Who Says Obama's Incompetent???

Callling a person whose majority of posts consist mostly of brainless one-liners calling people "left wing drones", or variations thereof, is hurting civil discourse? :lol:

One can only elevate from there!

Except she's right. You are misogynistic. You have mentioned that keeping 'em pregnant was your m.o. Did she stay in the kitchen, too?

Once again more far left propaganda not based on reality.

Think so? Ask him. He mixed it in with a story about bootstrap pulling. I think there was a good measure of chest-thumping in there, too.
Well that is one far left Obama drones take based on their programming.

Obama was the worst of the two evils in both elections and you voted for him twice as a matter of fact who the last Republican president you voted for before allowing the far left to program you into one of their drones?

Koshbot, I did not vote for Obama. You are an idiot for making that assumption. That's almost as bad as you claiming over 4000 US troops were killed this year. You a really need to stop making such an incredible ass of yourself.

I voted straight Republican for probably longer than you have been alive. I stopped voting when the GOP went to shit.

You see, my vote has to be earned. I don't give it away. The GOP has been hijacked by retards like yourself, along with pschopaths, liars, and hypocrites. If it ever cleans itself up and takes out the trash, I will vote GOP again.

Until then, I enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth from people like you over Obama.

You deserve Obama. Dipshits like you certainly worked very hard for him to succeed with your intellectual capacities of a bumper sticker. You don't even know why you hate him since you parrot so many bogus claims about him. Your skull is some kind of weird empty vessel which echoes whatever is spoken into it.

You are the embodiment of what I said. Obama is opposed by people more incompetent than himself. Take a good look in the mirror. I am talking about people like you. I doubt you could construct an original thought if your life literally depended on it.

You're only given 2 people to vote for and there are some differences between the two so you might as well vote. It will never get any better than this as long as big money determines who gets in.

Yes the far left choices are vote for my guy or not at all. But it is that far left thinking that keeps them in power.

There are many choices, but if all you see its two then it goes to show how microscopic the far left world really is.
Are you around black people very often?

A) in the 1950s my white cousin had a black baby and my grandmother in the Midwest where there were less then 3% blacks LOVED him!
B) In the 1970s my partner was black.. we had a business together...around each other every day... went to his home ate with his family.... IN DALLAS !
C) In the 1980s,90s.. my bosses were black...

So tell me what do you think?

"...and one of my best friends is black"?
For someone who has been around black people, you sure don't understand them very well.

SO I take it you think MOST blacks (which is by the way a "racist" attitude) are like Obama... presenting a false front. Use tricks and tactics to fool people?

And that's what YOU think of blacks?

Boy what a racist degrading perception YOU have of blacks if you think they all react like Obama did!
Again.. read what HE SAID
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

So YOU like Obama think ALL Black men use tricks, tactics, put up false fronts... WOW!!!
Again how racist! What a degrading opinion of all black men by people like you!
See in working with a black partner and working for black bosses... I certainly didn't see any occasion where they used "tricks" or "tactics"!
The blacks I worked with were like me ready to do a day's work believed in straight talk no bull shit.. which sad to say you think most blacks do!
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Well that is one far left Obama drones take based on their programming.

Obama was the worst of the two evils in both elections and you voted for him twice as a matter of fact who the last Republican president you voted for before allowing the far left to program you into one of their drones?

Koshbot, I did not vote for Obama. You are an idiot for making that assumption. That's almost as bad as you claiming over 4000 US troops were killed this year. You a really need to stop making such an incredible ass of yourself.

I voted straight Republican for probably longer than you have been alive. I stopped voting when the GOP went to shit.

You see, my vote has to be earned. I don't give it away. The GOP has been hijacked by retards like yourself, along with pschopaths, liars, and hypocrites. If it ever cleans itself up and takes out the trash, I will vote GOP again.

Until then, I enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth from people like you over Obama.

You deserve Obama. Dipshits like you certainly worked very hard for him to succeed with your intellectual capacities of a bumper sticker. You don't even know why you hate him since you parrot so many bogus claims about him. Your skull is some kind of weird empty vessel which echoes whatever is spoken into it.

You are the embodiment of what I said. Obama is opposed by people more incompetent than himself. Take a good look in the mirror. I am talking about people like you. I doubt you could construct an original thought if your life literally depended on it.

You're only given 2 people to vote for and there are some differences between the two so you might as well vote. It will never get any better than this as long as big money determines who gets in.

Obama was elected because of a backlash against Bush and Cheney. The GOP imploded itself by letting these two idiots take us into TWO useless wars at a cost of $4,000,000,000,000, (that's 4 trillion in case the zeros make you all dizzy) 6000 dead and 45,000 without fucking arms and legs now.

Don't pin this shit on the far left. Don't even try. Bush stood up in front of a "Mission Accomplilshed" banner weeks after Shock n' Awe and lied to everybody in this country.
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Koshbot, I did not vote for Obama. You are an idiot for making that assumption. That's almost as bad as you claiming over 4000 US troops were killed this year. You a really need to stop making such an incredible ass of yourself.

I voted straight Republican for probably longer than you have been alive. I stopped voting when the GOP went to shit.

You see, my vote has to be earned. I don't give it away. The GOP has been hijacked by retards like yourself, along with pschopaths, liars, and hypocrites. If it ever cleans itself up and takes out the trash, I will vote GOP again.

Until then, I enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth from people like you over Obama.

You deserve Obama. Dipshits like you certainly worked very hard for him to succeed with your intellectual capacities of a bumper sticker. You don't even know why you hate him since you parrot so many bogus claims about him. Your skull is some kind of weird empty vessel which echoes whatever is spoken into it.

You are the embodiment of what I said. Obama is opposed by people more incompetent than himself. Take a good look in the mirror. I am talking about people like you. I doubt you could construct an original thought if your life literally depended on it.

You're only given 2 people to vote for and there are some differences between the two so you might as well vote. It will never get any better than this as long as big money determines who gets in.

Obama was elected because of a backlash against Bush and Cheney. The GOP imploded itself by letting these two idiots take us into TWO useless wars at a cost of $4,000,000,000,000, (that's 4 trillion in case the zeros make you all dizzy) 6000 dead and 45,000 without fucking arms and legs now.

Don't pin this shit on the far left. Don't even try. Bush stood up in front of a "Mission Accomplilshed" banner weeks after Shock n' Awe and lied to everybody in this country.

More far left propaganda.
Nope sorry I am not a DNC drone that can only use talking points as "facts".

Then provide the evidence Gergen has only voted for far left Democrats. Or were you talking out of your ass for the umpteenth time again today?

I was making a point that obviously the far left can not comprehend.

Can you prove that he is an Independent other than him claiming it?

So Gergen's word is so unreliable that we can summarily reject it? The guy can't be trusted to tell us the truth?

lol, that kind of makes the author of this thread the fool for trying to use him as some sort of expert witness, doesn't it?
At the risk of being boring and maybe even irrelevant to these incessant pissing contests lets return to the subject of incompetence. Obama is not incompetent because he is black or because he is not smart enough, he is incompetent for the same reason most people are incompetent, he does not have the experience to be qualified for the job. But beyond the obvious one has to understand why Obama doesn't care if that is a criticism aimed at him. His mission is not to be proficient at managing the govt for the betterment of all, his mission is to so concentrate his power that democratic control of national elections will be assured in perpetuity. The national debt doesn't matter because anyone who wants to act like an adult and reduce handouts will lose elections. The success of health care is not important as long as democratic operatives can go into thirty million homes and use health care as an excuse to register all these people as democrats, get all their personal info, and in the greatest of ironies, have taxpayers pay for it all. He has changed the EPA into a de facto police force to expand his control. He has put all student loans under govt control so the opportunity to forgive these loans right before an election is available to him. He uses the govt agencies to seek and destroy any opposition(re IRS, justice dept,labor boards) while giving rewards and amnesty to those that break the law while promoting his agenda(re Lois Lerner). He creates a path for the Democratic Party faithful to steal billions from taxpayers through green energy boondoggles, for Hollywood to get all their campaign contributions back before(400 million) he is even sworn in for a second term, or for unionized teachers and public servants to get stimulus monies (taxpayer monies) to funnel right back into Democratic Party coffers. Lest not forget hoe he is packing the appeals court in Washington, D.C. District. There is not enough space to document these antiamerican efforts. Suffice it to say that the alinskys model of grabbing power regardless of the consequences is in full bloom with Obama. So under this criteria Obama considers himself very competent.
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

Aye....it is hard to say that Boehner is anymore competent in his job.
And the last President wasn't exactly a beacon of leadership.
The last President was a bright shining star compared to the liar in chief in office now.
I've said it a zillion times. Obama is profoundly incompetent, but has the incredible good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by people who are even more incompetent than himself.

This is where you arrive when you keep voting for the lesser of two evils instead of demanding superior quality from within your own ranks. You have to take the trash to the curb.

YOU are a RACIST!!!!

Not really but this is what I've been called when I bring this up when Obama describes in his OWN words from his autobiography..

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Once again.. "tricks", "tactics", everything to keep the truth from coming out!!!

I don't think he qualifies to be a racists. I'm pretty sure he can't stand Barry's white half neither. :eusa_boohoo:
Then provide the evidence Gergen has only voted for far left Democrats. Or were you talking out of your ass for the umpteenth time again today?

I was making a point that obviously the far left can not comprehend.

Can you prove that he is an Independent other than him claiming it?

So Gergen's word is so unreliable that we can summarily reject it? The guy can't be trusted to tell us the truth?

lol, that kind of makes the author of this thread the fool for trying to use him as some sort of expert witness, doesn't it?

Well the far left claim all (R)'s can not be taken at their word, since he worked for a couple of (R)'s can you trust his word?
Nothing like a misogynistic insult to help the cause of civil discourse. :thup:

Callling a person whose majority of posts consist mostly of brainless one-liners calling people "left wing drones", or variations thereof, is hurting civil discourse? :lol:

One can only elevate from there!

Except she's right. You are misogynistic. You have mentioned that keeping 'em pregnant was your m.o. Did she stay in the kitchen, too?


You have me mistaken with someone else. Care to prove your claim?
I was making a point that obviously the far left can not comprehend.

Can you prove that he is an Independent other than him claiming it?

So Gergen's word is so unreliable that we can summarily reject it? The guy can't be trusted to tell us the truth?

lol, that kind of makes the author of this thread the fool for trying to use him as some sort of expert witness, doesn't it?

Well the far left claim all (R)'s can not be taken at their word, since he worked for a couple of (R)'s can you trust his word?

Given his history of employment in politics it is absurd to conclude that he is or ever was a liberal Democrat.

The attempt by the author of this thread was -

if you don't believe us rightwingers when we say Obama is incompetent, how about when one of your own liberal pals say it?

That's a common argument made around here.

Unfortunately the author of this thread did not produce a liberal.

That's all I was pointing out. The facts.
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At the risk of being boring and maybe even irrelevant to these incessant pissing contests lets return to the subject of incompetence. Obama is not incompetent because he is black or because he is not smart enough, he is incompetent for the same reason most people are incompetent, he does not have the experience to be qualified for the job. But beyond the obvious one has to understand why Obama doesn't care if that is a criticism aimed at him. His mission is not to be proficient at managing the govt for the betterment of all, his mission is to so concentrate his power that democratic control of national elections will be assured in perpetuity. The national debt doesn't matter because anyone who wants to act like an adult and reduce handouts will lose elections. The success of health care is not important as long as democratic operatives can go into thirty million homes and use health care as an excuse to register all these people as democrats, get all their personal info, and in the greatest of ironies, have taxpayers pay for it all. He has changed the EPA into a de facto police force to expand his control. He has put all student loans under govt control so the opportunity to forgive these loans right before an election is available to him. He uses the govt agencies to seek and destroy any opposition(re IRS, justice dept,labor boards) while giving rewards and amnesty to those that break the law while promoting his agenda(re Lois Lerner). He creates a path for the Democratic Party faithful to steal billions from taxpayers through green energy boondoggles, for Hollywood to get all their campaign contributions back before(400 million) he is even sworn in for a second term, or for unionized teachers and public servants to get stimulus monies (taxpayer monies) to funnel right back into Democratic Party coffers. Lest not forget hoe he is packing the appeals court in Washington, D.C. District. There is not enough space to document these antiamerican efforts. Suffice it to say that the alinskys model of grabbing power regardless of the consequences is in full bloom with Obama. So under this criteria Obama considers himself very competent.

He is not packing the court. I recommend, for starters, that you research the meaning of the term 'packing the court'.

I'll be happy to debate you on that issue if you wish to insist that Obama is trying to 'pack the court'.

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