What I Hate about the GOP

Were you alive in 2001?

The GOP and Foxnews attacked anybody that opposed that war. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were villified by Foxnews and the GOP.

Bush started that war. Bush and the GOP pushed for that war. Bush was the one who had to sell the war to the world. Bush did that. You seem to forget freedom fries. You seem to forget Colin Powell at the UN. You act like the dems wanted the war, all they did was give Bush permission to go to war. Bush then rushed to war and failed miserably. He failed. He did that, not the dems.

Its laughable to blame the dems for the war in Iraq. Bush fucked that up and if Al Gore were president we would not have gone to war in Iraq, and if we somehow did go to war in Iraq Al Gore would have won the war and not failed like Bush.
Your team demanded a SECOND Senate vote in advance of the '02 elections, so they could be on record of being "ME TOO" for the war....There's blood on your hands too, lying warmonger assclown.
Your team demanded a SECOND Senate vote in advance of the '02 elections, so they could be on record of being "ME TOO" for the war....There's blood on your hands too, lying warmonger assclown.

The War in Iraq was the idea of the Bush admin. If Gore were president we would have never went to war in Iraq. Its so laughable that you trash try to blame the dems for Bush's war, that he started. On top of that Bush completey mismanaged the war.

Republicans never take personal responsibility for anything in life its the party of blaming everybody else.

The War in Iraq was the idea of the Bush admin. If Gore were president we would have never went to war in Iraq. Its so laughable that you trash try to blame the dems for Bush's war, that he started. On top of that Bush completey mismanaged the war.

Republicans never take personal responsibility for anything in life its the party of blaming everybody else.
A bad idea that enough or your team went along with to make it happen, warmonger assclown.

A bad idea that enough or your team went along with to make it happen, warmonger assclown.

The dems get 0.1% blame
The GOP get 99.9 % blame

How'd the Bush presidency end btw? Oh yea total ruin, with America destroyed by 8 years of GOP failure...
Were you alive in 2001?

The GOP and Foxnews attacked anybody that opposed that war. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were villified by Foxnews and the GOP.

Bush started that war. Bush and the GOP pushed for that war. Bush was the one who had to sell the war to the world. Bush did that. You seem to forget freedom fries. You seem to forget Colin Powell at the UN. You act like the dems wanted the war, all they did was give Bush permission to go to war. Bush then rushed to war and failed miserably. He failed. He did that, not the dems.

Its laughable to blame the dems for the war in Iraq. Bush fucked that up and if Al Gore were president we would not have gone to war in Iraq, and if we somehow did go to war in Iraq Al Gore would have won the war and not failed like Bush.

A Majority of Democrats in the Senate voted to make GW the Decider and never held him to account for the decision he made that went beyond the parameters of the act. They never held him to account for the lies about the state of Iraq WMD program (it didn't exist!). You can't tell me that Clinton didn't parrot some of the same talking points when he wanted to strike Iraq though. The bottom line is the Democrats had the numbers to block the authorization but they didn't.

But they didn't make the decision to invaded without letting the UN weapons inspectors confirm there were no WMD programs, Bush did. They abdicated their constitutional obligation to exercise war power to the president. That resulted in the Iraq invasion and occupation.

You never know what Al might have done. The USS Cole was hit by al Qaeda in Oct of 2000, and Gore might have hit Al Qaeda in Afghanistan before 9-11.
The dems get 0.1% blame
The GOP get 99.9 % blame

How'd the Bush presidency end btw? Oh yea total ruin, with America destroyed by 8 years of GOP failure...
Even with that math, the USA still gets 100% of the blame. But look at the bright side. We liberated the Iraqi oil fields to the international markets! :smoke:

The War in Iraq was the idea of the Bush admin. If Gore were president we would have never went to war in Iraq. Its so laughable that you trash try to blame the dems for Bush's war, that he started. On top of that Bush completey mismanaged the war.

Republicans never take personal responsibility for anything in life its the party of blaming everybody else.

Gore is awesome!!!!

Unless he has too much iced tea.
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Any criticism of WW1 or WW2 was met with arrest. Truman mismanaged Korea to such an extent that we lost anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in three years and ended up where we started. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a faked crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and lose the freaking war. Truman and LBJ are considered heroes because the media writes the legacies. Now lefties whine that they were, sob, sob, vilified by Fox if they were against the war in Iraq. It's a lie but they believe it because the media keeps them ignorant of the truth.. Is it possible that lefties think the molestation of an intern and sodomy by cigar a and lying about it is a "joke"? The point is that the old dude in the W.H. would have been laughed out of town and his criminal family in jail if the media was doing it's job instead of covering up for the regime.
I laugh at ignorance .. (#1) the debt ceiling is a congressional rule and could easily be removed .. regardless, Democrats have been in control of the legislative and executive branch the last 2+ years, and controlled the purse strings .. and then decided to punt the debt ceiling shenanigans into 2023. On top of that, you have a president that is pushing for debt forgiveness and a $1.7 Trillion omnibus bill.

(#2) Then we can't forget Gore in 2000 .. who paused the election for roughly a month, and was attempting to change the rules as the recount was ongoing .. then .. there is Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton ..

(#5) lol .. remember the January 6 committee .. and then all the other scandals to unseat Trump during from 2016 - current?

So please .. take your diatribe elsewhere ..
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

This is why I will never vote for these sons-of-bitches, and why they are losing the future generations in devastating numbers.

This is also why fascism is rising among their ranks, because they know that the only way they can win is by cheating, lying, deceiving, and force! Just like the Nazi's.
Dullard OP really thinks that his team is significantly different.
Dems are bad.
Republicans are a total failure.

Bush fucked everything up terribly and Trump gave the country the death blow with his failed covid response, massive deficits, low weak GDP growth, and riot at the Capitol.

All the major problems in America are a result of GOP policy fuck ups.
1) The debt ceiling BS. The GOP are the kings of debt, the party of debt. Reagan started the era of mega deficits, Bush and son continued it, and Trump took it to record levels. The GOP have the nerve to complain about the debt and make a big fake fiasco over the debt limit, when they are the ones who have caused the debt. Hypocrisy

2) The Big Lie. Only a pathetic weakling would lose an election and fabricate a big lie about election fraud and "your vote was stolen" with no credible evidence at all. The GOP still can;t man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

3) The War in Iraq. If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled unpatriotic, and you were vilified by Foxnews and the GOP. Bush and the GOP started the war and pushed for the war. They went on national TV to repeatedly sell the war. Then the GOP try to blame the dems for the war.

4) the failure. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. every single GOP pres has had a recession for past 100 years. Job growth, GDP growth, and stock market all out perform under dems vs GOP. The GOP is not good and the results are poor. Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy terribly, Trump had the worst covid response in the world with the ost deaths and most cases.

5) The scandal mongering. Monica Lewinsky a joke scandal, all the fake HRC scandals that produced nothing at all, now the Hunter Biden nothing burger. Then they cry like weaklings when Trump incites a riot at the Capitol over lies, leverages military aid to Ukraine for dirt on a political opponent (then Trump's best bud Putin invades said country), mishandles 100s of top secret documents and lies about doing so, and lets not forget the Scooter Libby scandal of Cheney outing the covert CIA opperative because he exposed Bush's lies on Iraq.

There are many more reasons, but these 5 reasons are devastating. They represent exactly why the GOP is terrible. The dems are bad, but the GOP is much much much worse and this is why.
This is a fact post. 100% facts

We keep having to fix the democrats stupid.

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