What its like to not have paid maternity leave


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Life in the Only Industrialized Country Without Paid Maternity Leave

I won't blame JUST republicans for this I blame democrats as well. They bitch,moan,complain,scream about a war on women yet from the time Obama was elected until November 2010 democrats had a VETO PROOF MAJORITY in which to help women! Yet they did NOTHING. This is disgusting in literally the last first world nation in the world that doesn't have paid maternity leave. I don't want to hear the usual bitching and moaning from democrats its whining about republicans stopping them (that doesn't fly when you have a veto proof majority) and republicans whining women shouldn't have kids again never gonna work that way so move on to something else and actually try catching up with the rest of the civilized world. I know what this woman went through my wife had a emergency c section last time around and yes after about 5 weeks had to return to work.I sold my vehicle for A LOT less than I paid for it to cover bills and rent just to make ends meet fortunately we had family to help with things as well.

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