The Evaporation of the Obama Mystique

He SHOULD have been a messenger of unity. He could have said "Look at me, I am a perfect example of what is possible in America. I'm Black, not born into money raised in a single parent home. And now I am President."

Instead he chose to divide America racially, vilify the successful and attack the Police as Racists every chance he could.
He was merely doing the bidding of his masters.
I love how Obama claimed he only paid off his student loans 4 years before becoming President…then he bought a $20 million mansion on Martha’s Vineyard right after leaving office.

You're FOS..........AGAIN. · article · national-debt-trumpDonald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the ...

Jan 14, 2021 · Economists agree that we needed massive deficit spending during the COVID-19 crisis to ward off an economic cataclysm, but federal finances under Trump had become dire........

RWNJ's blamed Obama, Clinton and Carter for Bush' housing meltdown
They also blamed him for the slowest recovery too.

Of course Trump and his cult want to blame ANYTHING and EVERYONE but TRUMP.

Back to Covid again I see.
Back to Covid again I see.
BEFORE COVID. · news · trump-2019-budgetTrump’s 2019 Budget Underestimated New Debt by $2.3 Trillion ...

Jun 5, 2018 · CBO estimates that, over the 10 years from 2019 to 2028, the Trump budget request would cut the deficit by $2.9 trillion compared to the current baseline. · national-debt-deficitHow Trump's National Debt of $23 Trillion Compares to Obama ...

Nov 25, 2019 · Trump has added about $3 trillion to the national debt so far during his nearly three years in office, despite his pledge to wipe it out in eight years and his campaigning on
These idiots are one trick ponies.
Sure................ · watchTrump: Inflation is going to ravage our country - YouTube

Oct 4, 2021 · #Trump #inflation #PresidentTrumpDonald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, joins Yahoo Finance's Adam Shapiro to discuss the state of the U.S. e... · story · newsFact check: ‘Drill, baby, drill’ and other nonsensical Trump ...

Feb 16, 2024 · That’s what caused inflation, and we’re going to bring it down because we’re going to go drill, baby, drill.” - Former president Donald Trump, remarks at a campaign rally in Las Vegas....... · news · trump-already-walking-backTrump already walking back core campaign promise on prices ...

1 day ago · Despite making a promise of lowering prices an inflation a central part of his presidential campaign, and admitting that that promise was key to his being elected, Donald
Sure................ · watchTrump: Inflation is going to ravage our country - YouTube

Oct 4, 2021 · #Trump #inflation #PresidentTrumpDonald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, joins Yahoo Finance's Adam Shapiro to discuss the state of the U.S. e... · story · newsFact check: ‘Drill, baby, drill’ and other nonsensical Trump ...

Feb 16, 2024 · That’s what caused inflation, and we’re going to bring it down because we’re going to go drill, baby, drill.” - Former president Donald Trump, remarks at a campaign rally in Las Vegas....... · news · trump-already-walking-backTrump already walking back core campaign promise on prices ...

1 day ago · Despite making a promise of lowering prices an inflation a central part of his presidential campaign, and admitting that that promise was key to his being elected, Donald
Unnamed sources. When Trump doesn't actually say anything, you asshats make it up.

You're pathological liars.
Unnamed sources. When Trump doesn't actually say anything, you asshats make it up.

You're pathological liars.
WTF, moron?
It's your dear leader.

Trump's cult is brainwashed to listen, when Trump speaks.
BEFORE COVID. · news · trump-2019-budgetTrump’s 2019 Budget Underestimated New Debt by $2.3 Trillion ...

Jun 5, 2018 · CBO estimates that, over the 10 years from 2019 to 2028, the Trump budget request would cut the deficit by $2.9 trillion compared to the current baseline. · national-debt-deficitHow Trump's National Debt of $23 Trillion Compares to Obama ...

Nov 25, 2019 · Trump has added about $3 trillion to the national debt so far during his nearly three years in office, despite his pledge to wipe it out in eight years and his campaigning on
I thought Congress controlled the purse strings?
Who report on what Trump says?
No, who LIE about what he says. Remember all the lies about the Mexican soldier that YOUR people claimed he said all sorts of bad things about?

Remember that?

Her FAMILY said that your peeps lied.

No, who LIE about what he says. Remember all the lies about the Mexican soldier that YOUR people claimed he said all sorts of bad things about?

Remember that?

Her FAMILY said that your peeps lied.

My source: Your dear leader.
No, your source is some Democrat propagandist "journalist" citing anonymous sources to give cover to the lies they're about to tell.
No, your source is some Democrat propagandist "journalist" citing anonymous sources to give cover to the lies they're about to tell.
The source is your dear leader, on video............NUT JOB.
The Biden admin was Obama's third term. The Biden economy was a worse version of Obamanomics.
Hopefully, Obama's influence on the Democrat Party is at an end.
One thing is for sure....Ronald Reagan's influence on the Republican Party is dead.

The Republican Party's Nazi-like Convention back in July was very was like no previous Republican president or candidate ever existed before Trump. No mention of Reagan, no Bush, no Cheney, no Romney.....NOTHING.
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