How has your marriage been hurt?

Each marriage is one at a time. One man. One woman. That a culture allowed a man to have many marriages, each one was still between one man and one woman.

And all marriages were for the same purpose to establish clear bloodlines and right of inheritance of any progeny and the rights, and sometimes benefits, to the parties involved.
David had an entire harem.
Because that’s the law since government decided they somehow for some reason needed to be involved. It had no bearing on the actual ceremony or the function of the event. It was just red tape so they could collect 15 bucks.

It is not the law. There is no law that says you must have your marriage recognized by the Govt.

You were free to call yourself married and have the church say you were married and just forgo all that stuff the Govt gives you for buying a license and having your marriage recognized as a civil marriage.

If you could be honest for just one minute you would have to admit you wanted those things that are attached to a civil marriage.
Without religion there would be no marriage.

then how do you answer the Q re: the fact that no one can be married by any member of the clergy/religious institution without a marriage license issued by the state?

huh huh HUH???
The 50% failure rate is a statistical myth, only accepted by Leftists. Marriage is a life-long commitment, so it is IMPOSSIBLE TO STATE, for example, THE FAILURE RATE OF MARRIAGES IN 1973 until all of those people are dead.

50% is probably a fairly accurate estimate, but that's all it can be until all of the marriages in a given timeframe are ended by either death or divorce.

I am currently in year 52.

Not really. A lot of these people are getting divorced after a certain period of time

"On average, marriages are shortest in the Western United States. Alaska had the shortest median duration for current marriage, at 16.8 years long. The median duration is highest in West Virginia, at 22.6 years."

In other words they take all the marriages and how long they last, and find the middle number. It's not the best way of showing things, but it does tell you where the middle point is for divorces.

So, 50% of divorces in Alaska happen under 16.8 years. And 50% happen after this.

"Third Marriages Have the Highest Divorce Rate—73%"

This has an impact. If 50% of marriages end in divorce, then third marriages help to up the stats. Doesn't mean 50% of married people will get divorced, but a lot of people do. Because a lot of people don't understand how to go into a relationship.

A lot of people think sex, they get sex, they get bored, they get divorced.

"Lack of Commitment Is the Most Common Reason for Divorce"

I think it says it all.
It is not the law. There is no law that says you must have your marriage recognized by the Govt.

You were free to call yourself married and have the church say you were married and just forgo all that stuff the Govt gives you for buying a license and having your marriage recognized as a civil marriage.

If you could be honest for just one minute you would have to admit you wanted those things that are attached to a civil marriage.
It has benefits in dealing with the government for sure. It has absolutely no bearing on the institution itself. Everything the government does for married people God already had covered.

You do realize we have to participate in these government mandated functions right?
I think so

If you were thinking clearly you would too

I think very clearly, if two consenting adults are both enjoying it...then they should do it

But the modern culture of sexual perversion has its grip on you

The only thing that has a grip on me is my wife of 31 years. We have been having sex for 32 years and we do some shit that would turn your poor little puritan heart green with envy.
It has benefits in dealing with the government for sure. It has absolutely no bearing on the institution itself. Everything the government does for married people God already had covered.

Can you show me where God covered your spouse getting benefits from your social security? or where God has your ability to file a joint tax return covered?

You do realize we have to participate in these government mandated functions right?

You do not have to participate in Govt sanctioned marriage. You could have gotten married in front of your church and left it at that and forgone the civil benefits of being married, which have ZERO to do with any god.
The state made that law. Not the church.

i was married by a JP. is my marriage any less valid? what about someone being married by a universalist preacher? what about a fundie mormon LDS clergy person? is it just APPROVED ones that are valid?

huh huh HUH???
i was married by a JP. is my marriage any less valid? what about someone being married by a universalist preacher? what about a fundie mormon LDS clergy person? is it just APPROVED ones that are valid?

huh huh HUH???

We were married by a JP and then 5 months later had a wedding with a preacher. I wonder if Mike would say we were not actually married till the preacher did it
Can you show me where God covered your spouse getting benefits from your social security? or where God has your ability to file a joint tax return covered?

You do not have to participate in Govt sanctioned marriage. You could have gotten married in front of your church and left it at that and forgone the civil benefits of being married, which have ZERO to do with any god.
I don’t get your point here. Because the government can deny you financial benefits for not playing their game does that make them greater than God?

Is your religion the government?
i was married by a JP. is my marriage any less valid? what about someone being married by a universalist preacher? what about a fundie mormon LDS clergy person? is it just APPROVED ones that are valid?

huh huh HUH???
Apparently those marriages only count if government approved. Isn’t that your point? You only think your marriage is solid if the government signed off on it.

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