Looks like Americans need to learn about Trump the hard way

I'll file that in the "Unicorn Dreams" file, under 'assorted morons' subsection.
I filed that in the nutty morons file.
In a second Trump presidency, expect a scorched earth approach that could fundamentally reshape America and the world for the worse. "America First" will mean isolationism that abandons allies, fuels economic volatility, and drains American power abroad. Massive deportations won’t just disrupt millions of lives; they’ll dismantle industries, fracture communities, and create a humanitarian disaster that will tarnish the U.S. globally. Trump’s soft stance on Russia will only embolden Putin, with Trump likely abandoning Ukraine to destruction and threatening European security. A domino effect could follow -- China eyeing Taiwan, emboldened by America’s retreat, (and they are eying Okinawa islands, as well ) seizing control of the semiconductor industry and holding the U.S. at technological gunpoint.

Most nations have had to endure a demagogue to learn -- often through unbearable hardship -- the brutal consequences of unchecked power and the empty allure of populist rhetoric. Germany had Hitler, who promised national pride and left his country in ruins. Italy’s Mussolini sold visions of empire that led to disaster. Argentina saw Perón, who polarized the nation and left it grappling with his divisive legacy. Spain endured Franco’s authoritarian grip, Venezuela Chávez’s ruinous policies. And in Russia, under Stalin, democracy never stood a chance; his totalitarian control meant that the people had no opportunity to reject his tyranny at the ballot box.

Now, America too seems determined to learn the hard way about the dark force of demagoguery. Some might say, “But Trump’s first term didn’t bring the sky down.” What they overlook is that the first time, he was held in check by seasoned figures -- McMaster, Kelly, Milley, Bolton, Barr, et. al., -- the “adults in the room” who served as guardrails. This time, they’re gone. Trump will fill his ranks with sycophants, loyalists without the spine to question or halt his impulses. He’ll have nothing but yes-men willing to serve him without question and he will pepper his cabinet ranks with his oligarch buddies who will 'deconstruct the administrative state'. like termites enjoy a feast. The polluter corporations will love this, as they destroy our climate, our air, our rivers and lakes and precious soil. Expect rampant corruption and transactionalism. With his newfound belief in “absolute immunity,” he’ll feel emboldened to act without limits, trying things he never dared before. And with those private calls to Putin, he’ll have a seasoned mentor to guide him through “Dictator 101” lessons.

So yes, history repeats itself, and we seem condemned to follow it. Like Germany, Argentina, Spain, and so many others, America might face devastation and finally come to understand the full cost of demagoguery, what it's like to live under autocratic rule. I don't expect we'll become a full fledged dictatorship, but let's be clear, Trump will try and exploit any and every weakness that exists in our system that he can get away with, where the framers assumed the president would be a man who would act in good faith. Man, how wrong they were! And maybe, if we’re lucky, we’ll survive the wreckage, inoculated and wiser for it -- if we can find our way free from his grip in time. So, you think this OP is partisan tripe? Time will most certainly tell. Let's see where we stand in a few years, and watch Dems regain control of the house in the next midterms, as by then, America will see, up close and personal. what this MAGA movement is really about.

  • "As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron." -- H.L. Mencken
No truer words could more perfectly describe the rise of Trump.

Now, repubs are going to gloat, and pontificate why Trump won. But, he pandered to the lowest instincts of Americans, he did what all demagogues do; blame our troubles on a group. Hitler did it with Jews, and Trump has done it with immigrants, totally ignoring the fact that the undocs commit far fewer crimes than American citizens, but facts don't matter to a demagogue, the only thing that matters is power, and the more, the merrier. Also, the second big tool he bludgeoned Biden/Harris with was inflation. But for the inflation, given that it's undecideds who decide close elections, Republicans did a good job of bamboozling the masses by blaming the inflation on Biden, never mind the fact that it was CARES act, $2 trillion fiat currency infusion (that was Trump) AND the ARP, another $2 Trillion by Biden, both were done because of the pandemic, and were necessary to prevent and economic collapse, this was the prime mover for the inflation, not to mention the inflation was world wide, and you can't blame Biden for a world wide inflation, but to tell the truth is not something Republicans can do. Also, I fault Biden and Harris for not making this point clear, and they sure as hell could have, and should have.

But for the inflation, I doubt Trump would have won the popular vote, most voted on economics more than any other factor. A lot more than any other factor. It totally obfuscated Biden's major legislative achievements, predominantly the infrastructure program. For the first time since Eisenhower we are rebuilding America, as there are some 60,000 infrastructure projects as we speak. Trump, in his four years as president, with both houses under his thumb, was unable to achieve it. Biden got it done bipartisan in his first 300 days. That totally dismantles the 'he's got dementia' argument. Yeah, you don't agree but I don't give a damn, really, I've heard it all and it's all partisan drivel. If anyone has dementia, it's Trump -- have you been paying attention to his speeches? He's losing it. I doubt he is going to last four years, to be honest.

Yeah, I know, some of you are going to give mindless snarky dumb AF one liners to this OP, and you will be ignored because, frankly, if you voted for Trump, you are not very wise. You've been conned, you've been trump humped. Note that intelligence and wisdom, if they exist in the same human being, it is a coincidence, If you don't believe me, let's see where we stand during the midterms. Two years ought to reveal how Trump is going to ruin America.
When it comes to democrats, we need to scorch the Earth as much as possible.
sorry, I do not engage with morons.
After seeing and reading what our overseas allies think of all this, it's pretty clear the game is up.

For the last century, these people have thought that America was brilliant, brave and strong. Now they can we're actually gullible, weak and needy. We've been waiting for the right cheap con man to tell us we're victims and play to all our fears.

They're not buying the act any more. Not after this.

There’s No Denying It Anymore: Trump Is Not a Fluke—He’s America
After seeing and reading what our overseas allies think of all this, it's pretty clear the game is up.

For the last century, these people have thought that America was brilliant, brave and strong. Now they can we're actually gullible, weak and needy. We've been waiting for the right cheap con man to tell us we're victims and play to all our fears.

They're not buying the act any more. Not after this.

There’s No Denying It Anymore: Trump Is Not a Fluke—He’s America
Mac coping. Ain't that cute! :itsok:
No cop out. Your prediction on the second Trump term are certifiably delusional. How do we know? The first Trump term.
No, because his first term he had a number of 'adults in the room' who served as guardrails, which he will not have this term. He plans on 'loyalists' only, which means he is going to bring in sycophants who will not speak truth to power.
No, because his first term he had a number of 'adults in the room' who served as guardrails, which he will not have this term. He plans on 'loyalists' only, which means he is going to bring in sycophants who will not speak truth to power.
Trump hired some great staff and some poor administrators. Trump is very smart and this time around he will hire great administrators. Some of the staff, such as Alyssa Griffin won't get a shot at working in such an important job.
Incompetent rebuttal; comment does not rise a non substantive 'you're wrong' argument, and, as such, does not constitute a merit worthy argument, i.e., lacks substance. Recommend trying harder, offering a more solid path of reasoning, i.e., stating your case more fully, with examples, links, etc.

LOL And what "substance" are your delusional predictions based on? We've a four record in his first term to base his second term on
After seeing and reading what our overseas allies think of all this, it's pretty clear the game is up.

For the last century, these people have thought that America was brilliant, brave and strong. Now they can we're actually gullible, weak and needy. We've been waiting for the right cheap con man to tell us we're victims and play to all our fears.

They're not buying the act any more. Not after this.

There’s No Denying It Anymore: Trump Is Not a Fluke—He’s America
Incompetent rebuttal. Vacuous drivel is not substantive, thus no counter argument given.
Your OP is a POS.

It contains nothing that represents an argument.

You are a liar and a fool.

Hope you feel good getting your vent off.

Cause you're gonna site on the sidelines and suck on it.
Most nations have had to endure a demagogue to learn

Who is a demoaogue ? What is your basis for making that claim. Until you've established that, you have nothing.

The economy and "Bidenomics is working" is what sunk your backside. All Trump had to do was to point out what a lousy job you did. He was quite rational (loved the add on it.....what a smackdown) and it was all true. Biden and Harris were clueless.

Immigration ? Ah, I see....you don't believe in the rule of law. Thanks for letting us know.

Cut the crap, moron.
Germany had Hitler, who promised national pride and left his country in ruins.

Please tells us what Trump has DONE to warrant comparison to Hitler:

Stop with the disection of words and show us what he did in his first term to deserve that label.

He hasn't started his second term yet, so surely you can't be pointing to that.

Oh, that's right, he's never hyperbolic and he never exaggerates.

Please tell us oh enlightened one.
So yes, history repeats itself, and we seem condemned to follow it. Like Germany, Argentina, Spain, and so many others, America might face devastation and finally come to understand the full cost of demagoguery, what it's like to live under autocratic rule.

Pure, unadulterated, fearmongering.

Let's be clear about what this is.

You have nothing to show this. You proved yourself it didn't happen first term.

And you are basing this on what ? Your intuition ? His words ? He's not in office yet.....so what are you basing it on.
But for the inflation, I doubt Trump would have won the popular vote, most voted on economics more than any other factor. A lot more than any other factor. It totally obfuscated Biden's major legislative achievements, predominantly the infrastructure program. For the first time since Eisenhower we are rebuilding America, as there are some 60,000 infrastructure projects as we speak.

And he's paying for them with our kids money. His deficit is going to hit 2 trillion this year alone. This with his "booming" economy. Great job.

Debt up to 36,000,000,000. You must be proud. Can't you make it go up any faster.

Pass more useless infrastructure bills.

If the states want infrastructure, let them pass the bills and tax their people to pay for them. Biden should stay out of it. Who knows how many of his lackeys got rich (wonder if Hunter started a construction business ?) from this.

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