Think trump is gonna get the libertarian vote?

Yes I know. Just one more way there is so little difference between the two men.
There are plenty of differences. And I suppose for single-issue voters that's persuasive. But neither is a net positive for the country. Neither even pretends to unify - quite the opposite. They're just repping for their "side" in the fucking culture war.
We are stuck choosing between being shot and being stabbed and you sheep from both sides act like their is something huge on the line based on who wins.
You can't just "let" the other side win!!! They're EVIL!!!!!!

The fear machine pushes them into their corners, where they're told how lucky they are that they get to choose between being stabbed or shot.
Not everyone applauded... and what's with the clown in a costume on stage?...
Trump was booed during his entire speech.

The Libertarians did not appreciate Trump trying to rig their convention. He managed to piss them off, bigly.

Trump had a swarm of DC Young Republicans show up early and occupy all the Libertarian delegates' reserved seats. Then, when the assholes were asked to move, they refused.

Trying to take over the LP nominating convention? That's beyond the pale. The epitome of arrogance.

A total dick move.

Serious mistake.

That shit might work for Trump when he front loads a bodega with his operatives, but it doesn't work at a Libertarian nominating convention.

The Libertarians surrounded the assholes and held up signs so they couldn't see.

When Trump took the stage, the Libertarians booed him non-stop. So then he tried his usual pandering lies and promised he would put a Libertarian in his cabinet and in key government positions.

They didn't fall for that shit the way weak-minded Republicans do.

I'm not a big fan of Liberatarians, but I have always said the one thing I respect about them if they do NOT cave on their principles, unlike weak-minded Republicans do.

Trump doubled the federal deficit, before Covid, and added $8 trillion to the debt. That he thought he could get the Libertarian vote is hilarious.
So, the gay pothead it is then?

I do not know that he is a pothead, but he actually supports freedom and liberty is in.

While I get those two things are not important to you, they are to some of us.

You just keep on voting for bigger and bigger Govt....what could possibly go wrong.
So, the gay pothead it is then?

Well at least he's be the jolliest and best dressed man ever to occupy the White House. :laughing0301:


It is often the case that the worst government abuses come disguised as protection from danger and harm. If you feel in danger, it becomes easy for the government to have you trade your liberty for the illusion of security. We have warrantless wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, and an overarching Patriot Act to name a few. Even worse, we attempt to imprison those who expose the hard truths we need to hear. As President, I will fight to end these programs that eat away at your constitutionally protected privacy and civil liberties and pardon those who have blown the whistle on abuse and illegal actions of our government. As President, I will

  • Work with Congress to abolish the Patriot Act, which has unconstitutionally increased the powers and scope of the police and surveillance state.
  • Work to repeal the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 which serves as the legal justification for the surveillance abuses disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013.
  • End the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which routinely violates our civil liberties, requires airlines to become agents of Federal surveillance, and whose screening devices, both for luggage and facial recognition, repeatedly exhibit problems that are inexcusable in relation to the taxpayer dollars spent.
  • Have any surviving Cabinet departments and Federal agencies that collect citizens’ information review why and how that information is collected, and how it is used. In many ways, privacy is a highly individual matter, and the best judge of how personal information should be used is the individual involved.
I do not know that he is a pothead, but he actually supports freedom and liberty is in.

While I get those two things are not important to you, they are to some of us.

You just keep on voting for bigger and bigger Govt....what could possibly go wrong.

Were you not paying attention? Did you know that in 2017, President Trump signed an EO which required that for every new regulation added, two regulations had to be cut, marking the first time such a numerical goal has been attempted?

Do you even know what he meant by "draining the swamp"? Of course the Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and even many Republicans fought him tooth and nail on that, so he didn't accomplish what he started out to do.

And as for government spending, President Trump spent no more than his predecessor Obama did, up until, in case you're forgotten, the country was hit by a global pandemic in 2020. Nobody knew how to deal with that, even the so-called "experts working in the government. And there was a lot of mandatory spending that had to be done to keep the whole country from falling apart at the seams. The same Democrats and Trump-haters who got their COVID stimulus checks and PPP loans were the first one to parrot the cliche that Trump ran up the "biggest debt in history", without blaming the communist Chinese for their weaponized virus.



It is often the case that the worst government abuses come disguised as protection from danger and harm. If you feel in danger, it becomes easy for the government to have you trade your liberty for the illusion of security. We have warrantless wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, and an overarching Patriot Act to name a few. Even worse, we attempt to imprison those who expose the hard truths we need to hear. As President, I will fight to end these programs that eat away at your constitutionally protected privacy and civil liberties and pardon those who have blown the whistle on abuse and illegal actions of our government. As President, I will​

  • Work with Congress to abolish the Patriot Act, which has unconstitutionally increased the powers and scope of the police and surveillance state.
  • Work to repeal the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 which serves as the legal justification for the surveillance abuses disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013.
  • End the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which routinely violates our civil liberties, requires airlines to become agents of Federal surveillance, and whose screening devices, both for luggage and facial recognition, repeatedly exhibit problems that are inexcusable in relation to the taxpayer dollars spent.
  • Have any surviving Cabinet departments and Federal agencies that collect citizens’ information review why and how that information is collected, and how it is used. In many ways, privacy is a highly individual matter, and the best judge of how personal information should be used is the individual involved.

What does Chase Oliver know about warrant-less wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, an overarching Patriot Act, the weaponization of the judicial system, endless investigations, and a subversive element trying to lock him up to prevent him from running for office?

I do believe you have him confused with Donald J. Trump.

Someone needs to check the libertarians nominees hard drive ....just sayin


Here come the pali supporters :auiqs.jpg:
All abouuuuurd

Do you even know what he meant by "draining the swamp"? Of course the Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and even many Republicans fought him tooth and nail on that, so he didn't accomplish what he started out to do.

Yes, I know it is a meaningless campaign slogan that Trump did the opposite of. Every outsider he had on his team he replaced with a member of the swamp. Why did he do that?

And as for government spending, President Trump spent no more than his predecessor Obama did,

In 3 years Trump more than doubled the deficit he had been given, two of those 3 years were with a congress controlled by his party.

Yet you defend him to your dying breath and then wonder why shit is not getting any better.
View attachment 952671
Someone needs to check the libertarians nominees hard drive ....just sayin

View attachment 952672

Here come the pali supporters :auiqs.jpg:
All abouuuuurd

Why do you sheep keep parroting the lie about him being a communist or a Marxist?

Find me something on here that sounds like communism.

Yes, I know it is a meaningless campaign slogan that Trump did the opposite of. Every outsider he had on his team he replaced with a member of the swamp. Why did he do that?

In 3 years Trump more than doubled the deficit he had been given, two of those 3 years were with a congress controlled by his party.

Yet you defend him to your dying breath and then wonder why shit is not getting any better.

I don't have to defend him, the facts do that for themselves. Actually Trump has a lower deficit than Obama's first three years, until the pandemic hit. And contrary to your opinion, I do know why shit's not getting any better. That would Joe Biden, the Democrats, and a handful of worthless Republicans who hate Trump anyway.

Federal Budget Receipts and Outlays: | The American Presidency Project

I don't have to defend him, the facts do that for themselves. Actually Trump has a lower deficit than Obama's first three years, until the pandemic hit. And contrary to your opinion, I do know why shit's not getting any better. That would Joe Biden, the Democrats, and a handful of worthless Republicans who hate Trump anyway.

Federal Budget Receipts and Outlays: | The American Presidency Project

Trump did not take office after Obama's first 3 years. Trump more than doubled the deficit...that is a fact no matter how much spin you put on it.

But I waste my time, there is no winning over a cult member.

Time to head out to the Legion post for Memorial Day services and then jumping on a plane to Vegas for an early 60th birthday celebration.

Enjoy your week.

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