Who Says Obama's Incompetent???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well....Inveterate Liberal Democrat David Gergen says it!

Remember when it came out that Obama didn't bother to participate in intelligence briefings?
"After hearing from sources in the intelligence community that President Obama was not attending his daily intelligence meeting on a daily basis,...." A bogus defense of Obama?s intelligence briefing record - Washington Post

Remember when the Right warned against giving the nod to no-experience, no-resume wind-bag, and the Left didn't listen?

Here's more:


2. A veteran Washington adviser who has worked for four Presidents on both sides of the political aisle said that the stunning Government Accountability Report report that found President Barack Obama has not had a one-on-one meeting with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius since the passage of Obamacare over three years ago is an indictment of the entire White House operation....

3. ....the Obama administration has bordered on "malfeasance."

[malfeasance: illegal or dishonest activity especially by a public official or a corporation.
Is that a 'high crime or misdemeanor'???]

4. ...."but the whole point is, there was nobody in charge in the administration."

5. Appearing on CNN’s Newsroom program Saturday night, David Gergen,....was asked by CNN Anchor Deborah Feyerick about the GAI report.
... [that] finds the president and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held just a single one-on-one meeting after Obamacare was signed into law over three years ago.”

6. "I don’t think this is simply sloppiness on the part of the White House," Gergen said...

7. ...Jay Carney said Obama and Sebelius meet "regularly" but their meetings were not recored on the visitors logs.

8. ....there was no evidence on the White House schedule that showed Obama cared about Obamacare.

9. Gergen responded by saying the GAI report was a big deal and should not be dismissed.

10. Feyerick, the CNN host, added, that if health care reform “was so important to the president, you would think that there was a lot more one-on-one interaction especially on something that’s so critical to him and his policy.”
David Gergen: Report on Obamacare Prep Shows 'No One in Charge' of White House

Liberals.....are you listening?????

Lazy....incompetent.....not that bright.....a liar.....

Ready to admit you made a BIG mistake????
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.
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Why would he need to meet with Sebelius? After all the launch of Obamacare went so smoothly. Next time I suggest they use some KY jelly before inserting such legislation.
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils.

Excellent point. Obama is also lucky that the crash of 2008/9 happened at the beginning of his term. He had way too good of an excuse for his lack of accomplishments.
"In the case of President Obama, if you look at his calendar, there is no evidence whatsoever that he is focused or has much interest in health care at all," Schweizer said on Hannity on Wednesday.

I'm sure if we looked at his calendar there is little evidence of him doing Anything Whatsoever that he has much interest in except Lot's of golf between vacations when not giving another speech where he needs AF1 & Reggie Love:lol::lol:
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

Well that is one far left Obama drones take based on their programming.

Obama was the worst of the two evils in both elections and you voted for him twice as a matter of fact who the last Republican president you voted for before allowing the far left to program you into one of their drones?
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

Aye....it is hard to say that Boehner is anymore competent in his job.
And the last President wasn't exactly a beacon of leadership.
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

YOU are a RACIST!!!!

Not really but this is what I've been called when I bring this up when Obama describes in his OWN words from his autobiography..

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Once again.. "tricks", "tactics", everything to keep the truth from coming out!!!
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils.

Excellent point. Obama is also lucky that the crash of 2008/9 happened at the beginning of his term. He had way too good of an excuse for his lack of accomplishments.

Not to mention a more insurmountable task since Hoover (who was not reelected).

My oh my how we just blow off the biggest financial debacle since 1929.

FDR didn't get us out of that last big one. War did. And Obama has avoided starting any wars. I guess if you believe that history is relevant, then maybe he should have started the 3rd one in the last 12 years and shown the Bush and the Dick how everyone could profit instead of just Halliburton.

Remember the mantra of the GOP in the 2010 mid-terms? Oh, I do: "Jobs, jobs, jobs".
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I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

YOU are a RACIST!!!!

Not really but this is what I've been called when I bring this up when Obama describes in his OWN words from his autobiography..

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Once again.. "tricks", "tactics", everything to keep the truth from coming out!!!

Are you around black people very often?
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

Aye....it is hard to say that Boehner is anymore competent in his job.
And the last President wasn't exactly a beacon of leadership.

"""" "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful," he said, "And so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people," he continued, "And neither do we."

Even more disturbing is the fact that he was reading from prepared text. At least he wasn't on a golf course when he delivered the remarks.""""

Your Own Worst Enemy? - Top 10 Bushisms - TIME #ixzz2n10k2brz
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

Aye....it is hard to say that Boehner is anymore competent in his job.
And the last President wasn't exactly a beacon of leadership.

Hey, he led us very well into two wars that cost $4,000,000,000,000 and was smart enough to put it on the 2009 books. What's the matter with you?
David Gergen, liberal Democrat?

lol, how stupid can you people get?

Gergen began his political career in 1971 when he went to work for Richard Nixon as a staff assistant in the speech-writing office headed by Ray Price—a group that included Pat Buchanan, Ben Stein, and William Safire. Two years later, he rose to Director of Speechwriting.[1]

In 1974, Gergen took a brief hiatus from the White House to write speeches for Treasury Secretary William E. Simon. Gergen writes in his book, “For me it was a great trade—the Treasury team taught me all about free markets and fiscal discipline.” (113). Gergen returned to the White House in 1975 as Director of Communications for President Gerald Ford. In 1980, Gergen was an advisor to the George H.W. Bush presidential campaign, and went on the join the Reagan White House in 1981. Beginning as a staff director, he eventually became Director of Communications. In 1993, Gergen returned to the White House, serving as Counselor to President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Warren Christopher.[4]

Some information lest any of you fall for another one of PC lies.

David Gergen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

Well that is one far left Obama drones take based on their programming.

Obama was the worst of the two evils in both elections and you voted for him twice as a matter of fact who the last Republican president you voted for before allowing the far left to program you into one of their drones?

Koshbot, I did not vote for Obama. You are an idiot for making that assumption. That's almost as bad as you claiming over 4000 US troops were killed this year. You a really need to stop making such an incredible ass of yourself.

I voted straight Republican for probably longer than you have been alive. I stopped voting when the GOP went to shit.

You see, my vote has to be earned. I don't give it away. The GOP has been hijacked by retards like yourself, along with pschopaths, liars, and hypocrites. If it ever cleans itself up and takes out the trash, I will vote GOP again.

Until then, I enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth from people like you over Obama.

You deserve Obama. Dipshits like you certainly worked very hard for him to succeed with your intellectual capacities of a bumper sticker. You don't even know why you hate him since you parrot so many bogus claims about him. Your skull is some kind of weird empty vessel which echoes whatever is spoken into it.

You are the embodiment of what I said. Obama is opposed by people more incompetent than himself. Take a good look in the mirror. I am talking about people like you. I doubt you could construct an original thought if your life literally depended on it.
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David Gergen, liberal Democrat?

lol, how stupid can you people get?

Gergen began his political career in 1971 when he went to work for Richard Nixon as a staff assistant in the speech-writing office headed by Ray Price—a group that included Pat Buchanan, Ben Stein, and William Safire. Two years later, he rose to Director of Speechwriting.[1]

In 1974, Gergen took a brief hiatus from the White House to write speeches for Treasury Secretary William E. Simon. Gergen writes in his book, “For me it was a great trade—the Treasury team taught me all about free markets and fiscal discipline.” (113). Gergen returned to the White House in 1975 as Director of Communications for President Gerald Ford. In 1980, Gergen was an advisor to the George H.W. Bush presidential campaign, and went on the join the Reagan White House in 1981. Beginning as a staff director, he eventually became Director of Communications. In 1993, Gergen returned to the White House, serving as Counselor to President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Warren Christopher.[4]

Some information lest any of you fall for another one of PC lies.

David Gergen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....why would you try to obfuscate Gergen's pedigree??

Oh....right....because you specialize in lying and hiding the truth.

1. "Over the course of 22 years, he has traveled from White House to White House, from Government to journalism to punditry and now back to Government (and soon enough, you may bet on it, back to journalism again), from the Democratic camp to the Republican to the Independent to the Democratic again."
David Gergen, Master of THE GAME - New York Times

2. "On May 29, David Gergen was appointed counselor to the new President, a Democrat. The move surprised many who had known Gergen as a servant of three Republican Presidents, including one -- Ronald Reagan -- whom the new President had charged with ruining America. Actually, Gergen hastened to say with bland audacity: "I'm not a Republican. I've always been a registered Independent."

3. " When he first went to work for Richard Nixon in 1971, he had been a registered Democrat."

4. "The liberal commentator Eddie Williams chimed in: "I dropped him a note saying I congratulated him on what I felt was a fantastic match, my words, the match between Gergen and Clinton."

5. His credentials as a Liberal?
"CNN senior political analyst David Gergen"

So......the truth is you're trying to hide the fact that a Liberal is revealing the truth about Obama.

Busted again.
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

YOU are a RACIST!!!!

Not really but this is what I've been called when I bring this up when Obama describes in his OWN words from his autobiography..

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Once again.. "tricks", "tactics", everything to keep the truth from coming out!!!

Are you around black people very often?

A) in the 1950s my white cousin had a black baby and my grandmother in the Midwest where there were less then 3% blacks LOVED him!
B) In the 1970s my partner was black.. we had a business together...around each other every day... went to his home ate with his family.... IN DALLAS !
C) In the 1980s,90s.. my bosses were black...

So tell me what do you think?
Is Obama incompetent? Does a bear shit in the woods? This dilettante is an empty suit with an empty head. He's a fucking dullard, a real life Chauncy Gardiner.


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