Zone1 Whenever you engage in Immoral Sex Acts or Procedures, there WILL be negative physical consquences.

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Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
Gay sex brought us AIDS.
Wanton immoral sex brought us VD and STDs.
Gay sex brought us Monkey Pox.
Masturbation brings us prostate cancer.
Early sex (nearly always premarital) brings us HPV and cervical cancer.
Fertility drugs brings us birth defects.
Trans surgery and cross-hormone injections bring us cancer.
"Gender-affirming" hysterectomies bring women early dementia.

Guys, the cost of sexual immorality is high, both spiritually and physically.
The only sex allowed is married coital sex. The only gender is what you're born as.

Follow the rules of God and His church.
Gay sex brought us AIDS.
Wanton immoral sex brought us VD and STDs.
Gay sex brought us Monkey Pox.
Masturbation brings us prostate cancer.
Early sex (nearly always premarital) brings us HPV and cervical cancer.
Fertility drugs brings us birth defects.
Trans surgery and cross-hormone injections bring us cancer.
"Gender-affirming" hysterectomies bring women early dementia.

Guys, the cost of sexual immorality is high, both spiritually and physically.
The only sex allowed is married coital sex. The only gender is what you're born as.

Follow the rules of God and His church.

What a load of BS.
HIV was not caused by gay men

AIDS is caused by HIV. HIV is believed to have originated in Africa sometime between the late 1940s and the early 1950s. The earliest known case was in a man from the Belgian Congo (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1959 (his blood -- stored since 1959 -- was recently tested for HIV).

HIV is believed to have evolved from the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) found in monkeys. The hypothesis that HIV evolved from SIV is based on the many similarities between these two viruses, especially at the genetic level. The two viruses are genetically very similar and are transmitted the same way. However HIV only causes AIDS in humans, and SIV only causes AIDS in monkeys. The SIV virus, like HIV, is found in blood. From what we can tell, HIV entered man via monkey blood. This could have been possible by either drinking the blood of monkeys, eating raw monkeys or perhaps another direct exposure of monkey blood into humans.
HIV was not caused by gay men

AIDS is caused by HIV. HIV is believed to have originated in Africa sometime between the late 1940s and the early 1950s. The earliest known case was in a man from the Belgian Congo (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1959 (his blood -- stored since 1959 -- was recently tested for HIV).

HIV is believed to have evolved from the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) found in monkeys. The hypothesis that HIV evolved from SIV is based on the many similarities between these two viruses, especially at the genetic level. The two viruses are genetically very similar and are transmitted the same way. However HIV only causes AIDS in humans, and SIV only causes AIDS in monkeys. The SIV virus, like HIV, is found in blood. From what we can tell, HIV entered man via monkey blood. This could have been possible by either drinking the blood of monkeys, eating raw monkeys or perhaps another direct exposure of monkey blood into humans.
Homo sex was the major catalyst for the AIDS epidemic.
Deny that, and you look foolish.
Gay sex brought us AIDS.
Wanton immoral sex brought us VD and STDs.
Gay sex brought us Monkey Pox.
Masturbation brings us prostate cancer.
Early sex (nearly always premarital) brings us HPV and cervical cancer.
Fertility drugs brings us birth defects.
Trans surgery and cross-hormone injections bring us cancer.
"Gender-affirming" hysterectomies bring women early dementia.

Guys, the cost of sexual immorality is high, both spiritually and physically.
The only sex allowed is married coital sex. The only gender is what you're born as.

Follow the rules of God and His church.
Interesting..the religious section and you mention God once..after this rant about what you see as immoral practices.

LOL@masturbation brings us prostate cancer!

Most of your allegation are unproven--or totally debunked...or pure unsupported opinion.

BTW..VD and STD mean the same thing.
Homo sex was the major catalyst for the AIDS epidemic.
Deny that, and you look foolish.
You said gays gave us aids they didn't.

The HIV virus was a mutation and plenty of people who weren't gay have been infected
Interesting..the religious section and you mention God once..after this rant about what you see as immoral practices.

LOL@masturbation brings us prostate cancer!

Most of your allegation are unproven--or totally debunked...or pure unsupported opinion.

BTW..VD and STD mean the same thing.
I debated whether to put this in the health section, but the overriding message is one of morality, so I put it here. Thanks for noticing.

I have links for every single statement on here.
The whole world is sodom and gamorrah.
I guess God ran out of salt. Or just doesn't give a shit any more.
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