What is “Trumpism”?

It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do
Adoration of an authoritarian nationalist strongman.

Arrogant ignorance, bigotry, paranoia, tribalism -- disguised as patriotism.

Unintentional mockery of "conservative values" and "small government".

Yeah. That's about it.

Are you sure it’s not just a fed up and retaliatory Right that has been given a label by ‘paranoid’ Leftists in an attempt to shut them back up?
There are many on the right, conservatives that are very much against Trump. His method of governing is toxic and people of all ideologies can recognize that.

his enemies are in open insurrection in the streets. that is "toxic" and "divisive".

if you consider trump the bad guy right now, you are the problem, not him.
I agree that many of Trump opponents are engaging in dishonest and unacceptable behavior. But if you don’t think Trump is neck deep in that crap then you are blind. I know the tactic is accuse the accusers instead of taking responsibility but you’re not fooling anybody with that tactic

the resist call went out before trump took office. before trump took office, federal agents were lying to judges to get warrants against him.

mayors are ordering the cops to stand down, so rioters can rule the streets and terrorize law abiding citizens.

innocent citizens are being arrested for defending themselves against violent mobs.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
That’s a very skewed and dishonest representation of history you’re presenting there. Some of those points we’ve debated in the past. Sounds like you’re dug in on that narrative but that’s just not how I see it. I guess that’s just how it is during these divided times

teh resist call went out, almost immediately after the election.

that is not me being "dishonest", that is the truth.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
Yes a call went out as soon as Trump was elected just as a call went out to stop Obama right after he was elected and just as the wings of every party activate to challenge the opposition when they gain power. But Trump owns the intensity of this battle and has fueled both his resistance and his followers with his rhetoric and method of attack. Smart leaders don’t give attention to the noise makers and they focus on the important things. As you can see clearly in this board, the conversation has devolved to grade school levels. The partisan haters who love to attack are emboldened and they love Trump because he propagates these type of fights. I don’t know why these people think a divided America that hates eachother is a better America than one that is unified but that seems to be the trend. That’s what Trumpism is all about

big difference between the republicans planning a partisan, and political fight to make obama a one termer,

and your side refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

that you blame others, for your behavior, is understandable. if i was you, i would not want to be held accountable for the shit your side has done either.
What’s been my behavior? What have I done specifically to challenge the transfer of power? Come on now, you accused me, now back it up. Show examples

you're identifying with your side. thank you for not denying it.

as to your personals actions in support of it, i can guess. probably a shit ton of pushing the narrative and carrying water for certain important lies.
You just said a whole lot of nothing. LMK when you’re ready to talk about real stuff. I have no interest in these generic labels and stereotypes. They are a waste of time

i made a comment about your side's behavior and you self identified with it.

that was your call. as to your personal contribution, you can share that with us, if you want. or not.
That’s all I do here is share my perspective. You ignore the specific to try and attack “my side” the imaginary left. It’s called a strawman argument and it is a weak minded tactic used by those who can’t deal with specifics. You seem like a relatively smart person. Do better.

you blamed trump for something that was actually the fault of teh group, "the left".

your dislike of discussing groups or using such labels, is common with liberals.

my point stands. trump is not responsible for the hysterical reaction from your side, to his election.
Trump attacked the media by calling them fake news and the enemy of the people so he faces a more hostile media than any other president. Yes that is provoked outcome. ....

the media have been growing increasingly partisan and lefty for decades.

that hillary's loss and trump's win, drove them over the edge, is not trump's fault.

calling them fake news and the enemy of the people, is a reasonable response to their behavior.

remember the way they just flat out lied about what he said at charlottesville? that was unforgivable.
The animosity against Trump is Absolutely his fault. He was on every show during the campaign, got a priceless amount of free airtime. It wasn’t u til he started his fake news campaign that the media turned on him. I don’t really blame them. When the most powerful man in the world is lying to the public I understand the urge to want to call him on it. That’s what’s been happening.

you're kidding yourself. the media was completely partisan whores during the obama years, before trump was a factor.

immediately after the glory of hte first black president, they bought into the glory of the first woman president.

they thought that the next republican president had not yet been born.

they were offended that trump was speaking out for working class white men. that alone was enough to piss them off.
Well gee, look at how Obama spoke to and treated the media. I don’t know how you were raised but typically relationships are build off of trust and respect. When Trump lies and disrespects all who challenge him then he is going to foster contentious relationships. You are ignorantly pushing all the blame onto Trumps opponents and not recognizing the primary cause... Trump

i was just looking at the day after he announced to see what the media was saying, day one.

everything it seems is behind a pay wall, but the headlines, the bits i could see,

do not look like there were starting out objective and balanced....
Of course not. There had been a steady decline through the campaign as Trump got more and more aggressive and dishonest. The more the media called him on the more he attacked the media. It’s his default reaction.

Trump lies, media calls him on the lie, trump calls the media fake news. Thats the formula. You do see this dont you?

except if that was the way it went, the stories from the day after he announced, would have been neutral.

they were not. they were already hostile. even before he said or did anything.
Why would they be neutral? I just explained how the relationship between Trump and the media had been eroding throughout the campaign. Why would an election erase all of that?

i'm talking about the day immediately after his announcement he was running. it would have been day one of his campaign.
You mean after the escalator speech when he said Mexico is sending us rapists and murders? You think he got unfair coverage?

you made the claim that the unfair coverage was a result of trump's behavior over time.

day one, that excuse does not fly.
I don’t think anybody deserves unfair coverage so if that’s how you’re characterizing my statement then you are mistaken. There have been false stories and distorted statements made which is inexcusable. But the vast majority of the coverage on Trump has been centered around fact checking his false statements. Critical coverage is not fake news.

1. thank you for admitting that there have been false stories and distorted statements.

2. claiming the president said nazis were "Good people" is one story. calling the president on the size of a crowd and the size of his bank account, is two stories. but the nazi lie is far more important. the media is waging a War on Trump and their behavior is inexcusable.
The good people on both sides statement could have been clarified in 5 seconds. Trump didn’t do that for a reason. I agree that he was talking about protestors and not Nazis and that situation was politicized by the left. But Trump is guilty of that kind of crap on a daily basis. I’d argue with anybody on the Left pushing False claims and I sure as hell judge and push back on Trump when he does that crap. Not make excuses for him because he is “punching back”... that’s the most childish excuse there is

the "good people" statement was clear as hell from the start. and it was clarified many times, by many people. the left as a whole, is generally just lying about it, to this day.

that is an incredibly vile lie, setting large percentages of the population at each other's throats.

if that was the only lie the press told about trump, it would still outweigh the rest of the "Fact checking", as proof of a War Against Trump, by the media.

and it is far from the only one.

trumpism, if defined as a political faction or movement, would/will be nearly completely traditional and healthy, and only a controversial because the left, as a whole, gets hysterical when seriously challenged.
I’m sorry but no it was not clear as hell. I kid was killed by a racist that was there with a Nazi group. Trump bringing up the both sides thing was an attempt to attack the left during a time that the message should be simple and clear and against the racist movement and murder that happened. The dishonesty around reporting that Trump called Nazis good people is not excusable. But don’t pretend that Trump wasn’t stirring the pot with that message which certainly was not clear. His games are not transparent so don’t play dumb we all can see what he is doing.

Trump was clear in his denouncing of the nazis and the violence and the killing of that woman.

the media and the left delivered a false message to America, with their lying.

the media has been waging a War on Trump.

my point about trumpism stands.

trumpism, if defined as a political faction or movement, would/will be nearly completely traditional and healthy, and only a controversial because the left, as a whole, gets hysterical when seriously challenged.
Your definition is BS. I love being challenged. That’s the best time to solidly your positions and learn new things.

Trump gave a weak denouncement and then moved straight to an attack on the left. Some people read into that and took liberty by defining afalse narrative. As I said, it is inexcusable. Trump does it on the daily And it’s just as wrong. Too bad you can’t admit to that

1. my point about the left, as a whole stands. they are being hysterical because they cannot deal with a serious challenge.

2. TRump gave clear and repeated and strong denouncements of the nazis, the violence and the murderer. your denial just shows what little credibility you should be given.

3. TRump barely mentioned the left.

4. the media and the left as a whole, have been flat out lying. a lot.

5. nothing trump has done, as been half as poisonous as this. his "lies" are mostly harmless hyperbole.
Haha. Oh now it’s “the left as a whole” can’t keep up debating me so you move to your idiotic generalizations... keep fighting that straw man!!!
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
Adoration of an authoritarian nationalist strongman.

Arrogant ignorance, bigotry, paranoia, tribalism -- disguised as patriotism.

Unintentional mockery of "conservative values" and "small government".

Yeah. That's about it.

Are you sure it’s not just a fed up and retaliatory Right that has been given a label by ‘paranoid’ Leftists in an attempt to shut them back up?
There are many on the right, conservatives that are very much against Trump. His method of governing is toxic and people of all ideologies can recognize that.

his enemies are in open insurrection in the streets. that is "toxic" and "divisive".

if you consider trump the bad guy right now, you are the problem, not him.
I agree that many of Trump opponents are engaging in dishonest and unacceptable behavior. But if you don’t think Trump is neck deep in that crap then you are blind. I know the tactic is accuse the accusers instead of taking responsibility but you’re not fooling anybody with that tactic

the resist call went out before trump took office. before trump took office, federal agents were lying to judges to get warrants against him.

mayors are ordering the cops to stand down, so rioters can rule the streets and terrorize law abiding citizens.

innocent citizens are being arrested for defending themselves against violent mobs.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
That’s a very skewed and dishonest representation of history you’re presenting there. Some of those points we’ve debated in the past. Sounds like you’re dug in on that narrative but that’s just not how I see it. I guess that’s just how it is during these divided times

teh resist call went out, almost immediately after the election.

that is not me being "dishonest", that is the truth.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
Yes a call went out as soon as Trump was elected just as a call went out to stop Obama right after he was elected and just as the wings of every party activate to challenge the opposition when they gain power. But Trump owns the intensity of this battle and has fueled both his resistance and his followers with his rhetoric and method of attack. Smart leaders don’t give attention to the noise makers and they focus on the important things. As you can see clearly in this board, the conversation has devolved to grade school levels. The partisan haters who love to attack are emboldened and they love Trump because he propagates these type of fights. I don’t know why these people think a divided America that hates eachother is a better America than one that is unified but that seems to be the trend. That’s what Trumpism is all about

big difference between the republicans planning a partisan, and political fight to make obama a one termer,

and your side refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

that you blame others, for your behavior, is understandable. if i was you, i would not want to be held accountable for the shit your side has done either.
What’s been my behavior? What have I done specifically to challenge the transfer of power? Come on now, you accused me, now back it up. Show examples

you're identifying with your side. thank you for not denying it.

as to your personals actions in support of it, i can guess. probably a shit ton of pushing the narrative and carrying water for certain important lies.
You just said a whole lot of nothing. LMK when you’re ready to talk about real stuff. I have no interest in these generic labels and stereotypes. They are a waste of time

i made a comment about your side's behavior and you self identified with it.

that was your call. as to your personal contribution, you can share that with us, if you want. or not.
That’s all I do here is share my perspective. You ignore the specific to try and attack “my side” the imaginary left. It’s called a strawman argument and it is a weak minded tactic used by those who can’t deal with specifics. You seem like a relatively smart person. Do better.

you blamed trump for something that was actually the fault of teh group, "the left".

your dislike of discussing groups or using such labels, is common with liberals.

my point stands. trump is not responsible for the hysterical reaction from your side, to his election.
Trump attacked the media by calling them fake news and the enemy of the people so he faces a more hostile media than any other president. Yes that is provoked outcome. ....

the media have been growing increasingly partisan and lefty for decades.

that hillary's loss and trump's win, drove them over the edge, is not trump's fault.

calling them fake news and the enemy of the people, is a reasonable response to their behavior.

remember the way they just flat out lied about what he said at charlottesville? that was unforgivable.
The animosity against Trump is Absolutely his fault. He was on every show during the campaign, got a priceless amount of free airtime. It wasn’t u til he started his fake news campaign that the media turned on him. I don’t really blame them. When the most powerful man in the world is lying to the public I understand the urge to want to call him on it. That’s what’s been happening.

you're kidding yourself. the media was completely partisan whores during the obama years, before trump was a factor.

immediately after the glory of hte first black president, they bought into the glory of the first woman president.

they thought that the next republican president had not yet been born.

they were offended that trump was speaking out for working class white men. that alone was enough to piss them off.
Well gee, look at how Obama spoke to and treated the media. I don’t know how you were raised but typically relationships are build off of trust and respect. When Trump lies and disrespects all who challenge him then he is going to foster contentious relationships. You are ignorantly pushing all the blame onto Trumps opponents and not recognizing the primary cause... Trump

i was just looking at the day after he announced to see what the media was saying, day one.

everything it seems is behind a pay wall, but the headlines, the bits i could see,

do not look like there were starting out objective and balanced....
Of course not. There had been a steady decline through the campaign as Trump got more and more aggressive and dishonest. The more the media called him on the more he attacked the media. It’s his default reaction.

Trump lies, media calls him on the lie, trump calls the media fake news. Thats the formula. You do see this dont you?

except if that was the way it went, the stories from the day after he announced, would have been neutral.

they were not. they were already hostile. even before he said or did anything.
Why would they be neutral? I just explained how the relationship between Trump and the media had been eroding throughout the campaign. Why would an election erase all of that?

i'm talking about the day immediately after his announcement he was running. it would have been day one of his campaign.
You mean after the escalator speech when he said Mexico is sending us rapists and murders? You think he got unfair coverage?

you made the claim that the unfair coverage was a result of trump's behavior over time.

day one, that excuse does not fly.
I don’t think anybody deserves unfair coverage so if that’s how you’re characterizing my statement then you are mistaken. There have been false stories and distorted statements made which is inexcusable. But the vast majority of the coverage on Trump has been centered around fact checking his false statements. Critical coverage is not fake news.

1. thank you for admitting that there have been false stories and distorted statements.

2. claiming the president said nazis were "Good people" is one story. calling the president on the size of a crowd and the size of his bank account, is two stories. but the nazi lie is far more important. the media is waging a War on Trump and their behavior is inexcusable.
The good people on both sides statement could have been clarified in 5 seconds. Trump didn’t do that for a reason. I agree that he was talking about protestors and not Nazis and that situation was politicized by the left. But Trump is guilty of that kind of crap on a daily basis. I’d argue with anybody on the Left pushing False claims and I sure as hell judge and push back on Trump when he does that crap. Not make excuses for him because he is “punching back”... that’s the most childish excuse there is

the "good people" statement was clear as hell from the start. and it was clarified many times, by many people. the left as a whole, is generally just lying about it, to this day.

that is an incredibly vile lie, setting large percentages of the population at each other's throats.

if that was the only lie the press told about trump, it would still outweigh the rest of the "Fact checking", as proof of a War Against Trump, by the media.

and it is far from the only one.

trumpism, if defined as a political faction or movement, would/will be nearly completely traditional and healthy, and only a controversial because the left, as a whole, gets hysterical when seriously challenged.
I’m sorry but no it was not clear as hell. I kid was killed by a racist that was there with a Nazi group. Trump bringing up the both sides thing was an attempt to attack the left during a time that the message should be simple and clear and against the racist movement and murder that happened. The dishonesty around reporting that Trump called Nazis good people is not excusable. But don’t pretend that Trump wasn’t stirring the pot with that message which certainly was not clear. His games are not transparent so don’t play dumb we all can see what he is doing.

Trump was clear in his denouncing of the nazis and the violence and the killing of that woman.

the media and the left delivered a false message to America, with their lying.

the media has been waging a War on Trump.

my point about trumpism stands.

trumpism, if defined as a political faction or movement, would/will be nearly completely traditional and healthy, and only a controversial because the left, as a whole, gets hysterical when seriously challenged.
Your definition is BS. I love being challenged. That’s the best time to solidly your positions and learn new things.

Trump gave a weak denouncement and then moved straight to an attack on the left. Some people read into that and took liberty by defining afalse narrative. As I said, it is inexcusable. Trump does it on the daily And it’s just as wrong. Too bad you can’t admit to that

1. my point about the left, as a whole stands. they are being hysterical because they cannot deal with a serious challenge.

2. TRump gave clear and repeated and strong denouncements of the nazis, the violence and the murderer. your denial just shows what little credibility you should be given.

3. TRump barely mentioned the left.

4. the media and the left as a whole, have been flat out lying. a lot.

5. nothing trump has done, as been half as poisonous as this. his "lies" are mostly harmless hyperbole.
Haha. Oh now it’s “the left as a whole” can’t keep up debating me so you move to your idiotic generalizations... keep fighting that straw man!!!

my point(s) have clearly and explicitly not been about you personally.

your pretend confusion on this, is a dodge. my points stand.

1. my point about the left, as a whole stands. they are being hysterical because they cannot deal with a serious challenge.

2. TRump gave clear and repeated and strong denouncements of the nazis, the violence and the murderer. your denial just shows what little credibility you should be given.

3. TRump barely mentioned the left.

4. the media and the left as a whole, have been flat out lying. a lot.

5. nothing trump has done, as been half as poisonous as this. his "lies" are mostly harmless hyperbole.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on
Adoration of an authoritarian nationalist strongman.

Arrogant ignorance, bigotry, paranoia, tribalism -- disguised as patriotism.

Unintentional mockery of "conservative values" and "small government".

Yeah. That's about it.

Are you sure it’s not just a fed up and retaliatory Right that has been given a label by ‘paranoid’ Leftists in an attempt to shut them back up?
There are many on the right, conservatives that are very much against Trump. His method of governing is toxic and people of all ideologies can recognize that.

his enemies are in open insurrection in the streets. that is "toxic" and "divisive".

if you consider trump the bad guy right now, you are the problem, not him.
I agree that many of Trump opponents are engaging in dishonest and unacceptable behavior. But if you don’t think Trump is neck deep in that crap then you are blind. I know the tactic is accuse the accusers instead of taking responsibility but you’re not fooling anybody with that tactic

the resist call went out before trump took office. before trump took office, federal agents were lying to judges to get warrants against him.

mayors are ordering the cops to stand down, so rioters can rule the streets and terrorize law abiding citizens.

innocent citizens are being arrested for defending themselves against violent mobs.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
That’s a very skewed and dishonest representation of history you’re presenting there. Some of those points we’ve debated in the past. Sounds like you’re dug in on that narrative but that’s just not how I see it. I guess that’s just how it is during these divided times

teh resist call went out, almost immediately after the election.

that is not me being "dishonest", that is the truth.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
Yes a call went out as soon as Trump was elected just as a call went out to stop Obama right after he was elected and just as the wings of every party activate to challenge the opposition when they gain power. But Trump owns the intensity of this battle and has fueled both his resistance and his followers with his rhetoric and method of attack. Smart leaders don’t give attention to the noise makers and they focus on the important things. As you can see clearly in this board, the conversation has devolved to grade school levels. The partisan haters who love to attack are emboldened and they love Trump because he propagates these type of fights. I don’t know why these people think a divided America that hates eachother is a better America than one that is unified but that seems to be the trend. That’s what Trumpism is all about

big difference between the republicans planning a partisan, and political fight to make obama a one termer,

and your side refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

that you blame others, for your behavior, is understandable. if i was you, i would not want to be held accountable for the shit your side has done either.
What’s been my behavior? What have I done specifically to challenge the transfer of power? Come on now, you accused me, now back it up. Show examples

you're identifying with your side. thank you for not denying it.

as to your personals actions in support of it, i can guess. probably a shit ton of pushing the narrative and carrying water for certain important lies.
You just said a whole lot of nothing. LMK when you’re ready to talk about real stuff. I have no interest in these generic labels and stereotypes. They are a waste of time

i made a comment about your side's behavior and you self identified with it.

that was your call. as to your personal contribution, you can share that with us, if you want. or not.
That’s all I do here is share my perspective. You ignore the specific to try and attack “my side” the imaginary left. It’s called a strawman argument and it is a weak minded tactic used by those who can’t deal with specifics. You seem like a relatively smart person. Do better.

you blamed trump for something that was actually the fault of teh group, "the left".

your dislike of discussing groups or using such labels, is common with liberals.

my point stands. trump is not responsible for the hysterical reaction from your side, to his election.
Trump attacked the media by calling them fake news and the enemy of the people so he faces a more hostile media than any other president. Yes that is provoked outcome. ....

the media have been growing increasingly partisan and lefty for decades.

that hillary's loss and trump's win, drove them over the edge, is not trump's fault.

calling them fake news and the enemy of the people, is a reasonable response to their behavior.

remember the way they just flat out lied about what he said at charlottesville? that was unforgivable.
The animosity against Trump is Absolutely his fault. He was on every show during the campaign, got a priceless amount of free airtime. It wasn’t u til he started his fake news campaign that the media turned on him. I don’t really blame them. When the most powerful man in the world is lying to the public I understand the urge to want to call him on it. That’s what’s been happening.

you're kidding yourself. the media was completely partisan whores during the obama years, before trump was a factor.

immediately after the glory of hte first black president, they bought into the glory of the first woman president.

they thought that the next republican president had not yet been born.

they were offended that trump was speaking out for working class white men. that alone was enough to piss them off.
Well gee, look at how Obama spoke to and treated the media. I don’t know how you were raised but typically relationships are build off of trust and respect. When Trump lies and disrespects all who challenge him then he is going to foster contentious relationships. You are ignorantly pushing all the blame onto Trumps opponents and not recognizing the primary cause... Trump

i was just looking at the day after he announced to see what the media was saying, day one.

everything it seems is behind a pay wall, but the headlines, the bits i could see,

do not look like there were starting out objective and balanced....
Of course not. There had been a steady decline through the campaign as Trump got more and more aggressive and dishonest. The more the media called him on the more he attacked the media. It’s his default reaction.

Trump lies, media calls him on the lie, trump calls the media fake news. Thats the formula. You do see this dont you?

except if that was the way it went, the stories from the day after he announced, would have been neutral.

they were not. they were already hostile. even before he said or did anything.
Why would they be neutral? I just explained how the relationship between Trump and the media had been eroding throughout the campaign. Why would an election erase all of that?

i'm talking about the day immediately after his announcement he was running. it would have been day one of his campaign.
You mean after the escalator speech when he said Mexico is sending us rapists and murders? You think he got unfair coverage?

you made the claim that the unfair coverage was a result of trump's behavior over time.

day one, that excuse does not fly.
I don’t think anybody deserves unfair coverage so if that’s how you’re characterizing my statement then you are mistaken. There have been false stories and distorted statements made which is inexcusable. But the vast majority of the coverage on Trump has been centered around fact checking his false statements. Critical coverage is not fake news.

1. thank you for admitting that there have been false stories and distorted statements.

2. claiming the president said nazis were "Good people" is one story. calling the president on the size of a crowd and the size of his bank account, is two stories. but the nazi lie is far more important. the media is waging a War on Trump and their behavior is inexcusable.
The good people on both sides statement could have been clarified in 5 seconds. Trump didn’t do that for a reason. I agree that he was talking about protestors and not Nazis and that situation was politicized by the left. But Trump is guilty of that kind of crap on a daily basis. I’d argue with anybody on the Left pushing False claims and I sure as hell judge and push back on Trump when he does that crap. Not make excuses for him because he is “punching back”... that’s the most childish excuse there is

the "good people" statement was clear as hell from the start. and it was clarified many times, by many people. the left as a whole, is generally just lying about it, to this day.

that is an incredibly vile lie, setting large percentages of the population at each other's throats.

if that was the only lie the press told about trump, it would still outweigh the rest of the "Fact checking", as proof of a War Against Trump, by the media.

and it is far from the only one.

trumpism, if defined as a political faction or movement, would/will be nearly completely traditional and healthy, and only a controversial because the left, as a whole, gets hysterical when seriously challenged.
I’m sorry but no it was not clear as hell. I kid was killed by a racist that was there with a Nazi group. Trump bringing up the both sides thing was an attempt to attack the left during a time that the message should be simple and clear and against the racist movement and murder that happened. The dishonesty around reporting that Trump called Nazis good people is not excusable. But don’t pretend that Trump wasn’t stirring the pot with that message which certainly was not clear. His games are not transparent so don’t play dumb we all can see what he is doing.

Trump was clear in his denouncing of the nazis and the violence and the killing of that woman.

the media and the left delivered a false message to America, with their lying.

the media has been waging a War on Trump.

my point about trumpism stands.

trumpism, if defined as a political faction or movement, would/will be nearly completely traditional and healthy, and only a controversial because the left, as a whole, gets hysterical when seriously challenged.
Your definition is BS. I love being challenged. That’s the best time to solidly your positions and learn new things.

Trump gave a weak denouncement and then moved straight to an attack on the left. Some people read into that and took liberty by defining afalse narrative. As I said, it is inexcusable. Trump does it on the daily And it’s just as wrong. Too bad you can’t admit to that

1. my point about the left, as a whole stands. they are being hysterical because they cannot deal with a serious challenge.

2. TRump gave clear and repeated and strong denouncements of the nazis, the violence and the murderer. your denial just shows what little credibility you should be given.

3. TRump barely mentioned the left.

4. the media and the left as a whole, have been flat out lying. a lot.

5. nothing trump has done, as been half as poisonous as this. his "lies" are mostly harmless hyperbole.
Haha. Oh now it’s “the left as a whole” can’t keep up debating me so you move to your idiotic generalizations... keep fighting that straw man!!!

my point(s) have clearly and explicitly not been about you personally.

your pretend confusion on this, is a dodge. my points stand.

1. my point about the left, as a whole stands. they are being hysterical because they cannot deal with a serious challenge.

2. TRump gave clear and repeated and strong denouncements of the nazis, the violence and the murderer. your denial just shows what little credibility you should be given.

3. TRump barely mentioned the left.

4. the media and the left as a whole, have been flat out lying. a lot.

5. nothing trump has done, as been half as poisonous as this. his "lies" are mostly harmless hyperbole.
Ok, well I’m not here to defend or attack the generic Left. It’s a waste of time. If you ever care to get specific about anything then feel free to reach out.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
Haha, ok. As I said keep running with that argument and see how far you get!
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
Haha, ok. As I said keep running with that argument and see how far you get!

i will, thanks. i'm pretty sure it's a winner. anyone that does not support sexist and racist discrimination, is going to be turned off by biden's sexist and racist discrimination.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
Haha, ok. As I said keep running with that argument and see how far you get!

i will, thanks. i'm pretty sure it's a winner. anyone that does not support sexist and racist discrimination, is going to be turned off by biden's sexist and racist discrimination.
Haha. I don’t know what you’re drinking but pour me a glass!
Adoration of an authoritarian nationalist strongman.

Arrogant ignorance, bigotry, paranoia, tribalism -- disguised as patriotism.

Unintentional mockery of "conservative values" and "small government".

Yeah. That's about it.

Are you sure it’s not just a fed up and retaliatory Right that has been given a label by ‘paranoid’ Leftists in an attempt to shut them back up?
There are many on the right, conservatives that are very much against Trump. His method of governing is toxic and people of all ideologies can recognize that.

his enemies are in open insurrection in the streets. that is "toxic" and "divisive".

if you consider trump the bad guy right now, you are the problem, not him.
I agree that many of Trump opponents are engaging in dishonest and unacceptable behavior. But if you don’t think Trump is neck deep in that crap then you are blind. I know the tactic is accuse the accusers instead of taking responsibility but you’re not fooling anybody with that tactic

the resist call went out before trump took office. before trump took office, federal agents were lying to judges to get warrants against him.

mayors are ordering the cops to stand down, so rioters can rule the streets and terrorize law abiding citizens.

innocent citizens are being arrested for defending themselves against violent mobs.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
That’s a very skewed and dishonest representation of history you’re presenting there. Some of those points we’ve debated in the past. Sounds like you’re dug in on that narrative but that’s just not how I see it. I guess that’s just how it is during these divided times

teh resist call went out, almost immediately after the election.

that is not me being "dishonest", that is the truth.

TRump is not the problem. the problem is that a significant portion of the left, is no longer respecting the peaceful transfer of power.
Yes a call went out as soon as Trump was elected just as a call went out to stop Obama right after he was elected and just as the wings of every party activate to challenge the opposition when they gain power. But Trump owns the intensity of this battle and has fueled both his resistance and his followers with his rhetoric and method of attack. Smart leaders don’t give attention to the noise makers and they focus on the important things. As you can see clearly in this board, the conversation has devolved to grade school levels. The partisan haters who love to attack are emboldened and they love Trump because he propagates these type of fights. I don’t know why these people think a divided America that hates eachother is a better America than one that is unified but that seems to be the trend. That’s what Trumpism is all about

big difference between the republicans planning a partisan, and political fight to make obama a one termer,

and your side refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

that you blame others, for your behavior, is understandable. if i was you, i would not want to be held accountable for the shit your side has done either.
What’s been my behavior? What have I done specifically to challenge the transfer of power? Come on now, you accused me, now back it up. Show examples

you're identifying with your side. thank you for not denying it.

as to your personals actions in support of it, i can guess. probably a shit ton of pushing the narrative and carrying water for certain important lies.
You just said a whole lot of nothing. LMK when you’re ready to talk about real stuff. I have no interest in these generic labels and stereotypes. They are a waste of time

i made a comment about your side's behavior and you self identified with it.

that was your call. as to your personal contribution, you can share that with us, if you want. or not.
That’s all I do here is share my perspective. You ignore the specific to try and attack “my side” the imaginary left. It’s called a strawman argument and it is a weak minded tactic used by those who can’t deal with specifics. You seem like a relatively smart person. Do better.

you blamed trump for something that was actually the fault of teh group, "the left".

your dislike of discussing groups or using such labels, is common with liberals.

my point stands. trump is not responsible for the hysterical reaction from your side, to his election.
Trump attacked the media by calling them fake news and the enemy of the people so he faces a more hostile media than any other president. Yes that is provoked outcome. ....

the media have been growing increasingly partisan and lefty for decades.

that hillary's loss and trump's win, drove them over the edge, is not trump's fault.

calling them fake news and the enemy of the people, is a reasonable response to their behavior.

remember the way they just flat out lied about what he said at charlottesville? that was unforgivable.
The animosity against Trump is Absolutely his fault. He was on every show during the campaign, got a priceless amount of free airtime. It wasn’t u til he started his fake news campaign that the media turned on him. I don’t really blame them. When the most powerful man in the world is lying to the public I understand the urge to want to call him on it. That’s what’s been happening.

you're kidding yourself. the media was completely partisan whores during the obama years, before trump was a factor.

immediately after the glory of hte first black president, they bought into the glory of the first woman president.

they thought that the next republican president had not yet been born.

they were offended that trump was speaking out for working class white men. that alone was enough to piss them off.
Well gee, look at how Obama spoke to and treated the media. I don’t know how you were raised but typically relationships are build off of trust and respect. When Trump lies and disrespects all who challenge him then he is going to foster contentious relationships. You are ignorantly pushing all the blame onto Trumps opponents and not recognizing the primary cause... Trump

i was just looking at the day after he announced to see what the media was saying, day one.

everything it seems is behind a pay wall, but the headlines, the bits i could see,

do not look like there were starting out objective and balanced....
Of course not. There had been a steady decline through the campaign as Trump got more and more aggressive and dishonest. The more the media called him on the more he attacked the media. It’s his default reaction.

Trump lies, media calls him on the lie, trump calls the media fake news. Thats the formula. You do see this dont you?

except if that was the way it went, the stories from the day after he announced, would have been neutral.

they were not. they were already hostile. even before he said or did anything.
Why would they be neutral? I just explained how the relationship between Trump and the media had been eroding throughout the campaign. Why would an election erase all of that?

i'm talking about the day immediately after his announcement he was running. it would have been day one of his campaign.
You mean after the escalator speech when he said Mexico is sending us rapists and murders? You think he got unfair coverage?

you made the claim that the unfair coverage was a result of trump's behavior over time.

day one, that excuse does not fly.
I don’t think anybody deserves unfair coverage so if that’s how you’re characterizing my statement then you are mistaken. There have been false stories and distorted statements made which is inexcusable. But the vast majority of the coverage on Trump has been centered around fact checking his false statements. Critical coverage is not fake news.

1. thank you for admitting that there have been false stories and distorted statements.

2. claiming the president said nazis were "Good people" is one story. calling the president on the size of a crowd and the size of his bank account, is two stories. but the nazi lie is far more important. the media is waging a War on Trump and their behavior is inexcusable.
The good people on both sides statement could have been clarified in 5 seconds. Trump didn’t do that for a reason. I agree that he was talking about protestors and not Nazis and that situation was politicized by the left. But Trump is guilty of that kind of crap on a daily basis. I’d argue with anybody on the Left pushing False claims and I sure as hell judge and push back on Trump when he does that crap. Not make excuses for him because he is “punching back”... that’s the most childish excuse there is

the "good people" statement was clear as hell from the start. and it was clarified many times, by many people. the left as a whole, is generally just lying about it, to this day.

that is an incredibly vile lie, setting large percentages of the population at each other's throats.

if that was the only lie the press told about trump, it would still outweigh the rest of the "Fact checking", as proof of a War Against Trump, by the media.

and it is far from the only one.

trumpism, if defined as a political faction or movement, would/will be nearly completely traditional and healthy, and only a controversial because the left, as a whole, gets hysterical when seriously challenged.
I’m sorry but no it was not clear as hell. I kid was killed by a racist that was there with a Nazi group. Trump bringing up the both sides thing was an attempt to attack the left during a time that the message should be simple and clear and against the racist movement and murder that happened. The dishonesty around reporting that Trump called Nazis good people is not excusable. But don’t pretend that Trump wasn’t stirring the pot with that message which certainly was not clear. His games are not transparent so don’t play dumb we all can see what he is doing.
The problem is that most of the protestors there were indeed, good people. The media equated everybody as racists. Trump was obviously correct on this issue, but the media acted like he endorsed the Klan. It was shameful coverage, and also a completely transparent hit. It could even be questioned how many 'good' people there were in the antifa mob that attacked the protestors. No one should have gotten hurt, there should have been no violence period. People were attacked because they didn't want historic statues torn down. These people should not automatically be branded skinheads worthy of assault. If the antifa goons didn't agree with them, they should have supported the removal of statues by legal means.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do
Aren't you guys using the argument that you can lie, attack family, and that anything goes because Trump is so evil? Is that not the epitomy of justifying bad behavior?
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
Haha, ok. As I said keep running with that argument and see how far you get!
It's true isn't it. Picking someone because of skin color is racist isn't it? Choosing candidates for specific genders is not a good thing is it? It's a little messed up.
Quite simply, Trumpism is the polar opposite of Obabblism.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do
Aren't you guys using the argument that you can lie, attack family, and that anything goes because Trump is so evil? Is that not the epitomy of justifying bad behavior?
I would never justify or condone any of that.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
Haha, ok. As I said keep running with that argument and see how far you get!
It's true isn't it. Picking someone because of skin color is racist isn't it? Choosing candidates for specific genders is not a good thing is it? It's a little messed up.
Not at all in this case. We are talking about leadership and representation of our people. A minority woman has never been in that position. It’s about time one be there
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
Haha, ok. As I said keep running with that argument and see how far you get!

i will, thanks. i'm pretty sure it's a winner. anyone that does not support sexist and racist discrimination, is going to be turned off by biden's sexist and racist discrimination.
Haha. I don’t know what you’re drinking but pour me a glass!

biden is clearly discriminating based on sex and race.

that you are unable to even understand that, shows that your opposition to sexism and racism, was never a matter of principle.
It is pretty clear the left got very comfortable with having no strong opposition.

i think that is really it. even when republicans won, they never really stood up to the left on cultural issues or challenged their right to control the narrative.

trump did. he was not afraid. very impressive. and totally shocking to the left.
What exactly is it about a “strong opposition” that you think is a good thing for Americans?

well, i didn't say for "americans" but for " the left" and i made no comment on whether it was a good thing for them or not, just that they were unable to deal with it.
Well then make the statement now... do you think that “strong opposition” is a good thing for Americans or not?

i think it depends, on what the opposition is about, how it is waged and what is going on.

there is nothing inherent in the structure of our society that requires it. a time of unity and conformity could be just as "good thing for America" as a time of intense debate and constructive debate.

my point though, was about the left's inability to deal with having strong opposition and their hysterical reaction to it.

they are acting like children, having a violent tantrum.
I agree the Dems are not handling themselves in a respectable way. I’d vote most of them out of office if I could. Trump is at a whole different level though and I dont think he inspires constructive debate. I see him propagating lies and engaging in childish banter and name calling.

he is the first one to seem to be able to withstand the politics of destruction that the left has perfected.

that alone makes him invaluable.

constructive debate? i disagree. the choice today seems to be between people that want to lecture americans like we are dim witted children, and trump who is saying no.

trump is the one in the right, there.
If you don’t want to be treated as a dimwit then don’t act that way. Acting oblivious to the lies and games that Trump plays makes you seem dimwitted. Sorry but it’s true.

your insult is noted and dismissed.

my point stands, since you failed to even try to address it. you pompous ass.

we cannot have a constructive debate, while lib assholes think that that means that they get to lecture America as a whole, like we are dim witted children.

trump, standing up to that asshole behavior, from your side, is a badly needed step; in the right direction.
You are justifying bad behavior because of bad behavior. We learn not to do that I’m grade school... at least some of us do

trump's behavior here, is not bad. it is good. saying no to people that want to lecture you like you are a dim witted child, is not bad behavior.
I got no problem with saying No. is that really what you think I object to? Saying No? Come on

that is the behavior we are discussing. if you wanted to change the subject, you need to change the subject, not just start talking about something else, without even letting me know that you were going off topic.

i think that as you, more and more, pretend that the sexist discrimination is not discrimination, that your brain is getting more irrational in trying to avoid seeing that your position on this issue, is nuts.
No I’m quite clear. You’re the one trying to make picking a woman to be V.P. a racist and sexist thing.

yep. biden judged who he wanted for the job, by their sex and by their skin color, before he looked at actual qualifications.

that is sexist and racist discrimination and you dems own it.

you are the party of sexism and racism.
Haha, ok. As I said keep running with that argument and see how far you get!
It's true isn't it. Picking someone because of skin color is racist isn't it? Choosing candidates for specific genders is not a good thing is it? It's a little messed up.

it is only sexist if it is against women. it is only racist if it is against black or brown people.

he really believes that.

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