Why do the Left Wing Liberals Hate Corporations?

dude, really. :lol:thx for all the heavy judgments, you have not the slightest idea how I feel, and you're not interested in finding out in any genuine sense, you're just into proselytizing smarmy emotionalism....and facts are stubborn things.

That rant below, is to be polite, garbage. This alike to the way you post, heavy on the judgmental pejoratives and appeals to emotion light on fact, sourced or backed up. It has no refercnes to scientific, medical orgs. etc. hes at the Sierra club how is this evidence of anything? For god sakes.

I don't think you want me to link and source, in fact I know you don't. Unless of course you really are completely so clueless that you would read his words and take them as gospel......

and it does not address or link to the magnum opus that Kennedy bloviated to death and spent no small amount of time on, until fools who expressed regret later, admitted they did so out of simple avoidance of possible bad publicity, withdrew Thimerosal from vaccines, to the point where a dependable left wing, heavy trafficked site had to correct his treatise on Thimerosal so many times they finally pulled it completely.

WOW Trajan...for all your blovation, innuendo, accusations, trying to make it sound like Kennedy is so far off the reservation that even liberals were running away from him and chastising me for no links...you provide NONE.

The level of Mercury in the American people is at dangerous levels...WHERE is it coming from?

Have you ever heard of the Body Burden? It refers to the amount of toxic chemicals you have in your body. The Environmental Working Group did a study with the Centers for Disease Control and found that there are vast numbers of toxic chemicals in our bodies, and in the bodies of newborn babies, in mothers' milk, and so on.

Here's a report on Pollution in Newborns

EWG Report || BodyBurden 2 - The Pollution in Newborns

"There are no Republican children or Democratic children." The environment MUST be seen as the only truly bi-partisan issue. It is not just in the domain of the Democrats, but should be the concern of everyone. Why else would the Republicans call themselves Conservatives if they are not conserving our planet. RFK Jr.

oh, so I get to post links and you, get to....?what? post more rants by rfk jr.?

and you are now building a straw-man. so the side track must be because you may have done some research? in any event.....Thimerosal.....

do the terms names; The Lancet , Andrew Wakefield. British General Medical Council mean anything to you..that was the beginning....

and here, I wil, in the interest of comity, post these for you.

Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism (Interview with Dr. Robert Schechter, MD, MSc)

Thimerosal (Mercury) In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism, New Research

MD News - Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Biomed Middle East » Thimerosal In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism Biomed Middle East

HealthyChildren.org - Thimerosal in Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

and last but not least-
Study: No increased autism risk from mercury-based perservative in vaccines | The Autism News

now, if you KNOW RFK jrs involvement in this, his duplicity and failure even after shown dutch english American studies collating the same findings, to change or even just acknowledge his willing, ambitious and determined continued participation in foisting this fraud, is not correct , well, what can I say, I would not let him walk my dog. And I personally would not source him as a cure for diaper rash.

You have posted 6 links. 5 of them are the same study. Did you catch this in one of your links?

'Two study authors disclosed financial ties to pharmaceutical companies, some of which manufacture vaccines.'

Let me ask you this, you use derogatory words like duplicity aimed at Robert Kennedy Jr. What do you believe his motives are? Do you believe it's possible big pharmaceutical companies are behind any of these studies?

What we do know is autism seems to be increasing in our children, and mercury levels in mothers, children and the general population is increasing along with other carcinogens. It should be a concern for all citizens and we should all want to find out the causes and we should all want to address the harmful chemicals we are ingesting. I strongly believe that is Robert Kennedy Jr's motivations.

"For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."
President John F. Kennedy
June 10, 1963
dude, really. :lol:thx for all the heavy judgments, you have not the slightest idea how I feel, and you're not interested in finding out in any genuine sense, you're just into proselytizing smarmy emotionalism....and facts are stubborn things.

That rant below, is to be polite, garbage. This alike to the way you post, heavy on the judgmental pejoratives and appeals to emotion light on fact, sourced or backed up. It has no refercnes to scientific, medical orgs. etc. hes at the Sierra club how is this evidence of anything? For god sakes.

I don't think you want me to link and source, in fact I know you don't. Unless of course you really are completely so clueless that you would read his words and take them as gospel......

and it does not address or link to the magnum opus that Kennedy bloviated to death and spent no small amount of time on, until fools who expressed regret later, admitted they did so out of simple avoidance of possible bad publicity, withdrew Thimerosal from vaccines, to the point where a dependable left wing, heavy trafficked site had to correct his treatise on Thimerosal so many times they finally pulled it completely.

WOW Trajan...for all your blovation, innuendo, accusations, trying to make it sound like Kennedy is so far off the reservation that even liberals were running away from him and chastising me for no links...you provide NONE.

The level of Mercury in the American people is at dangerous levels...WHERE is it coming from?

Have you ever heard of the Body Burden? It refers to the amount of toxic chemicals you have in your body. The Environmental Working Group did a study with the Centers for Disease Control and found that there are vast numbers of toxic chemicals in our bodies, and in the bodies of newborn babies, in mothers' milk, and so on.

Here's a report on Pollution in Newborns

EWG Report || BodyBurden 2 - The Pollution in Newborns

"There are no Republican children or Democratic children." The environment MUST be seen as the only truly bi-partisan issue. It is not just in the domain of the Democrats, but should be the concern of everyone. Why else would the Republicans call themselves Conservatives if they are not conserving our planet. RFK Jr.

oh, so I get to post links and you, get to....?what? post more rants by rfk jr.?

and you are now building a straw-man. so the side track must be because you may have done some research? in any event.....Thimerosal.....

do the terms names; The Lancet , Andrew Wakefield. British General Medical Council mean anything to you..that was the beginning....

and here, I wil, in the interest of comity, post these for you.

Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism (Interview with Dr. Robert Schechter, MD, MSc)

Thimerosal (Mercury) In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism, New Research

MD News - Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Biomed Middle East » Thimerosal In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism Biomed Middle East

HealthyChildren.org - Thimerosal in Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

and last but not least-
Study: No increased autism risk from mercury-based perservative in vaccines | The Autism News

now, if you KNOW RFK jrs involvement in this, his duplicity and failure even after shown dutch english American studies collating the same findings, to change or even just acknowledge his willing, ambitious and determined continued participation in foisting this fraud, is not correct , well, what can I say, I would not let him walk my dog. And I personally would not source him as a cure for diaper rash.
Would you argue Kennedy is also incorrect about coal and asthma?

"I'll give you an example. As I said, a gigantic diminution in quality of life has taken place in this country as a direct result of this President's environmental policy that Americans mainly don't know about.

"I'm just going to focus on one industry, which is coal-burning power plants.

"I have three sons who have asthma. One out of every four black children in America's cities now has asthma. We know that asthma attacks are triggered primarily by bad air -- by ozone and particulates.

"We know that the principle source of those materials in our atmosphere is the 1,100 coal-burning power plants that are burning coal illegally.

RFK Jr...

Are you a Medical Doctor?

Jus' askin'...
There is a reason libs gravitate toward government, unions and the arts. Anything that chugs along on somebody else's nickel, produces nothing and demands little is right up their ally.

Private enterprise is sink or swim... libs can't function in an environment that doesn't provide guarantees.

Yet cons want government meeting their every whim from corporate aid, foreign aid, and the military, as long as their grandchildren are going to pay for it, produces nothing but cash for the rich, and profits for corporations.

There is a reason libs gravitate toward government, unions and the arts. Anything that chugs along on somebody else's nickel, produces nothing and demands little is right up their ally.

Private enterprise is sink or swim... libs can't function in an environment that doesn't provide guarantees.

Yet cons want government meeting their every whim from corporate aid, foreign aid, and the military, as long as their grandchildren are going to pay for it, produces nothing but cash for the rich, and profits for corporations.

Yes, cons appear to prefer a blending of government and corporations.
WOW Trajan...for all your blovation, innuendo, accusations, trying to make it sound like Kennedy is so far off the reservation that even liberals were running away from him and chastising me for no links...you provide NONE.

The level of Mercury in the American people is at dangerous levels...WHERE is it coming from?

Have you ever heard of the Body Burden? It refers to the amount of toxic chemicals you have in your body. The Environmental Working Group did a study with the Centers for Disease Control and found that there are vast numbers of toxic chemicals in our bodies, and in the bodies of newborn babies, in mothers' milk, and so on.

Here's a report on Pollution in Newborns

EWG Report || BodyBurden 2 - The Pollution in Newborns

"There are no Republican children or Democratic children." The environment MUST be seen as the only truly bi-partisan issue. It is not just in the domain of the Democrats, but should be the concern of everyone. Why else would the Republicans call themselves Conservatives if they are not conserving our planet. RFK Jr.

oh, so I get to post links and you, get to....?what? post more rants by rfk jr.?

and you are now building a straw-man. so the side track must be because you may have done some research? in any event.....Thimerosal.....

do the terms names; The Lancet , Andrew Wakefield. British General Medical Council mean anything to you..that was the beginning....

and here, I wil, in the interest of comity, post these for you.

Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism (Interview with Dr. Robert Schechter, MD, MSc)

Thimerosal (Mercury) In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism, New Research

MD News - Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Biomed Middle East » Thimerosal In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism Biomed Middle East

HealthyChildren.org - Thimerosal in Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

and last but not least-
Study: No increased autism risk from mercury-based perservative in vaccines | The Autism News

now, if you KNOW RFK jrs involvement in this, his duplicity and failure even after shown dutch english American studies collating the same findings, to change or even just acknowledge his willing, ambitious and determined continued participation in foisting this fraud, is not correct , well, what can I say, I would not let him walk my dog. And I personally would not source him as a cure for diaper rash.

You have posted 6 links. 5 of them are the same study. Did you catch this in one of your links?

'Two study authors disclosed financial ties to pharmaceutical companies, some of which manufacture vaccines.'

Let me ask you this, you use derogatory words like duplicity aimed at Robert Kennedy Jr. What do you believe his motives are? Do you believe it's possible big pharmaceutical companies are behind any of these studies?

What we do know is autism seems to be increasing in our children, and mercury levels in mothers, children and the general population is increasing along with other carcinogens. It should be a concern for all citizens and we should all want to find out the causes and we should all want to address the harmful chemicals we are ingesting. I strongly believe that is Robert Kennedy Jr's motivations.

"For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."
President John F. Kennedy
June 10, 1963

yes I did and?The have been peer reviewed, by the very orgs I list, thats the point, a simple and the page cascaded them like raindrops, what you fail to comprehend is every major org. that has the welfare of the child at heart has seen the studies, and have made the determination , my example was from different sites that all have agreed with that assessment.

and you're strawmanning again. Thimerosal is not the/a cause of autism.

from the very site that carried ole roberts call to arms that had to, in the end pull it after correcting for errors 4 times.....

Correcting our record
We've removed an explosive 2005 report by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about autism and vaccines. Here's why
By Kerry Lauerman

In 2005, Salon published online an exclusive story by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that offered an explosive premise: that the mercury-based thimerosal compound present in vaccines until 2001 was dangerous, and that he was "convinced that the link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real."

The piece was co-published with Rolling Stone magazine -- they fact-checked it and published it in print; we posted it online. In the days after running "Deadly Immunity," we amended the story with five corrections (which can still be found logged here) that went far in undermining Kennedy's exposé. At the time, we felt that correcting the piece -- and keeping it on the site, in the spirit of transparency -- was the best way to operate. But subsequent critics, including most recently, Seth Mnookin in his book "The Panic Virus," further eroded any faith we had in the story's value. We've grown to believe the best reader service is to delete the piece entirely.

more at-
Correcting our record - Inside Salon - Salon.com


Sticking Up for Thimerosal
Read the studies—it's safe.
By Arthur AllenPosted Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005, at 7:25 AM ET

Why thimerosal is safe. - By Arthur Allen - Slate Magazine

This non-event shouldn’t come as a surprise. Denmark mandated removal of thimerosal from vaccines in 1992. Even allowing for continued use of thimerosal-containing stocks of vaccine, Danish children were thimerosal-free by 1995. Autism prevalence in Denmark has risen in exactly the same fashion as in the United States and the United Kingdom.

A number of supporters of the thimerosal-autism connection have "corrected" the numbers of the Danish studies, manipulating the numbers in ways that would make Enron accountants blush. They can, through mathematical sleight-of-hand, turn the exponential upward curve into a downward trend, but they have yet to explain why the autism numbers in Denmark keep rising every year if the prevalence is dropping. So, no matter how many possible mechanisms are proposed, no matter how they "massage" the data, the cold, hard facts are these:

* Thimerosal exposure is down.
* Autism numbers have kept rising.

more at-
Thimerosal Is Not Responsible for Autism


Major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine[2] and World Health Organization[7] (WHO) as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration[4] (FDA) and the CDC[8] reject any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Thiomersal controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the citations are at the bottom of the page.

why yes of course, they all wrong as they are all on the hook to pharmaceutical co's.........enjoy your Soma.
Last edited:

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Corporations don't create wealth. People do. Most of us Librals have no problem with corporations being corporations. What we object to is Corporations that have exceeded the boundaries of their charters to do business and have been given rights that supercede us Biologicals.
At the basic level, we have no problems with Corporations. When corporate leaders abuse the power of their corporations to the detriment of the rest of society, that is when we get a little testy.

Though you are definitely correct that individuals create wealth, it is within corporations that individuals organize economic activities which harness the creation of wealth. As limited liability structures, corporations encourage risk-taking as those who risk capital are generally limited to the capital invested in the corporation, which encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.
Would you agree with RFK Jr corporations also encourage finding new ways to get somebody else to pay their production costs?

"Corporations are externalizing machines.

"They're constantly figuring out ways to get somebody else to pay their costs of production.

"That's their nature.

"One of the best ways to do that, and the most common way for a polluter, is through pollution.

"When those coal-burning power plants put mercury into the atmosphere that comes down from the Ohio Valley to my state of New York, I buy a fishing license for $30 every year, but I can't go fishing and eat the fish anymore because they stole the fish from me.

"They liquidated a public asset, my asset."
The military represents over 50% of the budget, so how can your statement be logical?

The military is not over 50% of the budget. It is about 20%.

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its about 40%, according to what I am seeing, if that is even close. It maybe missing social expenditures for military families on welfare, veteran benefits of various kinds (Home, school, rehab, parks, loans, etc.)

It surely does not factor in all the va mortgage losses for 2010.

Total veteran Spending $1.060–$1.449 trillion
Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total US budget expenditures $3.552 trillion (estimated)
Last edited:
The military represents over 50% of the budget, so how can your statement be logical?

The military is not over 50% of the budget. It is about 20%.

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its about 40%, according to what I am seeing, if that is even close. It maybe missing social expenditures for military families on welfare, veteran benefits of various kinds (Home, school, rehab, parks, loans, etc.)

It surely does not factor in all the va mortgage losses for 2010.

Total veteran Spending $1.060–$1.449 trillion
Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total US budget expenditures $3.552 trillion (estimated)

I wouldn't use those numbers, given that the author has a range of $300 billion for interest on wars.
There is a reason libs gravitate toward government, unions and the arts. Anything that chugs along on somebody else's nickel, produces nothing and demands little is right up their ally.

Private enterprise is sink or swim... libs can't function in an environment that doesn't provide guarantees.
There's a reason cons gravitate toward delusion... it's called amnesia.

"Private enterprise is sink or swim..."

Somebody should have told Wall Street.

How many of your nickles is Goldman Sachs chugging on?

Be sure to vote Republican (OR Democrat) in 2012 to Change Absolutely Nothing and Destroy All Hope.
Who can understand the mind of a liberal? If it's backassward, evil, wrong, destroys, hates- it's liberal.

Reagan, Bush Sr., Cheney, Bush Jr., were all Liberals? Now are you the product of a private school by any chance?

Why do liberals slaughter their own unborn children?

Prolly the same reason Bush slaughtered his own son on a Texas abortion table, and Bill Frist makes millions off investing in abortion clinics, and republican women open their legs to the abortion butchers. I guess we just make it too easy for them to do?

Why do liberals despise capitalism and yet their ruling elite are rich? Liberalism is insanity personified.

I didn't know liberals despise capitalism. Where is the proof of that? And cons are closeted whores, perverts, and pedophiles.
There is a reason libs gravitate toward government, unions and the arts. Anything that chugs along on somebody else's nickel, produces nothing and demands little is right up their ally.

Private enterprise is sink or swim... libs can't function in an environment that doesn't provide guarantees.
There's a reason cons gravitate toward delusion... it's called amnesia.

"Private enterprise is sink or swim..."

Somebody should have told Wall Street.

How many of your nickles is Goldman Sachs chugging on?

Be sure to vote Republican (OR Democrat) in 2012 to Change Absolutely Nothing and Destroy All Hope.

and how quickly everyone forgot the savings and loan scam only a few years before the "contract with america" clearly GOP power relies on the short attention span of their constituents
The military is not over 50% of the budget. It is about 20%.

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its about 40%, according to what I am seeing, if that is even close. It maybe missing social expenditures for military families on welfare, veteran benefits of various kinds (Home, school, rehab, parks, loans, etc.)

It surely does not factor in all the va mortgage losses for 2010.

Total veteran Spending $1.060–$1.449 trillion
Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total US budget expenditures $3.552 trillion (estimated)

I wouldn't use those numbers, given that the author has a range of $300 billion for interest on wars.

I didn't see that, but I do understand that it includes prior wars that were not paid off.
oh, so I get to post links and you, get to....?what? post more rants by rfk jr.?

and you are now building a straw-man. so the side track must be because you may have done some research? in any event.....Thimerosal.....

do the terms names; The Lancet , Andrew Wakefield. British General Medical Council mean anything to you..that was the beginning....

and here, I wil, in the interest of comity, post these for you.

Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism (Interview with Dr. Robert Schechter, MD, MSc)

Thimerosal (Mercury) In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism, New Research

MD News - Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Biomed Middle East » Thimerosal In Vaccines Not Linked To Autism Biomed Middle East

HealthyChildren.org - Thimerosal in Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

and last but not least-
Study: No increased autism risk from mercury-based perservative in vaccines | The Autism News

now, if you KNOW RFK jrs involvement in this, his duplicity and failure even after shown dutch english American studies collating the same findings, to change or even just acknowledge his willing, ambitious and determined continued participation in foisting this fraud, is not correct , well, what can I say, I would not let him walk my dog. And I personally would not source him as a cure for diaper rash.

You have posted 6 links. 5 of them are the same study. Did you catch this in one of your links?

'Two study authors disclosed financial ties to pharmaceutical companies, some of which manufacture vaccines.'

Let me ask you this, you use derogatory words like duplicity aimed at Robert Kennedy Jr. What do you believe his motives are? Do you believe it's possible big pharmaceutical companies are behind any of these studies?

What we do know is autism seems to be increasing in our children, and mercury levels in mothers, children and the general population is increasing along with other carcinogens. It should be a concern for all citizens and we should all want to find out the causes and we should all want to address the harmful chemicals we are ingesting. I strongly believe that is Robert Kennedy Jr's motivations.

"For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."
President John F. Kennedy
June 10, 1963

yes I did and?The have been peer reviewed, by the very orgs I list, thats the point, a simple and the page cascaded them like raindrops, what you fail to comprehend is every major org. that has the welfare of the child at heart has seen the studies, and have made the determination , my example was from different sites that all have agreed with that assessment.

and you're strawmanning again. Thimerosal is not the/a cause of autism.

from the very site that carried ole roberts call to arms that had to, in the end pull it after correcting for errors 4 times.....

Correcting our record
We've removed an explosive 2005 report by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about autism and vaccines. Here's why
By Kerry Lauerman

In 2005, Salon published online an exclusive story by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that offered an explosive premise: that the mercury-based thimerosal compound present in vaccines until 2001 was dangerous, and that he was "convinced that the link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real."

The piece was co-published with Rolling Stone magazine -- they fact-checked it and published it in print; we posted it online. In the days after running "Deadly Immunity," we amended the story with five corrections (which can still be found logged here) that went far in undermining Kennedy's exposé. At the time, we felt that correcting the piece -- and keeping it on the site, in the spirit of transparency -- was the best way to operate. But subsequent critics, including most recently, Seth Mnookin in his book "The Panic Virus," further eroded any faith we had in the story's value. We've grown to believe the best reader service is to delete the piece entirely.

more at-
Correcting our record - Inside Salon - Salon.com


Sticking Up for Thimerosal
Read the studies—it's safe.
By Arthur AllenPosted Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005, at 7:25 AM ET

Why thimerosal is safe. - By Arthur Allen - Slate Magazine

This non-event shouldn’t come as a surprise. Denmark mandated removal of thimerosal from vaccines in 1992. Even allowing for continued use of thimerosal-containing stocks of vaccine, Danish children were thimerosal-free by 1995. Autism prevalence in Denmark has risen in exactly the same fashion as in the United States and the United Kingdom.

A number of supporters of the thimerosal-autism connection have "corrected" the numbers of the Danish studies, manipulating the numbers in ways that would make Enron accountants blush. They can, through mathematical sleight-of-hand, turn the exponential upward curve into a downward trend, but they have yet to explain why the autism numbers in Denmark keep rising every year if the prevalence is dropping. So, no matter how many possible mechanisms are proposed, no matter how they "massage" the data, the cold, hard facts are these:

* Thimerosal exposure is down.
* Autism numbers have kept rising.

more at-
Thimerosal Is Not Responsible for Autism


Major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine[2] and World Health Organization[7] (WHO) as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration[4] (FDA) and the CDC[8] reject any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Thiomersal controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the citations are at the bottom of the page.

why yes of course, they all wrong as they are all on the hook to pharmaceutical co's.........enjoy your Soma.

Maybe if you read the links you post you'd find out the Thiomersal controversy (your wiki link) started well before Robert Kennedy Jr. got involved. It was started by and in the medical field and related agencies. At least 6 years before. And if you had read farther, you'd find out the first real questions regarding thimerosal’s safety were raised in the 1970s, provoked by rising awareness of the dangers of organic mercury poisoning.

And, the 2 studies you cite are 3 years after RFK Jr's article, and your 'cascaded them like raindrops' is 5 years after RFK Jr's article. So a scientific consensus is just materializing. And there are scientists who are/were skeptical well after RFK Jr's article.
There is a reason libs gravitate toward government, unions and the arts. Anything that chugs along on somebody else's nickel, produces nothing and demands little is right up their ally.

Private enterprise is sink or swim... libs can't function in an environment that doesn't provide guarantees.
There's a reason cons gravitate toward delusion... it's called amnesia.

"Private enterprise is sink or swim..."

Somebody should have told Wall Street.

How many of your nickles is Goldman Sachs chugging on?

Be sure to vote Republican (OR Democrat) in 2012 to Change Absolutely Nothing and Destroy All Hope.

and how quickly everyone forgot the savings and loan scam only a few years before the "contract with america" clearly GOP power relies on the short attention span of their constituents
Yet even with the Savings and Loan debacle at least there were prosecutions for fraud. We've seen none so far from a scandal orders of magnitude greater.

I'm not sure McCain or Hillary could have gotten away with that.
There's a reason cons gravitate toward delusion... it's called amnesia.

"Private enterprise is sink or swim..."

Somebody should have told Wall Street.

How many of your nickles is Goldman Sachs chugging on?

Be sure to vote Republican (OR Democrat) in 2012 to Change Absolutely Nothing and Destroy All Hope.

and how quickly everyone forgot the savings and loan scam only a few years before the "contract with america" clearly GOP power relies on the short attention span of their constituents
Yet even with the Savings and Loan debacle at least there were prosecutions for fraud. We've seen none so far from a scandal orders of magnitude greater.

I'm not sure McCain or Hillary could have gotten away with that.

The president's son even had to pay 50 large. Ah the good old days...
You have posted 6 links. 5 of them are the same study. Did you catch this in one of your links?

'Two study authors disclosed financial ties to pharmaceutical companies, some of which manufacture vaccines.'

Let me ask you this, you use derogatory words like duplicity aimed at Robert Kennedy Jr. What do you believe his motives are? Do you believe it's possible big pharmaceutical companies are behind any of these studies?

What we do know is autism seems to be increasing in our children, and mercury levels in mothers, children and the general population is increasing along with other carcinogens. It should be a concern for all citizens and we should all want to find out the causes and we should all want to address the harmful chemicals we are ingesting. I strongly believe that is Robert Kennedy Jr's motivations.

"For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."
President John F. Kennedy
June 10, 1963

yes I did and?The have been peer reviewed, by the very orgs I list, thats the point, a simple and the page cascaded them like raindrops, what you fail to comprehend is every major org. that has the welfare of the child at heart has seen the studies, and have made the determination , my example was from different sites that all have agreed with that assessment.

and you're strawmanning again. Thimerosal is not the/a cause of autism.

from the very site that carried ole roberts call to arms that had to, in the end pull it after correcting for errors 4 times.....

Correcting our record
We've removed an explosive 2005 report by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about autism and vaccines. Here's why
By Kerry Lauerman

In 2005, Salon published online an exclusive story by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that offered an explosive premise: that the mercury-based thimerosal compound present in vaccines until 2001 was dangerous, and that he was "convinced that the link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real."

The piece was co-published with Rolling Stone magazine -- they fact-checked it and published it in print; we posted it online. In the days after running "Deadly Immunity," we amended the story with five corrections (which can still be found logged here) that went far in undermining Kennedy's exposé. At the time, we felt that correcting the piece -- and keeping it on the site, in the spirit of transparency -- was the best way to operate. But subsequent critics, including most recently, Seth Mnookin in his book "The Panic Virus," further eroded any faith we had in the story's value. We've grown to believe the best reader service is to delete the piece entirely.

more at-
Correcting our record - Inside Salon - Salon.com


Sticking Up for Thimerosal
Read the studies—it's safe.
By Arthur AllenPosted Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005, at 7:25 AM ET

Why thimerosal is safe. - By Arthur Allen - Slate Magazine

This non-event shouldn’t come as a surprise. Denmark mandated removal of thimerosal from vaccines in 1992. Even allowing for continued use of thimerosal-containing stocks of vaccine, Danish children were thimerosal-free by 1995. Autism prevalence in Denmark has risen in exactly the same fashion as in the United States and the United Kingdom.

A number of supporters of the thimerosal-autism connection have "corrected" the numbers of the Danish studies, manipulating the numbers in ways that would make Enron accountants blush. They can, through mathematical sleight-of-hand, turn the exponential upward curve into a downward trend, but they have yet to explain why the autism numbers in Denmark keep rising every year if the prevalence is dropping. So, no matter how many possible mechanisms are proposed, no matter how they "massage" the data, the cold, hard facts are these:

* Thimerosal exposure is down.
* Autism numbers have kept rising.

more at-
Thimerosal Is Not Responsible for Autism


Major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine[2] and World Health Organization[7] (WHO) as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration[4] (FDA) and the CDC[8] reject any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Thiomersal controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the citations are at the bottom of the page.

why yes of course, they all wrong as they are all on the hook to pharmaceutical co's.........enjoy your Soma.

Maybe if you read the links you post you'd find out the Thiomersal controversy (your wiki link) started well before Robert Kennedy Jr. got involved. It was started by and in the medical field and related agencies. At least 6 years before. And if you had read farther, you'd find out the first real questions regarding thimerosal’s safety were raised in the 1970s, provoked by rising awareness of the dangers of organic mercury poisoning.

And, the 2 studies you cite are 3 years after RFK Jr's article, and your 'cascaded them like raindrops' is 5 years after RFK Jr's article. So a scientific consensus is just materializing. And there are scientists who are/were skeptical well after RFK Jr's article.

I am aware of the dates, I posted it, I also included it in the text, further it is not directly germane to my angst on the whole.
which strawman or distraction is up next? oh wait, I think a cdc guy according to Robert took some money and he had something to do with the cdc agreeing that there was no autism traceable to Thiomersal and wait, you found someone disagreed with Institute of Medicine, World Health Organization (WHO) the Food and Drug Administration ( who at first didn't agree, but did after a flaw in their study data was pointed out) and the CDC....:eek:

And as an added bonus, it appears you are selective in what articles or links you read and information you 'digest' or allow yourself to process. If you want to play games find a park.......
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Yeah, Bill Gates, George Soros and Warren Buffet, along with the Kennedy clan, the Kerry's, and Ben & Jerry - all hate capitalism.

Brilliant thread.
yes I did and?The have been peer reviewed, by the very orgs I list, thats the point, a simple and the page cascaded them like raindrops, what you fail to comprehend is every major org. that has the welfare of the child at heart has seen the studies, and have made the determination , my example was from different sites that all have agreed with that assessment.

and you're strawmanning again. Thimerosal is not the/a cause of autism.

from the very site that carried ole roberts call to arms that had to, in the end pull it after correcting for errors 4 times.....

Correcting our record
We've removed an explosive 2005 report by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about autism and vaccines. Here's why
By Kerry Lauerman

In 2005, Salon published online an exclusive story by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that offered an explosive premise: that the mercury-based thimerosal compound present in vaccines until 2001 was dangerous, and that he was "convinced that the link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real."

The piece was co-published with Rolling Stone magazine -- they fact-checked it and published it in print; we posted it online. In the days after running "Deadly Immunity," we amended the story with five corrections (which can still be found logged here) that went far in undermining Kennedy's exposé. At the time, we felt that correcting the piece -- and keeping it on the site, in the spirit of transparency -- was the best way to operate. But subsequent critics, including most recently, Seth Mnookin in his book "The Panic Virus," further eroded any faith we had in the story's value. We've grown to believe the best reader service is to delete the piece entirely.

more at-
Correcting our record - Inside Salon - Salon.com


Sticking Up for Thimerosal
Read the studies—it's safe.
By Arthur AllenPosted Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005, at 7:25 AM ET

Why thimerosal is safe. - By Arthur Allen - Slate Magazine

This non-event shouldn’t come as a surprise. Denmark mandated removal of thimerosal from vaccines in 1992. Even allowing for continued use of thimerosal-containing stocks of vaccine, Danish children were thimerosal-free by 1995. Autism prevalence in Denmark has risen in exactly the same fashion as in the United States and the United Kingdom.

A number of supporters of the thimerosal-autism connection have "corrected" the numbers of the Danish studies, manipulating the numbers in ways that would make Enron accountants blush. They can, through mathematical sleight-of-hand, turn the exponential upward curve into a downward trend, but they have yet to explain why the autism numbers in Denmark keep rising every year if the prevalence is dropping. So, no matter how many possible mechanisms are proposed, no matter how they "massage" the data, the cold, hard facts are these:

* Thimerosal exposure is down.
* Autism numbers have kept rising.

more at-
Thimerosal Is Not Responsible for Autism


Major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine[2] and World Health Organization[7] (WHO) as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration[4] (FDA) and the CDC[8] reject any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Thiomersal controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the citations are at the bottom of the page.

why yes of course, they all wrong as they are all on the hook to pharmaceutical co's.........enjoy your Soma.

Maybe if you read the links you post you'd find out the Thiomersal controversy (your wiki link) started well before Robert Kennedy Jr. got involved. It was started by and in the medical field and related agencies. At least 6 years before. And if you had read farther, you'd find out the first real questions regarding thimerosal’s safety were raised in the 1970s, provoked by rising awareness of the dangers of organic mercury poisoning.

And, the 2 studies you cite are 3 years after RFK Jr's article, and your 'cascaded them like raindrops' is 5 years after RFK Jr's article. So a scientific consensus is just materializing. And there are scientists who are/were skeptical well after RFK Jr's article.

I am aware of the dates, I posted it, I also included it in the text, further it is not directly germane to my angst on the whole.
which strawman or distraction is up next? oh wait, I think a cdc guy according to Robert took some money and he had something to do with the cdc agreeing that there was no autism traceable to Thiomersal and wait, you found someone disagreed with Institute of Medicine, World Health Organization (WHO) the Food and Drug Administration ( who at first didn't agree, but did after a flaw in their study data was pointed out) and the CDC....:eek:

And as an added bonus, it appears you are selective in what articles or links you read and information you 'digest' or allow yourself to process. If you want to play games find a park.......

So...you want me to ignore facts I find in articles you post, and only read selective facts in articles you post that supports your agenda. I see. And I am supposed to expect that any links I include are totally ignored or ostracized...I don't have the slightest idea how you feel, and I'm not interested in finding out in any genuine sense' but when I ask questions they are just for exercise. I'm 'heavy' in 'judgments', but you merely instruct...got it...
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Why do the Left Wing Liberals Hate Corporations?


Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

A more interesting question is why modern conservatives have come to worship corporations, bankers, and wall street tycoons.

The founding fathers, were, if anything anti-corporation. The whole damn revolution was fought against the concentration of power and corruption in the monied institutions and in the crown. If you're not up on history, do some googling about the East India Company.

The founders absolutely viewed corporations and concentrations of vast wealth as a threat to a democratic republic, and a corrupting influence that had to be guarded against. In those days, States held corporations in check, required them to hold charters that the State could dissolve at any time, and required corporations to operate in the public interest. Thomas Jefferson wanted a constitutional amendment explicitly and strictly limiting corporate power. It wasn't until the rise of modern conservatism, and the Limbaugh ditto-head movement that corporations became revered as demi-gods to tea baggers.

Here's what the greatest republican president in history said about corporations:

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."

-Abraham Lincoln - In a letter written to William Elkin less than five months before he was assassinated.
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