Trump Virus, what virus?

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VIP Member
Feb 7, 2020
trump says the coronovirus is contained. I can’t wait to hear how good a job and how well
our country is prepared for this coming virus. After trump completely gutted the cdc and has not replaced the infrastructure or the scientists. Go buy stocks trump says.
No big deal, just a cold. We’ve got one of a few in the whole country “infectious disease units” in Spokane wa. Funded with 2.1 million dollars. It’s got 10 people there now. And it’s full. Our country has no epidemic plan. Trump defunded it all.
trump says the coronovirus is contained. I can’t wait to hear how good a job and how well
our country is prepared for this coming virus. After trump completely gutted the cdc and has not replaced the infrastructure or the scientists. Go buy stocks trump says.
No big deal, just a cold. We’ve got one of a few in the whole country “infectious disease units” in Spokane wa. Funded with 2.1 million dollars. It’s got 10 people there now. And it’s full. Our country has no epidemic plan. Trump defunded it all.
Drumpf is the biggest shit stain to ever exist. I keep getting surprised at how fucking stupid he is.
trump says the coronovirus is contained. I can’t wait to hear how good a job and how well
our country is prepared for this coming virus. After trump completely gutted the cdc and has not replaced the infrastructure or the scientists. Go buy stocks trump says.
No big deal, just a cold. We’ve got one of a few in the whole country “infectious disease units” in Spokane wa. Funded with 2.1 million dollars. It’s got 10 people there now. And it’s full. Our country has no epidemic plan. Trump defunded it all.

Hard to know what's really going on with the novel Corona Virus. Right leaning media reporting seems divided on its origins, its threat to America, and the political ramifications—if any. We've got Tucker Carlson running a full blown fear mongering episode tonight, making out like the Corona Virus is going to infect us all. Rush Limbaugh, on the other hand, seems to think reporting on the virus is mostly hype aimed at attacking Donald Trump. The democrats? Like with most other issues they can't if they're coming or going or if the sky really is falling.
Hard to know what's really going on with the novel Corona Virus. Right leaning media reporting seems divided on its origins, its threat to America, and the political ramifications—if any. We've got Tucker Carlson running a full blown fear mongering episode tonight, making out like the Corona Virus is going to infect us all. Rush Limbaugh, on the other hand, seems to think reporting on the virus is mostly hype aimed at attacking Donald Trump. The democrats? Like with most other issues they can't if they're coming or going or if the sky really is falling.

It could certainly infect a lot of us --- but we are in better shape than most countries right now. And people are preparing and learning how to avoid it. That DOES help stop outbreaks. The death rate is looking to be in the range of the Spanish Influenza of 1918, 2.5%. Could be higher than that if a lot are affected, because if a lot are ill, there won't be hospital support re oxygen and respirators and so on.

We got in everything we would need for three months, we think (milk will be the worst issue for me, for my tea --- I did get canned milk.) Now we're going to live normally and forget about the virus until we hear that it has hit my state --- when we do, we'll just hunker down inside with a self-quarantine. Well, and the garden, of course.

People, that is what the CDC was telling us today. Repeatedly. Get ready in case you get locked down, or need to keep away from infected persons.
Areas with lots of Asians will be harder hit since Asians are way more likely to get the virus than other races. Blacks and whites are less likely to get it.
Honestly, I'm worried I might have picked it up somehow. I rarely get sick, and I've had a bit of a fever and felt nauseous of late. Been to the grocery store and a few other places of late, and in such places with many people, it's impossible to know if its airborne.

If I get any breathing problems I will have to wait in line 11 hours to see a doctor.
Might not be now.....but sooner or later.....

July 25, 2018

We (humanity) need not worry......
Mother nature WILL thin the heard. It's happened throughout history. Modern medicine has delayed the process, but that just means that when she comes charging back, it's gonna be a wipe out. A new virus will evolve, anti-biotics will become useless or something. Guaranteed. Billions will go at once. it's part of nature.

China's working on mutated pathogens that only affect humans without certain Asian genes.
No proof at this time.....but they're innovative and scientifically evolving rapidly. Plus, they don't have government restrictions.

Funny, this is thought to be from a Chinese city with a BioWeapons research center. Hmmmmmm

Also...something odd happened tonight concerning the reporting of the virus globally.
I use a site that keeps statistics on all new infections and deaths etc worldwide. At one point the chart showed massive increases almost globally.....then 1/2 hour later when I checked again, it was all gone. I found that really strange.

If I was into conspiracy theories, I would say the US government took over the site and changed the reports. But...nah...

Just went back to the's down completely ?????
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Honestly, I'm worried I might have picked it up somehow. I rarely get sick, and I've had a bit of a fever and felt nauseous of late. Been to the grocery store and a few other places of late, and in such places with many people, it's impossible to know if its airborne.

If I get any breathing problems I will have to wait in line 11 hours to see a doctor.

You Do realize it's flu season...and about 33 million people in the USA WILL get the regular seasonal flu don't you?

And in Canada, it's about 10% of the population.
Stop worrying.
Honestly, I'm worried I might have picked it up somehow. I rarely get sick, and I've had a bit of a fever and felt nauseous of late. Been to the grocery store and a few other places of late, and in such places with many people, it's impossible to know if its airborne.

If I get any breathing problems I will have to wait in line 11 hours to see a doctor.

You Do realize it's flu season...and about 33 million people in the USA WILL get the regular seasonal flu don't you?

And in Canada, it's about 10% of the population.
Stop worrying.

I never get sick.

If I catch this, you know the Commies did it on purpose. :dig:
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