Why do the Left Wing Liberals Hate Corporations?

What is amazing to me, is people like Trajan so arrogantly and mindlessly parrot the message of big corporations and big pharmaceutical corporations. And they do it without ANY conscience, moderation or ANY questioning. Because the messenger is an evil liberal named Kennedy, it CAN'T be true. BUT, IT IS...Mercury is being ingested into the American people at dangerous levels. WHERE is it coming from? The Thimerosal issue is not a hoax.

dude, really. :lol:thx for all the heavy judgments, you have not the slightest idea how I feel, and you're not interested in finding out in any genuine sense, you're just into proselytizing smarmy emotionalism....and facts are stubborn things.

That rant below, is to be polite, garbage. This alike to the way you post, heavy on the judgmental pejoratives and appeals to emotion light on fact, sourced or backed up. It has no refercnes to scientific, medical orgs. etc. hes at the Sierra club how is this evidence of anything? For god sakes.

I don't think you want me to link and source, in fact I know you don't. Unless of course you really are completely so clueless that you would read his words and take them as gospel......

and it does not address or link to the magnum opus that Kennedy bloviated to death and spent no small amount of time on, until fools who expressed regret later, admitted they did so out of simple avoidance of possible bad publicity, withdrew Thimerosal from vaccines, to the point where a dependable left wing, heavy trafficked site had to correct his treatise on Thimerosal so many times they finally pulled it completely.


We know a lot about mercury we didn't know a few years ago. We know for example, that one out of every six, now one out of every three, American women has so much mercury in her womb that her children are at risk for a grim inventory of diseases: autism, blindness, mental retardation, heart, liver, kidney disease.

I have so much mercury in my body -- I had my level tested recently, and Waterkeeper will test your level, you can send them a hair sample -- my level is about double what the EPA considers safe. I was told by Dr. David Carpenter, who is the national authority on mercury contamination, that a woman with my levels of mercury in her blood would have children with impairment. I said to him, "You mean she might have," and he said, "No, the science is very certain today. Her children would have some kind of permanent brain damage." He estimated an IQ loss in those kids of about five to seven points.

Well, 630,000 children are born in America every year who have been exposed to dangerous levels of mercury in their mother's wombs. President Clinton, recognizing the gravity of this national health epidemic, reclassified mercury as a hazardous pollutant under the Clean Air Act. That triggered the requirement that all of those companies remove 90 percent of the mercury within three and a half years. It would have cost less than one percent of plant revenue -- a great deal for the American people. We have the technology. It exists. We already require it in states like Massachusetts.

But it still meant spending billions of dollars for that industry, and that's the industry that gave $100 million to President Bush. About 12 weeks ago, the Bush White House announced that it was abolishing the Clinton-era rules and substituting instead rules that were written by utility-industry lobbyists that will allow those companies to never have to clean up the mercury. The rules say on their face that they have to clean up only 70 percent within 15 years, which by itself is outrageous. But, in fact, the utility lawyers who wrote those rules wrote so many loopholes into them that the utilities will be able to challenge them, probably successfully and certainly forever, and they will never have to clean up any additional mercury.

We're living in a science-fiction nightmare today in the United States of America, where my children, and the children of millions of other Americans who have asthmatic kids, live in a world where the air is too poisonous for them to breathe. Where my children, and the children of most Americans, can no longer safely go fishing with their father and mother and come home and eat the fish -- because somebody gave money to a politician.

WOW Trajan...for all your blovation, innuendo, accusations, trying to make it sound like Kennedy is so far off the reservation that even liberals were running away from him and chastising me for no links...you provide NONE.

The level of Mercury in the American people is at dangerous levels...WHERE is it coming from?

Have you ever heard of the Body Burden? It refers to the amount of toxic chemicals you have in your body. The Environmental Working Group did a study with the Centers for Disease Control and found that there are vast numbers of toxic chemicals in our bodies, and in the bodies of newborn babies, in mothers' milk, and so on.

Here's a report on Pollution in Newborns

EWG Report || BodyBurden 2 - The Pollution in Newborns

"There are no Republican children or Democratic children." The environment MUST be seen as the only truly bi-partisan issue. It is not just in the domain of the Democrats, but should be the concern of everyone. Why else would the Republicans call themselves Conservatives if they are not conserving our planet. RFK Jr.

oh, so I get to post links and you, get to....?what? post more rants by rfk jr.?

and you are now building a straw-man. so the side track must be because you may have done some research? in any event.....Thimerosal.....

do the terms names; The Lancet , Andrew Wakefield. British General Medical Council mean anything to you..that was the beginning....

and here, I wil, in the interest of comity, post these for you.

Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism (Interview with Dr. Robert Schechter, MD, MSc)

Thimerosal (Mercury) In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism, New Research

MD News - Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Biomed Middle East » Thimerosal In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism Biomed Middle East

HealthyChildren.org - Thimerosal in Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

and last but not least-
Study: No increased autism risk from mercury-based perservative in vaccines | The Autism News

now, if you KNOW RFK jrs involvement in this, his duplicity and failure even after shown dutch english American studies collating the same findings, to change or even just acknowledge his willing, ambitious and determined continued participation in foisting this fraud, is not correct , well, what can I say, I would not let him walk my dog. And I personally would not source him as a cure for diaper rash.
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Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Corporations don't create wealth. People do. Most of us Librals have no problem with corporations being corporations. What we object to is Corporations that have exceeded the boundaries of their charters to do business and have been given rights that supercede us Biologicals.
At the basic level, we have no problems with Corporations. When corporate leaders abuse the power of their corporations to the detriment of the rest of society, that is when we get a little testy.

as well you should, but some see it as trying to strangle the golden goose. business people must be given latitude, to many regs, to heavy a hand and the goodies that those fed revenues redistribute/ buy/supply drop.
Not left wing or right wing, but I support corporations and small business's

The only ones I am against would be the mega corporations that are politically connected, and through their wealth and power, can steer our government toward policies detrimental to our country and the majority of the people.

It's border line treason when they support another country to the detriment of those here and with the governments blessing
Do you mean the waste and fraud in the US military/security complex?

The $1.1 trillion that the Pentagon, CIA and Homeland Security budgets will generate for rich shareholders of US defense contractors?

The source of a perpetual US budget deficit is driven by the military/security complex's desire for massive profits and isn't even on Republican OR Democratic tables for discussion.
no, i'm not saying there isnt waste in the military
but there is so much MORE waste in foolish programs

The military represents over 50% of the budget, so how can your statement be logical?
because you dont understand logic

you dont have to have the largest portion of the budget to be MORE WASTEFUL

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Corporations don't create wealth. People do. Most of us Librals have no problem with corporations being corporations. What we object to is Corporations that have exceeded the boundaries of their charters to do business and have been given rights that supercede us Biologicals.
At the basic level, we have no problems with Corporations. When corporate leaders abuse the power of their corporations to the detriment of the rest of society, that is when we get a little testy.

Though you are definitely correct that individuals create wealth, it is within corporations that individuals organize economic activities which harness the creation of wealth. As limited liability structures, corporations encourage risk-taking as those who risk capital are generally limited to the capital invested in the corporation, which encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.
Because leftwing liberals are big gov't. socialists that hate anything that smells of free market, free choice, and or self reliance. They want the people to rely on the gov't.
no, i'm not saying there isnt waste in the military
but there is so much MORE waste in foolish programs

The military represents over 50% of the budget, so how can your statement be logical?
because you dont understand logic

you dont have to have the largest portion of the budget to be MORE WASTEFUL

But you do have to prove your hypothesis, and you can't. Because it depends on what "is" is.

I can say having US Troops off US soil is a complete waste of taxpayers money. What do you have?
Because they screw their employers without their permission. That's rape, right?

Oh puhleeeze. That's an insult to real rape victims.

I suppose you would rather we all just live like feudal subsistence farming serfs of the Great Collective.

I'll pass. I like living with modern technology, indoor plumbing, refrigeration and all that Corporate Stuff.
Yeah, remember the oppression of the old ussr? Of course there are some that want this country to go that way. Idiots!!!

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.
Because leftwing liberals are big gov't. socialists that hate anything that smells of free market, free choice, and or self reliance. They want the people to rely on the gov't.

Oh no, it is definately capitalist that hate the free market, would limit choice, and self reliance. They want people to rely on government.
Corporations want fewer laws regarding clean air, clean water and safety.

We know as air and water quality decrease, birth defects increase.

We know as safety regulations are removed, more people are maimed.

So you could say, "Republicans support birth defects". And, "Republicans support injury".

We already know they want to phase out support and health care for poor children. Is there a "theme" here?
Bull, stop lying, but of course you can't, you are a liberal.
There is a reason libs gravitate toward government, unions and the arts. Anything that chugs along on somebody else's nickel, produces nothing and demands little is right up their ally.

Private enterprise is sink or swim... libs can't function in an environment that doesn't provide guarantees.
If I may;

anyone who really knows anything about mr. Kennedy knows that hes one of these faux intellectual dilettantes, exactly the kind that can do harm because his name, and name only, NOT expertise seems to carry weight , even in the face of his vividly dishonest assertions ala the Thimerosal issue in particular.

Why does it have to be about him personally and how you feel about his life and life-style?

Like any of the rest of us, either he had something to say on the subject that's worth the time it took to read or not. My humble opinion of RFKJr? The mans thoughts that were referenced in this thread made sense.

What is amazing to me, is people like Trajan so arrogantly and mindlessly parrot the message of big corporations and big pharmaceutical corporations. And they do it without ANY conscience, moderation or ANY questioning. Because the messenger is an evil liberal named Kennedy, it CAN'T be true. BUT, IT IS...Mercury is being ingested into the American people at dangerous levels. WHERE is it coming from? The Thimerosal issue is not a hoax.


We know a lot about mercury we didn't know a few years ago. We know for example, that one out of every six, now one out of every three, American women has so much mercury in her womb that her children are at risk for a grim inventory of diseases: autism, blindness, mental retardation, heart, liver, kidney disease.

I have so much mercury in my body -- I had my level tested recently, and Waterkeeper will test your level, you can send them a hair sample -- my level is about double what the EPA considers safe. I was told by Dr. David Carpenter, who is the national authority on mercury contamination, that a woman with my levels of mercury in her blood would have children with impairment. I said to him, "You mean she might have," and he said, "No, the science is very certain today. Her children would have some kind of permanent brain damage." He estimated an IQ loss in those kids of about five to seven points.

Well, 630,000 children are born in America every year who have been exposed to dangerous levels of mercury in their mother's wombs. President Clinton, recognizing the gravity of this national health epidemic, reclassified mercury as a hazardous pollutant under the Clean Air Act. That triggered the requirement that all of those companies remove 90 percent of the mercury within three and a half years. It would have cost less than one percent of plant revenue -- a great deal for the American people. We have the technology. It exists. We already require it in states like Massachusetts.

But it still meant spending billions of dollars for that industry, and that's the industry that gave $100 million to President Bush. About 12 weeks ago, the Bush White House announced that it was abolishing the Clinton-era rules and substituting instead rules that were written by utility-industry lobbyists that will allow those companies to never have to clean up the mercury. The rules say on their face that they have to clean up only 70 percent within 15 years, which by itself is outrageous. But, in fact, the utility lawyers who wrote those rules wrote so many loopholes into them that the utilities will be able to challenge them, probably successfully and certainly forever, and they will never have to clean up any additional mercury.

We're living in a science-fiction nightmare today in the United States of America, where my children, and the children of millions of other Americans who have asthmatic kids, live in a world where the air is too poisonous for them to breathe. Where my children, and the children of most Americans, can no longer safely go fishing with their father and mother and come home and eat the fish -- because somebody gave money to a politician.
Communism or Corporatism?

From RFK Jr.:

"Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War 'I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country, I fear the bankers more.'

"Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is 'the essence of fascism' and Benito Mussolini -- who had an insider's view of that process -- said the same thing.

"Essentially, he complained that fascism should not be called fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state and corporate power.

"And what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called communism.

"The domination of government by business is called fascism.

"And our job is to walk that narrow trail in between, which is free-market capitalism and democracy.

"And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left."

And stop thinking a "choice" at the polls between Republican OR Democrat will do either.
Who can understand the mind of a liberal? If it's backassward, evil, wrong, destroys, hates- it's liberal. Why do liberals slaughter their own unborn children? Why do liberals despise capitalism and yet their ruling elite are rich? Liberalism is insanity personified.

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.
Because leftwing liberals are big gov't. socialists that hate anything that smells of free market, free choice, and or self reliance. They want the people to rely on the gov't.

Oh no, it is definately capitalist that hate the free market, would limit choice, and self reliance. They want people to rely on government.

^^^ Anyone belive this bullshit?
Check out this whiny "I hate lib'ruls" thread. Sounds like a buncha teenagers pissed at mom and dad - emotional wrecks.

Good gawd you fringers are an embarrassment to your country.

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