Wake up whitey.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
My Son in Law is mixed race. He is a student but , as is the way of it, he has his own business and makes great money. They live in a nice area and he drives a nice car. Not a Ferrari but still a nice car, not one that particularly stands out. Since moving to their new home he has been pulled over by the police 5 times.

My daughter, who drives a top of the range Range Rover has never been pulled over.And this is in the same area. The police usually lie and say he jumped a light or something but its bollox he has a dash cam to record his journeys. My daughter has been in the car with him several times and has seen it for herself. He has never been charged with anything and has no criminal record. He doesnt even owe a penny on his car which he uses to get back and too to work.

He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford.

You hear about the police alienating young black men by their racist behaviour, well here it is.You may have shrugged and said it is being exaggerated Well it isnt . Policing is by consent but they are alienating a large section of the community. It bugs me that my Grandson will have to face this shit. Racists should be put down like the evil fucks they are.
My Son in Law is mixed race. He is a student but , as is the way of it, he has his own business and makes great money. They live in a nice area and he drives a nice car. Not a Ferrari but still a nice car, not one that particularly stands out. Since moving to their new home he has been pulled over by the police 5 times.

My daughter, who drives a top of the range Range Rover has never been pulled over.And this is in the same area. The police usually lie and say he jumped a light or something but its bollox he has a dash cam to record his journeys. My daughter has been in the car with him several times and has seen it for herself. He has never been charged with anything and has no criminal record. He doesnt even owe a penny on his car which he uses to get back and too to work.

He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford.

You hear about the police alienating young black men by their racist behaviour, well here it is.You may have shrugged and said it is being exaggerated Well it isnt . Policing is by consent but they are alienating a large section of the community. It bugs me that my Grandson will have to face this shit. Racists should be put down like the evil fucks they are.
You got the government you asked for, and you deserve it. Of course, no one believes a word you type.
He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford
Make up your mind. Is he "black" or "mixed race." Cant be both.
My Son in Law is mixed race. He is a student but , as is the way of it, he has his own business and makes great money. They live in a nice area and he drives a nice car. Not a Ferrari but still a nice car, not one that particularly stands out. Since moving to their new home he has been pulled over by the police 5 times.

My daughter, who drives a top of the range Range Rover has never been pulled over.And this is in the same area. The police usually lie and say he jumped a light or something but its bollox he has a dash cam to record his journeys. My daughter has been in the car with him several times and has seen it for herself. He has never been charged with anything and has no criminal record. He doesnt even owe a penny on his car which he uses to get back and too to work.

He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford.

You hear about the police alienating young black men by their racist behaviour, well here it is.You may have shrugged and said it is being exaggerated Well it isnt . Policing is by consent but they are alienating a large section of the community. It bugs me that my Grandson will have to face this shit. Racists should be put down like the evil fucks they are.
Sooo... You’re a Cuck, who has poorly raised its own ilk; and only now you ask “why”...? What a fucking comedic, tragedy.
Die before your time wanker.
He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford
Make up your mind. Is he "black" or "mixed race." Cant be both.
why not, perfessor?
only you can manage to blame the one drop rule on honey making insects.
I speshall.
mos def
My Son in Law is mixed race. He is a student but , as is the way of it, he has his own business and makes great money. They live in a nice area and he drives a nice car. Not a Ferrari but still a nice car, not one that particularly stands out. Since moving to their new home he has been pulled over by the police 5 times.

My daughter, who drives a top of the range Range Rover has never been pulled over.And this is in the same area. The police usually lie and say he jumped a light or something but its bollox he has a dash cam to record his journeys. My daughter has been in the car with him several times and has seen it for herself. He has never been charged with anything and has no criminal record. He doesnt even owe a penny on his car which he uses to get back and too to work.

He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford.

You hear about the police alienating young black men by their racist behaviour, well here it is.You may have shrugged and said it is being exaggerated Well it isnt . Policing is by consent but they are alienating a large section of the community. It bugs me that my Grandson will have to face this shit. Racists should be put down like the evil fucks they are.
I've been saying this about europeans forever, they are like any filthy bigot who pretends it is others who are the bigots
He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford
Make up your mind. Is he "black" or "mixed race." Cant be both.
why not, perfessor?
If he (if it is a "he") is MIXED RACE, and PART of his background is African, he be mulatto, not black.
would he have been allowed to sit in front in the bus, perfessor?
He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford
Make up your mind. Is he "black" or "mixed race." Cant be both.
why not, perfessor?
If he (if it is a "he") is MIXED RACE, and PART of his background is African, he be mulatto, not black.
would he have been allowed to sit in front in the bus, perfessor?
If'n he wuz da driva.
He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford
Make up your mind. Is he "black" or "mixed race." Cant be both.
why not, perfessor?
If he (if it is a "he") is MIXED RACE, and PART of his background is African, he be mulatto, not black.
would he have been allowed to sit in front in the bus, perfessor?
If'n he wuz da driva.
das rite.
My Son in Law is mixed race. He is a student but , as is the way of it, he has his own business and makes great money. They live in a nice area and he drives a nice car. Not a Ferrari but still a nice car, not one that particularly stands out. Since moving to their new home he has been pulled over by the police 5 times.

My daughter, who drives a top of the range Range Rover has never been pulled over.And this is in the same area. The police usually lie and say he jumped a light or something but its bollox he has a dash cam to record his journeys. My daughter has been in the car with him several times and has seen it for herself. He has never been charged with anything and has no criminal record. He doesnt even owe a penny on his car which he uses to get back and too to work.

He is being persecuted because he is a young black kid driving a car that he "shouldnt" be able to afford.

You hear about the police alienating young black men by their racist behaviour, well here it is.You may have shrugged and said it is being exaggerated Well it isnt . Policing is by consent but they are alienating a large section of the community. It bugs me that my Grandson will have to face this shit. Racists should be put down like the evil fucks they are.
The racists are those who push and support Affirmative Action, which is why your son in law SHOULD be able to afford that nice car.

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