What if Trump Had Worn a Mask?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Suppose "The Con" had decided his best chance at reelection required embracing mask wearing:

"First, masks would have sold out nationwide within days.

"Trump would have then used the Defense Production Act to fast track the manufacturing of more.

"Entrepreneurs would have wasted no time producing masks with the stars and stripes, the Confederate flag, and 'Trump/Pence 2020.'

"Cops would have preferred 'Punisher' masks.

"And of course, the red MAGA mask would soon have become even more prolific than the familiar cap."

Had conservatives decided to make mask wearing patriotic last spring, it is virtually certain America would have seen far fewer excessive deaths from Covid-19.

The US economy would be stronger than today

If so, would that have produced a second Trump Administration?

"Would Trump have still lost the election?

"This one’s a toss up.

"A lot of folks have pinned his loss on the social and economic ravages of COVID, so if the pandemic had been less severe, maybe the vote would have been closer, maybe much closer, or even flipped.

"And what kind of trade is that last scenario: more lives saved but Trump gets a second term?"

DECEMBER 11, 2020
What If Trump Had Worn (and Marketed) a Mask?
Suppose "The Con" had decided his best chance at reelection required embracing mask wearing:

"First, masks would have sold out nationwide within days.

"Trump would have then used the Defense Production Act to fast track the manufacturing of more.

"Entrepreneurs would have wasted no time producing masks with the stars and stripes, the Confederate flag, and 'Trump/Pence 2020.'

"Cops would have preferred 'Punisher' masks.

"And of course, the red MAGA mask would soon have become even more prolific than the familiar cap."

Had conservatives decided to make mask wearing patriotic last spring, it is virtually certain America would have seen far fewer excessive deaths from Covid-19.

The US economy would be stronger than today

If so, would that have produced a second Trump Administration?

"Would Trump have still lost the election?

"This one’s a toss up.

"A lot of folks have pinned his loss on the social and economic ravages of COVID, so if the pandemic had been less severe, maybe the vote would have been closer, maybe much closer, or even flipped.

"And what kind of trade is that last scenario: more lives saved but Trump gets a second term?"

DECEMBER 11, 2020
What If Trump Had Worn (and Marketed) a Mask?

Leftists would have burned masks in the street; while they were burning and looting nationwide.
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Suppose "The Con" had decided his best chance at reelection required embracing mask wearing:

"First, masks would have sold out nationwide within days.

"Trump would have then used the Defense Production Act to fast track the manufacturing of more.

"Entrepreneurs would have wasted no time producing masks with the stars and stripes, the Confederate flag, and 'Trump/Pence 2020.'

"Cops would have preferred 'Punisher' masks.

"And of course, the red MAGA mask would soon have become even more prolific than the familiar cap."

Had conservatives decided to make mask wearing patriotic last spring, it is virtually certain America would have seen far fewer excessive deaths from Covid-19.

The US economy would be stronger than today

If so, would that have produced a second Trump Administration?

"Would Trump have still lost the election?

"This one’s a toss up.

"A lot of folks have pinned his loss on the social and economic ravages of COVID, so if the pandemic had been less severe, maybe the vote would have been closer, maybe much closer, or even flipped.

"And what kind of trade is that last scenario: more lives saved but Trump gets a second term?"

DECEMBER 11, 2020
What If Trump Had Worn (and Marketed) a Mask?
Had Trump not been so flippant about it he would have been reelected but nooooo.....
A lot of folks have pinned his loss on the social and economic ravages of COVID, so if the pandemic had been less severe, maybe the vote would have been closer, maybe much closer, or even flipped.

A lot of folks have pinned his loss on the social and economic ravages of COVID Dominion voting machines which make election theft so easy a caveman could do it.....

Fixed it.
Suppose "The Con" had decided his best chance at reelection required embracing mask wearing:

"First, masks would have sold out nationwide within days.

"Trump would have then used the Defense Production Act to fast track the manufacturing of more.

"Entrepreneurs would have wasted no time producing masks with the stars and stripes, the Confederate flag, and 'Trump/Pence 2020.'

"Cops would have preferred 'Punisher' masks.

"And of course, the red MAGA mask would soon have become even more prolific than the familiar cap."

Had conservatives decided to make mask wearing patriotic last spring, it is virtually certain America would have seen far fewer excessive deaths from Covid-19.

The US economy would be stronger than today

If so, would that have produced a second Trump Administration?

"Would Trump have still lost the election?

"This one’s a toss up.

"A lot of folks have pinned his loss on the social and economic ravages of COVID, so if the pandemic had been less severe, maybe the vote would have been closer, maybe much closer, or even flipped.

"And what kind of trade is that last scenario: more lives saved but Trump gets a second term?"

DECEMBER 11, 2020
What If Trump Had Worn (and Marketed) a Mask?

This posts documents that although Quid Pro Quo Red Communist Chinese Joe Xiden won, the Dual Diagnosis Chronic Clinical - TDS / Trump OCD has not abated, and is still escalating.

Sad really.
Leftists would have burned them in the street; while they were burning and looting nationwide.
You really think we care about what is on the front side of the mask?
What’s important is that we all wear one.
If trump had recommended wearing masks he wouldn’t have lost the election.

“Do the right thing.”
-Spike Lee
The truth about how the Repubs are the modern Dixiecrats and how they flipped from being Democrats to Repubs.......All hail the south that shall never rise again...
So how did Carter win the south if they flipped?
The truth about how the Repubs are the modern Dixiecrats and how they flipped from being Democrats to Repubs.......All hail the south that shall never rise again...
So how did Carter win the south if they flipped?
Carter was from the South is how he carried the South. Very few people liked Ford after he pardoned Nixon and the economy sucked.......
Suppose "The Con" had decided his best chance at reelection required embracing mask wearing:

"First, masks would have sold out nationwide within days.

"Trump would have then used the Defense Production Act to fast track the manufacturing of more.

"Entrepreneurs would have wasted no time producing masks with the stars and stripes, the Confederate flag, and 'Trump/Pence 2020.'

"Cops would have preferred 'Punisher' masks.

"And of course, the red MAGA mask would soon have become even more prolific than the familiar cap."

Had conservatives decided to make mask wearing patriotic last spring, it is virtually certain America would have seen far fewer excessive deaths from Covid-19.

The US economy would be stronger than today

If so, would that have produced a second Trump Administration?

"Would Trump have still lost the election?

"This one’s a toss up.

"A lot of folks have pinned his loss on the social and economic ravages of COVID, so if the pandemic had been less severe, maybe the vote would have been closer, maybe much closer, or even flipped.

"And what kind of trade is that last scenario: more lives saved but Trump gets a second term?"

DECEMBER 11, 2020
What If Trump Had Worn (and Marketed) a Mask?
Trump didn't lose--the election was fraud ergo---whatever Trump did, he still would not be declared the winner. Stop blaming the masks-------it was the dem and chinese cheats.
The truth about how the Repubs are the modern Dixiecrats and how they flipped from being Democrats to Repubs.......All hail the south that shall never rise again...
So how did Carter win the south if they flipped?
Carter was from the South is how he carried the South. Very few people liked Ford after he pardoned Nixon and the economy sucked.......
Excuses excuses on your claim the Republicans flipped in the 1960s
Leftists would have burned them in the street; while they were burning and looting nationwide.
"In an alternate universe, Republicans would now be die-hard mask-wearers and Democrats… well, I’m not so sure..."

DECEMBER 11, 2020
What If Trump Had Worn (and Marketed) a Mask?

"Conversely, many liberals might not have masked up simply because the orange menace and his deplorables were.

"Recall how Trump’s occasional calls to withdraw US troops from various overseas conflicts met with knee-jerk resistance from so many people who would have applauded the same under Obama; who, indeed, voted for Obama in part because he gave the impression he would do things like that.

"Time and again since 2016, I was taken aback (and often disgusted) by the stances that liberals took, or the allies they made, in the name of opposing Trump.

"Mainstream Democrats lionized war criminals like George W. and John McCain and made heroes out of the CIA and FBI. If Trump had said 'Don’t jump off that cliff!' it felt to me like many of them would have taken a dive."
Leftists would have burned them in the street; while they were burning and looting nationwide.
You really think we care about what is on the front side of the mask?
What’s important is that we all wear one.
If trump had recommended wearing masks he wouldn’t have lost the election.

“Do the right thing.”
-Spike Lee

So burning the pizza shop was the right thing?


Typical leftist.
The truth about how the Repubs are the modern Dixiecrats and how they flipped from being Democrats to Repubs.......All hail the south that shall never rise again...
I tend to agree, but I would also point out how Biden owes his presidency to another 21st century version of Dixiecrats

Biden Nabs Key Endorsement Ahead of South Carolina Primary
The Dems are increasing numbers of voters in the South through immigrants and migrants... That is the fault of the Republicans wanting cheap labor.
The truth about how the Repubs are the modern Dixiecrats and how they flipped from being Democrats to Repubs.......All hail the south that shall never rise again...
So how did Carter win the south if they flipped?
Carter was from the South is how he carried the South. Very few people liked Ford after he pardoned Nixon and the economy sucked.......
Excuses excuses on your claim the Republicans flipped in the 1960s
I never said they did but they did for the first time voted for a Yankee Republican over the Civil Rights bill....

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