Gay sex brought us AIDS.
Wanton immoral sex brought us VD and STDs.
Gay sex brought us Monkey Pox.
Masturbation brings us prostate cancer.
Early sex (nearly always premarital) brings us HPV and cervical cancer.
Fertility drugs brings us birth defects.
Trans surgery and cross-hormone injections bring us cancer.
"Gender-affirming" hysterectomies bring women early dementia.
Guys, the cost of sexual immorality is high, both spiritually and physically.
The only sex allowed is married coital sex. The only gender is what you're born as.
Follow the rules of God and His church.
Wanton immoral sex brought us VD and STDs.
Gay sex brought us Monkey Pox.
Masturbation brings us prostate cancer.
Early sex (nearly always premarital) brings us HPV and cervical cancer.
Fertility drugs brings us birth defects.
Trans surgery and cross-hormone injections bring us cancer.
"Gender-affirming" hysterectomies bring women early dementia.
Guys, the cost of sexual immorality is high, both spiritually and physically.
The only sex allowed is married coital sex. The only gender is what you're born as.
Follow the rules of God and His church.