What Does The Second Amendment Mean For Liberals?

Homicidal maniacs (aka MAGA voters) don’t need the 2nd Amendment to go on rampage killings. It’s a dumbass amendment written before there was streetlights or zippers.
The vast majority of homicidal maniacs are Progressive lunatics on antidepressants, egged on by the FBI. All in an effort to end the 2A and turn us into Mao’s China, Stalin’s USSR or Hitler’s Germany
Most Mass Shootings are “ When Liberals Attack “ incidents

How convenient. Literally some dude who's voted right wing his whole life, or never even voted, as soon as the first bullet comes out the gun, he turns into a liberal.
How convenient. Literally some dude who's voted right wing his whole life, or never even voted, as soon as the first bullet comes out the gun, he turns into a liberal.
I’ll never turn into a Niners fan ( from a Lifelong Raiders Fan ) no matter how many shots are fired
Why we can’t elect conservatives
why we can't elect democrats

Our country has never needed an armed population
It hasn’t? Where did you go to school? As late as the early nineteen hundreds, a state of war existed between various Indian tribes and whites. In 1916 Pancho Villa led Mexican troops and criminals in an attack on Columbus, New Mexico. In 1876 the James-Younger gang attacked the town of Northfield Minnesota, fighting the entire population to cover an attempted bank robbery. on August 1-2 1946, civilian veterans took up arms in Athens Tennessee to recover ballot boxes seized by the employees of a corrupt sheriff and senator who had been running a political machine for over a decade in order to steal an election from the popular veteran running for sheriff. Shall I go on? Those are just a few of probably many of thousands of times our country needed an armed population.
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Sad to think that Conservatives believe they would take sides against their country
Most military members are conservatives, from conservative states. Their oath is to the constitution, not to any politician or party or even government. If they decide the government is violating the constitution, they will support the population resisting governmental overreach.

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