Washington Post Bans 'Redskins' From Editorials


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

Look, Redskin YOU are a conquered people.

Deal with it.

Feeling "conquered" is a state of mind - which we don't have...and never will.


"Feeling" has nothing to do with it.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

Look, Redskin YOU are a conquered people.

Deal with it.

Feeling "conquered" is a state of mind - which we don't have...and never will.


"Feeling" has nothing to do with it.

Tell me that around 2050 when whites become the minority.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

Look, Redskin YOU are a conquered people.

Deal with it.

Feeling "conquered" is a state of mind - which we don't have...and never will.


"Feeling" has nothing to do with it.

Tell me that around 2050 when whites become the minority.

Are you already drunk?
You're such a kind and considerate person - and sooo open-minded. I made a voodoo doll that looks like Dan Snyder. I'll be really for the Sunday game.

Kindness and compassion are fir the weak. My mind is like a steel trap...... rusted shut for the last 30 years.

Please feel free to use that doll as Dan isn't on the starting roster Sunday.
You're such a kind and considerate person - and sooo open-minded. I made a voodoo doll that looks like Dan Snyder. I'll be really for the Sunday game.

Kindness and compassion are fir the weak. My mind is like a steel trap...... rusted shut for the last 30 years.

Please feel free to use that doll as Dan isn't on the starting roster Sunday.

The doll is ready. I'll be poking the hell out of it tomorrow during the game.
You're such a kind and considerate person - and sooo open-minded. I made a voodoo doll that looks like Dan Snyder. I'll be really for the Sunday game.

Kindness and compassion are fir the weak. My mind is like a steel trap...... rusted shut for the last 30 years.

Please feel free to use that doll as Dan isn't on the starting roster Sunday.

The doll is ready. I'll be poking the hell out of it tomorrow during the game.

You want my list of the Top 10 Reasons to Hate the Redskins? Dan Snyder is no. 1. The Redskins name is not on the list.

I am a Steeler fan, however,
You're such a kind and considerate person - and sooo open-minded. I made a voodoo doll that looks like Dan Snyder. I'll be really for the Sunday game.

Kindness and compassion are fir the weak. My mind is like a steel trap...... rusted shut for the last 30 years.

Please feel free to use that doll as Dan isn't on the starting roster Sunday.

The doll is ready. I'll be poking the hell out of it tomorrow during the game.

You want my list of the Top 10 Reasons to Hate the Redskins? Dan Snyder is no. 1. The Redskins name is not on the list.

I am a Steeler fan, however,

I was a major Steeler fan during the Terry Bradshaw days. But I'm not a Roethlisberger fan.
You're such a kind and considerate person - and sooo open-minded. I made a voodoo doll that looks like Dan Snyder. I'll be really for the Sunday game.

Kindness and compassion are fir the weak. My mind is like a steel trap...... rusted shut for the last 30 years.

Please feel free to use that doll as Dan isn't on the starting roster Sunday.

The doll is ready. I'll be poking the hell out of it tomorrow during the game.

You want my list of the Top 10 Reasons to Hate the Redskins? Dan Snyder is no. 1. The Redskins name is not on the list.

I am a Steeler fan, however,

I was a major Steeler fan during the Terry Bradshaw days. But I'm not a Roethlisberger fan.

I like Ben. But I LOVED Terry. He was the reason I really started being a Steeler fan (even though I'm originally from Western PA)
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins,Redskins, Redskins
Childish and inane.
Snyder wants a new stadium which will be a political issue. Dropping the Redskins may well be part of the deal. Remember minorities are the majority in DC.

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