There Came Another Big Lie


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Slap your face hard, America. Boy, did you ever make a mistake last November.

During a congressional hearing Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said he will not restart construction of the border wall, insisting that Border Patrol agents in general are not in support of it.

But that isn't true, contends Brandon Judd, a Border Patrol agent who serves as president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing thousands of line agents.

DHS chief to Congress: Border Patrol not fond of wall
We didn't make a mistake, the scum cheated and had four years of non stop deflection to cover it.
Pretty sure this A-hole also visited the border facilities yesterday. Press was, of course, barred.

We don't want any photos of the insanity boiling merrily away down there, nor questions that then require answers.

More transparency from the Biden Administration.
Slap your face hard, America. Boy, did you ever make a mistake last November.

During a congressional hearing Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said he will not restart construction of the border wall, insisting that Border Patrol agents in general are not in support of it.

But that isn't true, contends Brandon Judd, a Border Patrol agent who serves as president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing thousands of line agents.

DHS chief to Congress: Border Patrol not fond of wall
Not really. Don did little to stop illegal immigration. All talk. Joe won’t do shit either. Same old story.
Our politicians prefer immigration to remain a wedge issue.

President Trump had the first two years of his administration to fix the border issue. He didn’t because the GOP was not going to remove the cheap labor in spite of the rhetoric.

President Biden is not going to fix it either. His administration is caught between increasing security and granting amnesty. He will not because offending that demographic of voters is a nonstarter.
Our politicians prefer immigration to remain a wedge issue.

No, our politicians prefer to say nothing at all while they quietly allow 10's of millions of illegals flood into the country, raping and killing Americans. Trump had to force a debate on immigration in 2016 during the GOP primary. When he did the Reps, Dems, and news media all declared his candidacy DOA while accusing him of being a racist and a xenophobe.

Daring to even discuss illegal immigration was crafted into a high voltage third rail by the powers that be. With swift and severe penalties thus silencing any discussion. Trump shrugged off all their attacks and went on to win in 2016 which both destroyed decades of carefully crafted propaganda and scared the crap out of the DC establishment.

Have you noticed how desperate they are under Biden to get back to the status quo on illegal immigration?
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