration of the "Father & Son & Strawberry
Ice Cream Cone" is not a perfect example or illustration --- but it does succeed
in demonstrating how a Father can control the external circumstances and the
"outside inducements" to bring about a good predetermined plan and at the same
time, NOT violate his son's Free Will.


What is the takeaway point of the OP?
Answer: It demonstrates one way in which God can simultaneously , , ,
{A} maintain and respect our Human Free Will , , ,
while at the same time , , ,
{B} often working good things in our lives where we do His Sovereign Will?

One way is that He presents the "outside inducements"
and controls the external circumstances in such a way
where both {A} and {B} occurs and is the sustained reality.

Let us all strive to make good Free Will choices and trust in
God to help us as we do that and to bring good things into
our lives.


And how do we get someone to decide NOT to violate the rights of others when protesting in the US?

By passing laws that control protesters to stay lout of the streets, do not assault others, do not commit arson and looting are all met with harsh punishments.

The role of Police Commissioners, Mayors and Governors is to use the law arresting and holding over for trial.

Knowing that there will be serious consequences for unlawful behavior, protestors opt not to break the laws.
They used their own free will to obey the law.

But what consequence can we put on Commissioners, Mayors and Governors to maintain order as they promised in their oath?

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