Why Biden is doing a Great Job


I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.


A. "Bush Sr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch and ended long before Clinton's election, IDIOT.

B. "Clinton's recession" started before Bush Jr. took office, IDIOT.

C. You're fucking blaming COVID on Trump? That's fucking so dishonest, what an ass.

D. "Bush Jr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch, IDIOT. And Bush brought the problems to congress beforehand and what did they do? Nothing, IDIOT. I don't even like Bush Jr.

E. The USA saw great improvement ON TRUMP's WATCH following the COVID collapse.

You PROGS should take a govt. class for starts.

Bush sr, recession and failure.
Bush Jr, 2 losing wars, Katrina meltdown, inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and crashed the economy
Trump failed at covid, and left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and America in crisis and ruin, while inciting an insurrection at our nations capitol based on lies.

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history.
Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess
Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age.

You are what your record says you are, and the GOP record is total failure, while the dems have had great success (and it is continuing under Biden). All you can do is offer pathetic little bitch excuses...

You people are hysterical right now. You can't stand to see Biden Winning after trump failed so badly.

Love how you consider all these facts of Biden winning. :cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg:

Millions of dickhead Illegals flooding in.

Higher taxes

China getting our jobs and technology

Dismal economic growth

Higher energy cost

Muslim refugees

Increased welfare

Job killing environmental wacko regs

Destruction of Constitutional rights

Giving away the store to foreign welfare queens

Weakened military

Kissing the ass of the Muslims

Tremendous debt with nothing to show for it

Screwed up health care

Killing children on demand

Decreased family income.

Biden is a dipshit disaster. So far he's created a crisis at the border, allowed 100,000 to pour in just in Feb about 10% are infected with Covid. He can't hold even a single press conference because half his brain has turned to mush. He's killed thousands of blue collar union jobs. He raised taxes $60 billion with trillions more tax increases in the works. He's a one man wrecking crew.

You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President and China Joe was VP. Only now it is going to be worse.
Nobody cares about any of that or the lies you posted.

All that matters is Biden is going to beat covid, while trump failed at covid, Biden passed much needed relief that the vast majority of Americans approve, and Biden is getting the economy back on track.

You are hysterical because America is just better now, than it was under Trump. The future outlook is so much better now than under Trump.

Enjoy the Biden BOOOM ! I'm sure you are going to hate seeing America so great.

I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.

You are an idiot.

I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.


A. "Bush Sr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch and ended long before Clinton's election, IDIOT.

B. "Clinton's recession" started before Bush Jr. took office, IDIOT.

C. You're fucking blaming COVID on Trump? That's fucking so dishonest, what an ass.

D. "Bush Jr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch, IDIOT. And Bush brought the problems to congress beforehand and what did they do? Nothing, IDIOT. I don't even like Bush Jr.

E. The USA saw great improvement ON TRUMP's WATCH following the COVID collapse.

You PROGS should take a govt. class for starts.

Dana troll is indeed starting to sound more and more like the juvenile rants of banker isnt he?:lmao: He has been listening wayyyyyyyyyyy too much to what kiddies Banker and mac have to say.:auiqs.jpg:

You are totally hysterical !

Everyone sees what is happening in America and the Trumpers are having a meltdown because Biden is winning and Trump got crushed by covid.

Biden is doing what Trump failed to do, and Biden is doing a great job. This is just the beginning, America is set to soar and everyone knows it.

You are going to be really really upset in about 12 months when Biden beats covid and the economy is on a full tear !

Well, China is sure getting a kick out of it, just take a look at the recent Alaska meeging...dumbass,
America is definitely weaker after 4 years of Trump.

Biden has a lot of work to do to fix the Trump mess, just like when Obama and Biden had to fix the Bush mess, and Clinton had to fix the Bush Sr mess...
more lies
So when did the Iranians shoot missiles at our embassy in Iraq?
Biden created the border crisis we have now
Biden killed high paying jobs
Biden made us less energy efficient
you are one stupid son of a bitch

I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.


A. "Bush Sr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch and ended long before Clinton's election, IDIOT.

B. "Clinton's recession" started before Bush Jr. took office, IDIOT.

C. You're fucking blaming COVID on Trump? That's fucking so dishonest, what an ass.

D. "Bush Jr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch, IDIOT. And Bush brought the problems to congress beforehand and what did they do? Nothing, IDIOT. I don't even like Bush Jr.

E. The USA saw great improvement ON TRUMP's WATCH following the COVID collapse.

You PROGS should take a govt. class for starts.

Bush sr, recession and failure.
Bush Jr, 2 losing wars, Katrina meltdown, inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and crashed the economy
Trump failed at covid, and left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and America in crisis and ruin, while inciting an insurrection at our nations capitol based on lies.

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history.
Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess
Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age.

You are what your record says you are, and the GOP record is total failure, while the dems have had great success (and it is continuing under Biden). All you can do is offer pathetic little bitch excuses...

You people are hysterical right now. You can't stand to see Biden Winning after trump failed so badly.

Love how you consider all these facts of Biden winning. :cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg:

Millions of dickhead Illegals flooding in.

Higher taxes

China getting our jobs and technology

Dismal economic growth

Higher energy cost

Muslim refugees

Increased welfare

Job killing environmental wacko regs

Destruction of Constitutional rights

Giving away the store to foreign welfare queens

Weakened military

Kissing the ass of the Muslims

Tremendous debt with nothing to show for it

Screwed up health care

Killing children on demand

Decreased family income.

Biden is a dipshit disaster. So far he's created a crisis at the border, allowed 100,000 to pour in just in Feb about 10% are infected with Covid. He can't hold even a single press conference because half his brain has turned to mush. He's killed thousands of blue collar union jobs. He raised taxes $60 billion with trillions more tax increases in the works. He's a one man wrecking crew.

You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President and China Joe was VP. Only now it is going to be worse.
Nobody cares about any of that or the lies you posted.

All that matters is Biden is going to beat covid, while trump failed at covid, Biden passed much needed relief that the vast majority of Americans approve, and Biden is getting the economy back on track.

You are hysterical because America is just better now, than it was under Trump. The future outlook is so much better now than under Trump.

Enjoy the Biden BOOOM ! I'm sure you are going to hate seeing America so great.
enjoy you higher gas prices

I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.


A. "Bush Sr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch and ended long before Clinton's election, IDIOT.

B. "Clinton's recession" started before Bush Jr. took office, IDIOT.

C. You're fucking blaming COVID on Trump? That's fucking so dishonest, what an ass.

D. "Bush Jr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch, IDIOT. And Bush brought the problems to congress beforehand and what did they do? Nothing, IDIOT. I don't even like Bush Jr.

E. The USA saw great improvement ON TRUMP's WATCH following the COVID collapse.

You PROGS should take a govt. class for starts.

Bush sr, recession and failure.
Bush Jr, 2 losing wars, Katrina meltdown, inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and crashed the economy
Trump failed at covid, and left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and America in crisis and ruin, while inciting an insurrection at our nations capitol based on lies.

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history.
Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess
Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age.

You are what your record says you are, and the GOP record is total failure, while the dems have had great success (and it is continuing under Biden). All you can do is offer pathetic little bitch excuses...

You people are hysterical right now. You can't stand to see Biden Winning after trump failed so badly.

The budget was never balanced you dumb downed toad
1. Took covid seriously and had a plan to deal with it. A simple plan, wear a mask, social distance, and no super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc. Surprise, surprise, Biden's simple plan worked as covid cases are plummeting despite new variants and big spikes in Europe (Europe has vaccine too so clearly cases can spike even with some people vaccinated).
Big win for Biden

2. Passed a strong covid relief bill that will help families struggling. Trump turned his back on the struggling people and did nothing to help them. He cared more about crying like a bitch over election fraud that never happened. People were in real need and Biden and the dems responded. Majority of America favors the relief bill. Only bitter twisted Trumpers don't want it.

3. Ramp up vaccine distribution AND order more vaccine. For some insane reason Trump passed up opportunities to buy more vaccine early. Why would he do that? Trump had no real plan for vaccine distribution and his distribution was in-efficient and slow. Biden is crushing vaccine distribution and would be going even faster if Trump had ordered more doses, like he should've. Soon we will all be vacinated, thanks to Biden.

4. No more lies:
"This is nothing, it will all go away"
"It's the flu"
"We're rounding the curve"
"Maybe we could inject bleach"

Biden doesn't lie to America and say the dumbest shit ever like inject bleach... Trump was just over-matched by covid and didn't know how to properly respond. The numbers prove this. Trump had terrible covid numbers compared to other countries.

5. With covid gone finally the economy will soar. Trump was too stupid to understand that we need covid gone before we can fully re-open. Biden has mobilized the full power of the US government to crush covid, and rebuild America.

This is why Biden was elected. He is doing so much better than Trump.


I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.


A. "Bush Sr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch and ended long before Clinton's election, IDIOT.

B. "Clinton's recession" started before Bush Jr. took office, IDIOT.

C. You're fucking blaming COVID on Trump? That's fucking so dishonest, what an ass.

D. "Bush Jr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch, IDIOT. And Bush brought the problems to congress beforehand and what did they do? Nothing, IDIOT. I don't even like Bush Jr.

E. The USA saw great improvement ON TRUMP's WATCH following the COVID collapse.

You PROGS should take a govt. class for starts.

Bush sr, recession and failure.
Bush Jr, 2 losing wars, Katrina meltdown, inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and crashed the economy
Trump failed at covid, and left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and America in crisis and ruin, while inciting an insurrection at our nations capitol based on lies.

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history.
Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess
Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age.

You are what your record says you are, and the GOP record is total failure, while the dems have had great success (and it is continuing under Biden). All you can do is offer pathetic little bitch excuses...

You people are hysterical right now. You can't stand to see Biden Winning after trump failed so badly.

Love how you consider all these facts of Biden winning. :cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg:

Millions of dickhead Illegals flooding in.

Higher taxes

China getting our jobs and technology

Dismal economic growth

Higher energy cost

Muslim refugees

Increased welfare

Job killing environmental wacko regs

Destruction of Constitutional rights

Giving away the store to foreign welfare queens

Weakened military

Kissing the ass of the Muslims

Tremendous debt with nothing to show for it

Screwed up health care

Killing children on demand

Decreased family income.

Biden is a dipshit disaster. So far he's created a crisis at the border, allowed 100,000 to pour in just in Feb about 10% are infected with Covid. He can't hold even a single press conference because half his brain has turned to mush. He's killed thousands of blue collar union jobs. He raised taxes $60 billion with trillions more tax increases in the works. He's a one man wrecking crew.

You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President and China Joe was VP. Only now it is going to be worse.
Nobody cares about any of that or the lies you posted.

All that matters is Biden is going to beat covid, while trump failed at covid, Biden passed much needed relief that the vast majority of Americans approve, and Biden is getting the economy back on track.

You are hysterical because America is just better now, than it was under Trump. The future outlook is so much better now than under Trump.

Enjoy the Biden BOOOM ! I'm sure you are going to hate seeing America so great.

You sound real excited, like you're upset. Do you think you can convince yourself of the abstract by restating the same things over & over again with nothing behind it? You have to do that before you test it on others right, that's the first step.
You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President...
It always comes out sooner or later.
you sure like tal

I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.


A. "Bush Sr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch and ended long before Clinton's election, IDIOT.

B. "Clinton's recession" started before Bush Jr. took office, IDIOT.

C. You're fucking blaming COVID on Trump? That's fucking so dishonest, what an ass.

D. "Bush Jr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch, IDIOT. And Bush brought the problems to congress beforehand and what did they do? Nothing, IDIOT. I don't even like Bush Jr.

E. The USA saw great improvement ON TRUMP's WATCH following the COVID collapse.

You PROGS should take a govt. class for starts.

Bush sr, recession and failure.
Bush Jr, 2 losing wars, Katrina meltdown, inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and crashed the economy
Trump failed at covid, and left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and America in crisis and ruin, while inciting an insurrection at our nations capitol based on lies.

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history.
Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess
Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age.

You are what your record says you are, and the GOP record is total failure, while the dems have had great success (and it is continuing under Biden). All you can do is offer pathetic little bitch excuses...

You people are hysterical right now. You can't stand to see Biden Winning after trump failed so badly.

Love how you consider all these facts of Biden winning. :cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg:

Millions of dickhead Illegals flooding in.

Higher taxes

China getting our jobs and technology

Dismal economic growth

Higher energy cost

Increased welfare

Job killing environmental wacko regs

Destruction of Constitutional rights

Giving away the store to foreign welfare queens

Weakened military

Tremendous debt with nothing to show for it

Screwed up health care

Killing children on demand

Decreased family income.

Biden is a dipshit disaster. So far he's created a crisis at the border, allowed 100,000 to pour in just in Feb about 10% are infected with Covid. He can't hold even a single press conference because half his brain has turned to mush. He's killed thousands of blue collar union jobs. He raised taxes $60 billion with trillions more tax increases in the works. He's a one man wrecking crew.

You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President and China Joe was VP. Only now it is going to be worse.

The op kid does this all the time everytime i take him to school on this thread what a disater Biden is with those facts i just listed.:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

He starts deflecting and wont address the facts i listed here of Bidens corruption :auiqs.jpg:

That is why he created this thread cause he ran away from me and and herewego again cause he was outnumbered with nobody on his side on that other thread,by creating this thread,he knew some trolls would join him and be on his side. :lmao:
Look what Mac wrote :abgg2q.jpg: Reality in blue:

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history. Republican congress, who were also in-bed with China & internet. You fucking idiot, of course the surge in technology & enacting Chinese trade is going to result in a great economy in the short run. Use your fucking head.

Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess He did? HTF did he do that exactly, being we didn't see a significant surge until Trump & republican congress? Congress was Democrat when we sailed into "Bush's recession" you imbecile. Use your fucking head.

Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age. WTF?
Look what Mac wrote :abgg2q.jpg: Reality in blue:

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history. Republican congress, who were also in-bed with China & internet. You fucking idiot, of course the surge in technology & enacting Chinese trade is going to result in a great economy in the short run. Use your fucking head.

Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess He did? HTF did he do that exactly, being we didn't see a significant surge until Trump & republican congress? Congress was Democrat when we sailed into "Bush's recession" you imbecile. Use your fucking head.

Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age. WTF?

he keeps on posting fantasys saying trumpsters laughs are pretend laughs that we are disgusing our laughs as crying as well.:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :lmao: :auiqs.jpg:
1. Took covid seriously and had a plan to deal with it. A simple plan, wear a mask, social distance, and no super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc. Surprise, surprise, Biden's simple plan worked as covid cases are plummeting despite new variants and big spikes in Europe (Europe has vaccine too so clearly cases can spike even with some people vaccinated).
Big win for Biden

2. Passed a strong covid relief bill that will help families struggling. Trump turned his back on the struggling people and did nothing to help them. He cared more about crying like a bitch over election fraud that never happened. People were in real need and Biden and the dems responded. Majority of America favors the relief bill. Only bitter twisted Trumpers don't want it.

3. Ramp up vaccine distribution AND order more vaccine. For some insane reason Trump passed up opportunities to buy more vaccine early. Why would he do that? Trump had no real plan for vaccine distribution and his distribution was in-efficient and slow. Biden is crushing vaccine distribution and would be going even faster if Trump had ordered more doses, like he should've. Soon we will all be vacinated, thanks to Biden.

4. No more lies:
"This is nothing, it will all go away"
"It's the flu"
"We're rounding the curve"
"Maybe we could inject bleach"

Biden doesn't lie to America and say the dumbest shit ever like inject bleach... Trump was just over-matched by covid and didn't know how to properly respond. The numbers prove this. Trump had terrible covid numbers compared to other countries.

5. With covid gone finally the economy will soar. Trump was too stupid to understand that we need covid gone before we can fully re-open. Biden has mobilized the full power of the US government to crush covid, and rebuild America.

This is why Biden was elected. He is doing so much better than Trump.

No more lies...lmao. He said $2k on day one. He said $15 MW. Lies.
I stopped reading at the point the OP chose to inject his FEELINGs, which happens to have been the first three words in his post.

Look I get it OP, you're desperate to justify the party and leadership of your choice. I'd feel insecure with myself as well if I were in your size 8 shoes. But you do yourself a disfavor leading with your emotions as opposed brain, and that's exactly why you're PROG.
:yes_text12::thankusmile: desperate is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year that he is trying to justify the dem party.. The ONLY reason he created this thread was he was getting his ass handed to him on a platter recently by me and here we go again and others a few days ago before that so sense he was getting frustrated he was losing and could not refute our facts and was greatly outnumbered,he created this thread to run away from being outnumbered on that thread and getting his ass owned by us.take a look.

Notice how he evaded my point i made that you are a democrat and even YOU dont deny what a shitty job Biden is doing? He ALWAYS evades facts so I am not even going to feed that troll anymore.

Receiving your 'disagreement' is alway better than being ignored. Maybe something you'll want to keep in mind from now on. Put it to the test if you like to see how you feel?

I don't know why you and other people forget the first george bush. By the time the election of 1992 rolled around, America was on the verge of total collapse.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan of 1992?


Three consecutive democratic presidents had to start their terms cleaning up a huge republican mess.


A. "Bush Sr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch and ended long before Clinton's election, IDIOT.

B. "Clinton's recession" started before Bush Jr. took office, IDIOT.

C. You're fucking blaming COVID on Trump? That's fucking so dishonest, what an ass.

D. "Bush Jr's recession" was on Democrat congress' watch, IDIOT. And Bush brought the problems to congress beforehand and what did they do? Nothing, IDIOT. I don't even like Bush Jr.

E. The USA saw great improvement ON TRUMP's WATCH following the COVID collapse.

You PROGS should take a govt. class for starts.

Bush sr, recession and failure.
Bush Jr, 2 losing wars, Katrina meltdown, inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and crashed the economy
Trump failed at covid, and left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and America in crisis and ruin, while inciting an insurrection at our nations capitol based on lies.

Clinton, Golden Age, best economy in US history.
Obama, fixed the Bush disaster mess
Biden, another Clinton era Golden Age.

You are what your record says you are, and the GOP record is total failure, while the dems have had great success (and it is continuing under Biden). All you can do is offer pathetic little bitch excuses...

You people are hysterical right now. You can't stand to see Biden Winning after trump failed so badly.

Love how you consider all these facts of Biden winning. :cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg:

Millions of dickhead Illegals flooding in.

Higher taxes

China getting our jobs and technology

Dismal economic growth

Higher energy cost

Muslim refugees

Increased welfare

Job killing environmental wacko regs

Destruction of Constitutional rights

Giving away the store to foreign welfare queens

Weakened military

Kissing the ass of the Muslims

Tremendous debt with nothing to show for it

Screwed up health care

Killing children on demand

Decreased family income.

Biden is a dipshit disaster. So far he's created a crisis at the border, allowed 100,000 to pour in just in Feb about 10% are infected with Covid. He can't hold even a single press conference because half his brain has turned to mush. He's killed thousands of blue collar union jobs. He raised taxes $60 billion with trillions more tax increases in the works. He's a one man wrecking crew.

You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President and China Joe was VP. Only now it is going to be worse.
Nobody cares about any of that or the lies you posted.

All that matters is Biden is going to beat covid, while trump failed at covid, Biden passed much needed relief that the vast majority of Americans approve, and Biden is getting the economy back on track.

You are hysterical because America is just better now, than it was under Trump. The future outlook is so much better now than under Trump.

Enjoy the Biden BOOOM ! I'm sure you are going to hate seeing America so great.

You sound real excited, like you're upset. Do you think you can convince yourself of the abstract by restating the same things over & over again with nothing behind it? You have to do that before you test it on others right, that's the first step.

:thankusmile: well said,:thup: Instead of throwing temper tantrems and going into meltdown mode playing dodgeball with these facts below that he cant refute,he has to go into the same rant over and over again repeating the same babble deflecting instead of addressing these facts i have asked a hundred times for him to address.proof that he is just a child. I am begiing to seriously think that newbie kid Afrench is a sockpuppet of his,same third grade juvenile behaviour and everything

one more time,here it is the the facts on Bidens corruption he wont address and just babbles on and on saying we are crying and babble like that,:uhoh3::cuckoo:

Millions of dickhead Illegals flooding in.

Higher taxes

China getting our jobs and technology

Dismal economic growth

Higher energy cost

Muslim refugees

Increased welfare

Job killing environmental wacko regs

Destruction of Constitutional rights

Giving away the store to foreign welfare queens

Weakened military

Kissing the ass of the Muslims

Tremendous debt with nothing to show for it

Screwed up health care

Killing children on demand

Decreased family income.

Biden is a dipshit disaster. So far he's created a crisis at the border, allowed 100,000 to pour in just in Feb about 10% are infected with Covid. He can't hold even a single press conference because half his brain has turned to mush. He's killed thousands of blue collar union jobs. He raised taxes $60 billion with trillions more tax increases in the works. He's a one man wrecking crew.

You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President and China Joe was VP. Only now it is going to be worse.
1. Took covid seriously and had a plan to deal with it. A simple plan, wear a mask, social distance, and no super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc. Surprise, surprise, Biden's simple plan worked as covid cases are plummeting despite new variants and big spikes in Europe (Europe has vaccine too so clearly cases can spike even with some people vaccinated).
Big win for Biden

2. Passed a strong covid relief bill that will help families struggling. Trump turned his back on the struggling people and did nothing to help them. He cared more about crying like a bitch over election fraud that never happened. People were in real need and Biden and the dems responded. Majority of America favors the relief bill. Only bitter twisted Trumpers don't want it.

3. Ramp up vaccine distribution AND order more vaccine. For some insane reason Trump passed up opportunities to buy more vaccine early. Why would he do that? Trump had no real plan for vaccine distribution and his distribution was in-efficient and slow. Biden is crushing vaccine distribution and would be going even faster if Trump had ordered more doses, like he should've. Soon we will all be vacinated, thanks to Biden.

4. No more lies:
"This is nothing, it will all go away"
"It's the flu"
"We're rounding the curve"
"Maybe we could inject bleach"

Biden doesn't lie to America and say the dumbest shit ever like inject bleach... Trump was just over-matched by covid and didn't know how to properly respond. The numbers prove this. Trump had terrible covid numbers compared to other countries.

5. With covid gone finally the economy will soar. Trump was too stupid to understand that we need covid gone before we can fully re-open. Biden has mobilized the full power of the US government to crush covid, and rebuild America.

This is why Biden was elected. He is doing so much better than Trump.

No more lies...lmao. He said $2k on day one. He said $15 MW. Lies.
you wont get anywhere with this troll,he goes into deflecting mode and starts accusing everybody of crying when he cant refute your facts. got to be a kid posting here.he throws temper tantrems and takes it personal on Bidens corruption exposed.

He runs off when you give him evidence like in these pics below that Obama is the best of Buds with Bush and he was a clone of him and expanded his policys. :uhoh3:



Ahhhhh aint that cute,cute lovers. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: watch Banker get angry over me exposing his hero is in love with Bush.:auiqs.jpg:


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Let’s see what happens between now and the midterms.
Banker likes pretend. Do you think he pretends to have a woman's part when he's naughty with bank manager after hours?

When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of loser

You are so upset that Biden is doing great while Trump failed, it is so obvious.

You can see how Biden is crushing covid and the economy is going to soar.
The stock market is going to soar.
The country is going to soar.

You are hysterical right now because the outlook for America is so strong. I love it !
your an idiot ,we will see how Great it is a year a two down the pike ..:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Banker: "Wait until you see it, you're gonna hate it" :abgg2q.jpg:

I'm positive PROGS never matured beyond pre-school, they play the same games in Kindergarten.
1. Took covid seriously and had a plan to deal with it. A simple plan, wear a mask, social distance, and no super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc. Surprise, surprise, Biden's simple plan worked as covid cases are plummeting despite new variants and big spikes in Europe (Europe has vaccine too so clearly cases can spike even with some people vaccinated).
Big win for Biden

2. Passed a strong covid relief bill that will help families struggling. Trump turned his back on the struggling people and did nothing to help them. He cared more about crying like a bitch over election fraud that never happened. People were in real need and Biden and the dems responded. Majority of America favors the relief bill. Only bitter twisted Trumpers don't want it.

3. Ramp up vaccine distribution AND order more vaccine. For some insane reason Trump passed up opportunities to buy more vaccine early. Why would he do that? Trump had no real plan for vaccine distribution and his distribution was in-efficient and slow. Biden is crushing vaccine distribution and would be going even faster if Trump had ordered more doses, like he should've. Soon we will all be vacinated, thanks to Biden.

4. No more lies:
"This is nothing, it will all go away"
"It's the flu"
"We're rounding the curve"
"Maybe we could inject bleach"

Biden doesn't lie to America and say the dumbest shit ever like inject bleach... Trump was just over-matched by covid and didn't know how to properly respond. The numbers prove this. Trump had terrible covid numbers compared to other countries.

5. With covid gone finally the economy will soar. Trump was too stupid to understand that we need covid gone before we can fully re-open. Biden has mobilized the full power of the US government to crush covid, and rebuild America.

This is why Biden was elected. He is doing so much better than Trump.

Obvious sarcasm.

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