Why do the Left Wing Liberals Hate Corporations?

then there are centrists who didn't believe that corporations are evil

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Corporatism, like religion and government are tools for organizing humans to do more than any individual human can do on their own. Like most profitable human endeavors, 'organization' can be used or abused by the humans exercising whatever control exists. The good news from an evolutionary standpoint is the sheer variety of organized human activity we have on earth today.

Tools in the hands of God or inevitable tools of Evolution and Time, the development of those organizational capabilities will be worth their cost, ass-u-me-ing no complete ass hole detonates another nuke in anger.

Momma's little bastards of the future are going to use those tools and others to reach for the stars one day - that's why I'm investing my long term savings in corporations and I don't mind paying taxes. I think the tax free status of the worship industry needs to be revisited, but that's the subject of another thread.

Exciting times, eh?
A more interesting question is why modern conservatives have come to worship corporations, bankers, and wall street tycoons.

Because nothing feels more like Freedom™ than getting bent over and screwed over by the heroes of Ayn Rand.
As compared to her villains? I'm sure the limp hand of Ellsworth Toohey, James Taggart and the rest of the looters are much more preferrable because they have....


Mmmmhmmmm feel the love, the spread some of GOOOOOOOD INTENTIONSSS brand ointment on the hole that hurts most.

At least the 'heroes of Ayn Rand' don't begrudge a person for doing well for themselves and achieving the best they can.
Yeah, Bill Gates, George Soros and Warren Buffet, along with the Kennedy clan, the Kerry's, and Ben & Jerry - all hate capitalism.

Brilliant thread.
Not to mention most of Hollywood and the music industry.
Simple fact is they want corporatism. The government protecting them and their profits, but screwing everyone else for their benefit.

It's nice to have a pet government to keep the plebes in line and protect you from any righteous anger against you.
and how quickly everyone forgot the savings and loan scam only a few years before the "contract with america" clearly GOP power relies on the short attention span of their constituents
Yet even with the Savings and Loan debacle at least there were prosecutions for fraud. We've seen none so far from a scandal orders of magnitude greater.

I'm not sure McCain or Hillary could have gotten away with that.

The president's son even had to pay 50 large. Ah the good old days...
And this Republic was spared a Neil Bush presidency.

Apparently Neil and Jeb are the smart ones with Neil having a "head for numbers."

Good thing they're all greedy.
Maybe if you read the links you post you'd find out the Thiomersal controversy (your wiki link) started well before Robert Kennedy Jr. got involved. It was started by and in the medical field and related agencies. At least 6 years before. And if you had read farther, you'd find out the first real questions regarding thimerosal’s safety were raised in the 1970s, provoked by rising awareness of the dangers of organic mercury poisoning.

And, the 2 studies you cite are 3 years after RFK Jr's article, and your 'cascaded them like raindrops' is 5 years after RFK Jr's article. So a scientific consensus is just materializing. And there are scientists who are/were skeptical well after RFK Jr's article.

I am aware of the dates, I posted it, I also included it in the text, further it is not directly germane to my angst on the whole.
which strawman or distraction is up next? oh wait, I think a cdc guy according to Robert took some money and he had something to do with the cdc agreeing that there was no autism traceable to Thiomersal and wait, you found someone disagreed with Institute of Medicine, World Health Organization (WHO) the Food and Drug Administration ( who at first didn't agree, but did after a flaw in their study data was pointed out) and the CDC....:eek:

And as an added bonus, it appears you are selective in what articles or links you read and information you 'digest' or allow yourself to process. If you want to play games find a park.......

So...you want me to ignore facts I find in articles you post, and only read selective facts in articles you post that supports your agenda. I see. And I am supposed to expect that any links I include are totally ignored or ostracized...I don't have the slightest idea how you feel, and I'm not interested in finding out in any genuine sense' but when I ask questions they are just for exercise. I'm 'heavy' in 'judgments', but you merely instruct...got it...

there are only 2 facts that exist in the context our discussion; Thiomersal is not a threat ala autism and RFK jr. is a grasping dilettante who took up a cause and continues to make hay over a issue that has been found by a preeminent authoritative preponderance of the medical and scientific community as false......

he’s just another limousine liberal; Laurie David or Al Gore etc. etc. but with a bigger name, hence a larger stable of useful idiots......those are the facts, you fight and flight between having to admit this or constructing strawmen, then finding and spinning some marginal snippet into a refutation of the whole. *shrugs*.

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Because it's not fair (whining petulantly) to allow some people to get rich.
Is it fair to allow some people to get rich from killing millions of innocent civilians?

"Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people – didn't one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something? How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation.

"Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year. It wasn't much, but the du Ponts managed to get along on it. Now let's look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918.

"Fifty-eight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good. An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent."

Or is Smedley Darlington Butler whining?
I am aware of the dates, I posted it, I also included it in the text, further it is not directly germane to my angst on the whole.
which strawman or distraction is up next? oh wait, I think a cdc guy according to Robert took some money and he had something to do with the cdc agreeing that there was no autism traceable to Thiomersal and wait, you found someone disagreed with Institute of Medicine, World Health Organization (WHO) the Food and Drug Administration ( who at first didn't agree, but did after a flaw in their study data was pointed out) and the CDC....:eek:

And as an added bonus, it appears you are selective in what articles or links you read and information you 'digest' or allow yourself to process. If you want to play games find a park.......

So...you want me to ignore facts I find in articles you post, and only read selective facts in articles you post that supports your agenda. I see. And I am supposed to expect that any links I include are totally ignored or ostracized...I don't have the slightest idea how you feel, and I'm not interested in finding out in any genuine sense' but when I ask questions they are just for exercise. I'm 'heavy' in 'judgments', but you merely instruct...got it...

there are only 2 facts that exist in the context our discussion; Thiomersal is not a threat ala autism and RFK jr. is a grasping dilettante who took up a cause and continues to make hay over a issue that has been found by a preeminent authoritative preponderance of the medical and scientific community as false......

he’s just another limousine liberal; Laurie David or Al Gore etc. etc. but with a bigger name, hence a larger stable of useful idiots......those are the facts, you fight and flight between having to admit this or constructing strawmen, then finding and spinning some marginal snippet into a refutation of the whole. *shrugs*.

Nice spin...

A 'marginal snippet' is the FACT that this Thiomersal controversy was started by THE SAME 'preeminent authoritative preponderance of the medical and scientific community' YEARS BEFORE Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote his article.

And, a 'marginal snippets' is the FACT the information was supplied by YOU.
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'The Corporation' as an idea is not a bad or evil thing but like everything so touched by humans and their appetites, it's being abused.

If you can't see that you have my pity. If you understand and still believe that corporate reform is a bad idea, I will defend your right to be wrong for as long as I breathe.

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.
"Last week, in the face of protest demonstrations against Wisconsin’s new union-busting governor, Scott Walker — demonstrations that continued through the weekend, with huge crowds on Saturday — Representative Paul Ryan made an unintentionally apt comparison: “It’s like Cairo has moved to Madison

It wasn’t the smartest thing for Mr. Ryan to say, since he probably didn’t mean to compare Mr. Walker, a fellow Republican, to Hosni Mubarak. Or maybe he did — after all, quite a few prominent conservatives, including Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Rick Santorum, denounced the uprising in Egypt and insist that President Obama should have helped the Mubarak regime suppress it."

So...you want me to ignore facts I find in articles you post, and only read selective facts in articles you post that supports your agenda. I see. And I am supposed to expect that any links I include are totally ignored or ostracized...I don't have the slightest idea how you feel, and I'm not interested in finding out in any genuine sense' but when I ask questions they are just for exercise. I'm 'heavy' in 'judgments', but you merely instruct...got it...

there are only 2 facts that exist in the context our discussion; Thiomersal is not a threat ala autism and RFK jr. is a grasping dilettante who took up a cause and continues to make hay over a issue that has been found by a preeminent authoritative preponderance of the medical and scientific community as false......

he’s just another limousine liberal; Laurie David or Al Gore etc. etc. but with a bigger name, hence a larger stable of useful idiots......those are the facts, you fight and flight between having to admit this or constructing strawmen, then finding and spinning some marginal snippet into a refutation of the whole. *shrugs*.

Nice spin...

A 'marginal snippet' is the FACT that this Thiomersal controversy was started by THE SAME 'preeminent authoritative preponderance of the medical and scientific community' YEARS BEFORE Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote his article.

And, a 'marginal snippets' is the FACT the information was supplied by YOU.

:lol:boy that'll show me!!!!
Why do the Left Wing Liberals Hate Corporations?

We don't hate corporations. We hate corporations that run amok, with no constraints, no rules, no regulations.

Big difference.

In other words, You want to control and own them yourselves, like the madman Obama, so you can make up the rules and regulations as you see fit? ~BH

No, that would be your words.

Don't ever cure your crazy, BH - it's always good for a chuckle.

You're a 24 hour "chuckle" around here. ~BH

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Because it's not fair (whining petulantly) to allow some people to get rich.
Is it fair to allow some people to get rich from killing millions of innocent civilians?

"Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people – didn't one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something? How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation.

"Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year. It wasn't much, but the du Ponts managed to get along on it. Now let's look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918.

"Fifty-eight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good. An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent."

Or is Smedley Darlington Butler whining?

The Duponts didn't kill anyone, the people who bought their product did.

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