What does "Supporting the Troops" mean?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
What does "Supporting the Troops" mean to those who constantly accuse others of not supporting the troops? It means this...

"Shut up, don't ask questions,
do nothing to stop the madness,
and sit by and watch thousands of them die?"​

...that is what you're supposed to do, when supporting a troop.

Anyone who's ever accused someone of not supporting the troops, that is what they're expecting you to do. That is what "Supporting the Troops" means. Putting them in harms way over bullshit lies and in situations that have nothing to do with defending the nation, is how you demonstrate your support and gratitude for their service to this country.
What does "Supporting the Troops" mean to those who constantly accuse others of not supporting the troops? It means this...

"Shut up, don't ask questions,
do nothing to stop the madness,
and sit by and watch thousands of them die?"​

...that is what you're supposed to do, when supporting a troop.

Anyone who's ever accused someone of not supporting the troops, that is what they're expecting you to do. That is what "Supporting the Troops" means. Putting them in harms way over bullshit lies and in situations that have nothing to do with defending the nation, is how you demonstrate your support and gratitude for their service to this country.
Put down the bong, stop jacking off to your Ron Paul poster, and go to bed, Sparky.
What does "Supporting the Troops" mean to those who constantly accuse others of not supporting the troops? It means this...

"Shut up, don't ask questions,
do nothing to stop the madness,
and sit by and watch thousands of them die?"

...that is what you're supposed to do, when supporting a troop.

Anyone who's ever accused someone of not supporting the troops, that is what they're expecting you to do. That is what "Supporting the Troops" means. Putting them in harms way over bullshit lies and in situations that have nothing to do with defending the nation, is how you demonstrate your support and gratitude for their service to this country.

Unless you have control over their deployment there is nothing much you can do but support the troops as soldiers simply fulfilling their chosen and sworn duty to country and oppose those who put them there by voting against them at the next election if you so choose.
The phrase, "Support The Troops," is a duplicitous gimmick floated by the right-wing propaganda machine to delude the impressionable public into supporting what in fact is the misuse of our troops in such criminally aggressive adventures as the invasion and occupation of Iraq and the wholly unnecessary debacle in Afghanistan. Anyone who truly supports our troops should be petitioning government to withdraw them from the Middle East.
"Support the Troops" is a meaningless cliche or political slogan. The left hates the Troops when a republican is in office but "supports the Troops" when a democrat is in office.
Support the troops means support the current political agenda, albeit Hitler or GW Bush. Hitler invaded you name it...Bush invaded Iraq. Both used this same mind numbing support the troops group think propaganda for their own ends. I DO support the troops, not the political nonsense using them as cannon fodder.
What does "Supporting the Troops" mean to those who constantly accuse others of not supporting the troops? It means this...

"Shut up, don't ask questions,
do nothing to stop the madness,
and sit by and watch thousands of them die?"​

...that is what you're supposed to do, when supporting a troop.

Anyone who's ever accused someone of not supporting the troops, that is what they're expecting you to do. That is what "Supporting the Troops" means. Putting them in harms way over bullshit lies and in situations that have nothing to do with defending the nation, is how you demonstrate your support and gratitude for their service to this country.
Put down the bong, stop jacking off to your Ron Paul poster, and go to bed, Sparky.

^^^^^ Why early parole is such a bad idea.
I fully support the U.S. Troops and thank them for their valor in serving this nation. I pray that God cares for them, and until they are home again, holds them in the palm of his loving hands. :)


"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference". "Marines don't have that problem".....Ronald Reagan.
I fully support the U.S. Troops and thank them for their valor in serving this nation. I pray that God cares for them, and until they are home again, holds them in the palm of his loving hands. :)

I guess God overlooked 4,000 of them over the past decade.

And several thousand more whom he didn't feel needed all their limbs or their sanity.
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"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference". "Marines don't have that problem".....Ronald Reagan.

Well what do you know? Reagan was wrong about even more stuff.

I know because I served. You gotta laugh about sissies who use Steve McQueen icons and don't have a clue about it. Old timers like me laugh at kids who whine about wars they don't particularly care for depending on the political climate at the time. Harry Truman and General MacArthur wasted more American lives in Korea in three years than Iraq and Afghanistan X 10 but the media hates a republican so Nixon was blamed for VietNam and Cindy Sheehan's nut cases camped outside Bush's home and retired when a liberal democrat was elected.
Back in the Vietnam era they had a slogan:
America Right or Wrong
Which basically meant support America no matter if they are right or wrong.
I think today that slogan has been replaced with:
Supporting Our Troops
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"Support the Troops" is a feelgood cliche that fits in with the bumper sticker mentality of the left. It's something like "stand up to cancer" or "hope and change". Left wingers are generally motivated by the left wing media and as soon as the media tells them that a republican is in office they will be spitting on Soldiers again.
I know because I served. You gotta laugh about sissies who use Steve McQueen icons and don't have a clue about it. Old timers like me laugh at kids who whine about wars they don't particularly care for depending on the political climate at the time. Harry Truman and General MacArthur wasted more American lives in Korea in three years than Iraq and Afghanistan X 10 but the media hates a republican so Nixon was blamed for VietNam and Cindy Sheehan's nut cases camped outside Bush's home and retired when a liberal democrat was elected.
Cindy Sheehan's son died because Bush was so cavelier about soldiers lives, that he put them in harms way over a bunch of fictional bullshit. Her son died, defending lies!

I support the troops by only wanting them to be used as a last resort when there are no other options on the table. That's what this country owes them. And that's what this country has failed to deliver.
This is how sick our society has become...

We have set up a monstrous apparatus for catching ‘terrorists’ in this country. But let’s get real–taking off our shoes at the airport while a gun show goes on down the road and sending the military into our schools to entice our children to serve their country only to send them into service so pointless and brutal that they take their own lives and refusing to provide funds to address violence against women amounts to self-inflicted terrorism:

If a young Arab man commits mass murder, he is described as a terrorist.

If a young man of color commits mass murder in a poor inner city neighborhood, he is described as a dangerous thug.

If a young man joins the military and accidentally kills innocent civilians on a bombing run, he is a hero and the deaths are referred to as accidental collateral damage.

If a young white man commits mass murder in the suburbs, we say it was his mental health or his home life​
Yeah, we care so much about the troops that when statistics come out that more of them die because of suicide, than in combat, we hardly take notice that this is a symptom of the problem.
I know because I served. You gotta laugh about sissies who use Steve McQueen icons and don't have a clue about it. Old timers like me laugh at kids who whine about wars they don't particularly care for depending on the political climate at the time. Harry Truman and General MacArthur wasted more American lives in Korea in three years than Iraq and Afghanistan X 10 but the media hates a republican so Nixon was blamed for VietNam and Cindy Sheehan's nut cases camped outside Bush's home and retired when a liberal democrat was elected.
Cindy Sheehan's son died because Bush was so cavelier about soldiers lives, that he put them in harms way over a bunch of fictional bullshit. Her son died, defending lies!

I support the troops by only wanting them to be used as a last resort when there are no other options on the table. That's what this country owes them. And that's what this country has failed to deliver.

I rest my case about the profound pop-culture ignorance of the left. The truth is out there but the left is too lazy to look or too dependent on left wing blog sites. Truman had no legal basis for Korea. He sent Troops to Korea with an executive order but democrats still love the feisty old legacy because Truman was a democrat. LBJ sent Troops to VietNam with a bogus crisis in Tonkin Gulf but he is still a loveable old crook. Bush received congressional permission for boots on the ground in Iraq and democrats spent the next couple of years undermining the mission. Bill Clinton told America that Iraq was developing WMD's but the reason for invading Iraq was to enforce about a hundred UN sanctions that Saddam ignored. Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with UN sanctions but he refused. Cindy Sheehan gets a pass for being what they used to called a Gold Star mother in WW2 when 300,000 Americans died but the strange part is that her entire network faded when Obama was elected even though Americans are still being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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I rest my case about the profound pop-culture ignorance of the left. The truth is out there but the left is too lazy to look or too dependent on left wing blog sites. Truman had no legal basis for Korea. He sent Troops to Korea with an executive order but democrats still love the feisty old legacy because Truman was a democrat.
Korea was a little before my time, so I really don't have an opinion on it, one way or the other.

LBJ sent Troops to VietNam with a bogus crisis in Tonkin Gulf but he is still a loveable old crook.
Not to me! I had issues with LBJ, the big lie in the Gulf of Tonkin and I'm still pissed off at him for recalling the F4's over the USS Liberty incident!

Bush received congressional permission for boots on the ground in Iraq and democrats spent the next couple of years undermining the mission.
The "mission" was illegal and immoral. Going into Iraq was no different than Germany going into Poland.

Bill Clinton told America that Iraq was developing WMD's but the reason for invading Iraq was to enforce about a hundred UN sanctions that Saddam ignored. Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with UN sanctions but he refused.
Regime change in Iraq started with the PNAC's letter to Clinton. But I'll give you a $1000 if you can show me one resolution on Iraq that contains the words, "regime change". Just one and I'll write the check right now. Bottom line, it wasn't Bush's call to make and he had no jurisdiction to unilaterally decide for the UNSC.

Do you know what the Security Councel means when it ends a resolution with the words, "we remain siezed on the matter"? In addition, officially, it was Hans Blix job to report the the UNSC on whether Hussein was in violation of 1441. But at the time of the invasion, not one report officially stated he was not complying with the terms of the resolutions. The worst it got, was saying that he could've cooperated more. There was absolutely no reason to rush into war. We should've let the inspectors "stay the coarse" until their "mission was accomplished".

Cindy Sheehan gets a pass for being what they used to called a Gold Star mother in WW2 when 300,000 Americans died but the strange part is that her entire network faded when Obama was elected even though Americans are still being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
After everything she went through, then trying to run against Pelosi and losing, I don't blame her for wanting to take a break. But if it will make you feel any better, I've withdrawn my support of Obama when it was clear he was going to continue the neocon foreign policy agenda.
This is how Yeah, we care so much about the troops that when statistics come out that more of them die because of suicide, than in combat, we hardly take notice that this is a symptom of the problem.

Let me repeat that.
statistics show that more of soldiers died because of suicide, than in combat!
Getting our Troops out of the Mid East would be a great way to show your support for them.

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