Voting Demopub or Republicrat AGAIN?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Different sides of the same, feed-at-the-taxpayer- financed-trough, coin. Both enrich themselves at your expense.

Hows that working out for you?

Different sides of the same, feed-at-the-taxpayer- financed-trough, coin. Both enrich themselves at your expense.

Hows that working out for you?

Actually not.

That the GOP is hostile to the protected liberties of citizens and the well-being of the American people is a fact beyond dispute – most republicans seek to deny women their right to privacy, gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, and to undermine the necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures that afford Americans a safe place to work, clean air and water, and consumer products free from harmful defects.

Indeed, imagine the reactionary judges a republican president would appoint to the Federal courts, and justices hostile to the rights of the people to the Supreme Court.

Not to mention the right's reckless, irresponsible foreign policy agenda and propensity for war.

You're at liberty to have disdain for both political parties, and justifiably so – but they are in no way 'the same.'

And again: many of us vote against, not 'for.'
Different sides of the same corrupt, two party stranglehold coin.

Demopubs still feed at the taxpayer- financed trough (just like the Republicrats :eusa_shhh: ) and keep people dependent upon big gov't to get their votes.
Different sides of the same, feed-at-the-taxpayer- financed-trough, coin. Both enrich themselves at your expense.

Hows that working out for you?


people who register to vote are brainwashed idiots since we dont elect these people and put them in office,elections are rigged all the time with the one they select they make sure gets elected for this ONE PARTY SYSTEM that serves the bankers and not the people.
Different sides of the same corrupt, two party stranglehold coin.

Demopubs still feed at the taxpayer- financed trough (just like the Republicrats :eusa_shhh: ) and keep people dependent upon big gov't to get their votes.
You're right, but the coin is a liberal coin.
I'll be voting for maintaining our civilization. If you don't think we should be paying taxes for infrastructure, science, r&d, education, police, ssi, and our quality of life! Why do you vote at all?

Except that neither party really seem to care about any of those things. Even when they do have the opportunity, they're more concerned with just pandering to stay in power and pass platform policy bills (e.g. healthcare) than to worry about making sure those issues are dealt with.
Hows it working out? Pretty good. I wouldn't trade places with the average Asian or European if that is what you're asking. It could always be better.

Trumps the only none establishment person running.
He's just not your none establishment person..

I'm not so sure about that.I think he may be double speak.Despite the fact the alternative media thats not controlled by the CIA,even though they seem to be sold on him I think he has them all fooled because he did endorce the patriot act just so you know,.that is why i dont trust him.

This would have worked with Obama and Romney or Obama and Bush since there is no differences in the three but hopefully Trump is on the same lines of Ron Paul even though I dont trust him. I hope he is but unlike Paul i just dont trust him however at the same time i am not sold that is evil as those three are. we know what we get with someone like gary johnson who believes in the constitution,Trump I am not so sure that he does but he would be the better alternative over hellery though
candycorn's party-line fealty saddens me :(

So sorry you're saddened. Would you trade places with the average European or Asian?
so "the least of the worst" is your lofty goal? How admirable. :rolleyes-41: Carry on party drone

So you would not switch with anyone anywhere? Whenever someone doesn't answer the question its pretty clear that their ass has been handed to them and the are forced to try to put words in your mouth or some other silliness.

Do we have problems? Yes. Is anyone going to fix them? No. Why? Because the parties are too divided and do not care about the solutions.

So I am a values voter. Any benefit that comes from financial policy or the like is purely coincidental I assure you.

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