What I Hate about the GOP

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

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What you hate about the gop? Everything.

Because that's all you ever do is spew out closed ended comments on how you hate republicans, trump, gop, conservatives and so on. Even going so far as to bring them up in other people's threads even when they aren't being discussed.
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

Sounds like, just maybe, you should not vote for them next time around.
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels.

Now's your chance. Tell your Dems here's their chance to cut the debt.
I know that Dems live to cut the debt. So work with those Republican assholes if
that's what it takes to stop all the new GOP debt.
The OP hates the GOP for attcking his favorite pedo, Bill Clinton.

If Democrats here had their way, Hillary would be president and Bill Clinton would be partying with Epstien in the white house today.
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

And they insist on owning the Libs. LOL!
The OP hates the GOP for attcking his favorite pedo, Bill Clinton.

If Democrats here had their way, Hillary would be president and Bill Clinton would be partying with Epstien in the white house today.
Is this ^^^^ what you dream about at night? What a sicko you are.

I'm positive not a single poster on this USMB endorses what you say, just you and your thoughts and dreams.
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

Hate in 1 hand, and poo in the other and see which one fills up 1st.
3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP.
Let me play the devils' advocate for a minute. MSNBC fired Donahue because of his anti-war stance because they wanted to jump in-bed-with the military operations like all the network wanted.... Granted most Democrats in Congress voted against giving GW the power to decide.......but enough of them voted yes, to make it a bipartisan war like resolution.
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

Let me play the devils' advocate for a minute. MSNBC fired Donahue because of his anti-war stance because they wanted to jump in-bed-with the military operations like all the network wanted.... Granted most Democrats in Congress voted against giving GW the power to decide.......but enough of them voted yes, to make it a bipartisan war like resolution.

Were you alive in 2001?

The GOP and Foxnews attacked anybody that opposed that war. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were villified by Foxnews and the GOP.

Bush started that war. Bush and the GOP pushed for that war. Bush was the one who had to sell the war to the world. Bush did that. You seem to forget freedom fries. You seem to forget Colin Powell at the UN. You act like the dems wanted the war, all they did was give Bush permission to go to war. Bush then rushed to war and failed miserably. He failed. He did that, not the dems.

Its laughable to blame the dems for the war in Iraq. Bush fucked that up and if Al Gore were president we would not have gone to war in Iraq, and if we somehow did go to war in Iraq Al Gore would have won the war and not failed like Bush.

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