Vaxed transmit COVID as easily as unVaxed...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Politicians, politicos and the MSM has invested a lot of time and energy in promoting the narrative that the unvaccinated are solely responsible for the current rise in reported COVID-19 cases in the US.

That well crafted narrative has been destroyed...

"People can carry “enormous” amounts of the delta variant virus in their nose and throat — regardless of vaccination status, reported The New York Times."

If both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated transmit the virus easily... that removes the key pillar of the argument against those refusing the vaccine.

Once again... It's a person's choice of they wish to take their 99% chance of defeating the virus and building natural immunity.
Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products

gene therapy defined.PNG
Politicians, politicos and the MSM has invested a lot of time and energy in promoting the narrative that the unvaccinated are solely responsible for the current rise in reported COVID-19 cases in the US.

That well crafted narrative has been destroyed...

"People can carry “enormous” amounts of the delta variant virus in their nose and throat — regardless of vaccination status, reported The New York Times."

If both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated transmit the virus easily... that removes the key pillar of the argument against those refusing the vaccine.

Once again... It's a person's choice of they wish to take their 99% chance of defeating the virus and building natural immunity.
But they don’t get hospitalized and die.

no it’s not your choice when you get other people sick.
Politicians, politicos and the MSM has invested a lot of time and energy in promoting the narrative that the unvaccinated are solely responsible for the current rise in reported COVID-19 cases in the US.

That well crafted narrative has been destroyed...

"People can carry “enormous” amounts of the delta variant virus in their nose and throat — regardless of vaccination status, reported The New York Times."

If both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated transmit the virus easily... that removes the key pillar of the argument against those refusing the vaccine.

Once again... It's a person's choice of they wish to take their 99% chance of defeating the virus and building natural immunity.
Stupidity and ignorance runs deep in your post. The vaccines are 60-90% effective. Of those "breakthrough" cases where the vaccinated catch COVID the severity of the infection is greatly reduced if they catch the Delta variant strain they will be as contagious as the unvaccinated. Thats an accurate explanation of whats going on. Your presentation of it was not even close.

Is that enough info for you or do you need it explained more?


CDC Alarmed: 74% of Cases in Cape Cod Cluster Were Among the Vaxxed​

— More detail about outbreak in vaccinated people that led to the change in masking, test guidance​

by Molly Walker, Deputy Managing Editor, MedPage Today July 30, 2021

Breakthrough infections were responsible for three-quarters of COVID-19 cases in an outbreak during large public gatherings on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and nearly all sequenced cases were the Delta variant, researchers found.

Of 469 cases linked to multiple summer events and large summer gatherings in a small town, 346 (74%) occurred in fully vaccinated people, and almost 80% of those cases were symptomatic, reported Catherine Brown, DVM, of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and colleagues.

There were five hospitalizations, four among fully vaccinated people, and no deaths. Of 133 cases with sequence information available, 89% were from the Delta variant (B.1.617.2), the authors wrote in an early edition of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Moreover, vaccination coverage in Massachusetts was reported to be 69% as of July 3, they noted.

Topline data were previewed in stories by the New York Times on Thursday, and shared in internal CDC documents by the Washington Post. The data on this outbreak, and the Delta variant, reportedly helped provide the impetus for the agency's change in indoor masking guidance earlier this week. While the town was not named by the MMWR report, the outbreak reportedly was linked to events in Provincetown.

The notion that injecting people with a synthetic spike proteins is going to make them immune is not based on any science.
It does seem to be working a little, but that could easily change, and is not working nearly as good as they firs claimed.
Instead of the original claims of 95% effectiveness, some areas are showing as low as 40% effectiveness.

But that is not even the main risk. Since all covid deaths are actually from essentially an allergic response, then hyping up the immune system risks increasing fatal allergic responses, including to old coronaviruses that used to be benign.
Stupidity and ignorance runs deep in your post. The vaccines are 60-90% effective. Of those "breakthrough" cases where the vaccinated catch COVID the severity of the infection is greatly reduced if they catch the Delta variant strain they will be as contagious as the unvaccinated. Thats an accurate explanation of whats going on. Your presentation of it was not even close.

Is that enough info for you or do you need it explained more?

That is not accurate because not only have vaccine effectiveness estimates dropped at low as 40%, but the vaccines have caused new deaths and potentials for future new deaths. It is very risky to hype up the immune system with synthetic proteins. We have no idea what the long range effects could be.
A clue is that even the FDA refuses to approve these GMO vaccines.
Stupidity and ignorance runs deep in your post. The vaccines are 60-90% effective.
Do you have a link to that...with Delta?

Because my understanding is there isn't testing for the vaccinated if they don't show symptoms.

In the only widespread current testing I could find with Delta...74% of those tested found infected had been vaccinated...

That is not accurate because not only have vaccine effectiveness estimates dropped at low as 40%, but the vaccines have caused new deaths and potentials for future new deaths. It is very risky to hype up the immune system with synthetic proteins. We have no idea what the long range effects could be.
A clue is that even the FDA refuses to approve these GMO vaccines.
Please send a link showing the vaccines at 40%... Talking Pfizer and Moderna
Did the survival rate jump from 98.7 % to 98.8% for the vaccinated?

View attachment 519319

I'd eat that first before I took a Trump death jab

Since only the allergic over response by the immune system is harming anyone, then hyping up the immune system even more with a vaccine is a terrible idea, and instead immuno suppressants like Ivermectin or Fluvoxamine are much better ideas.
Do you have a link to that...with Delta?

Because my understanding is there isn't testing for the vaccinated if they don't show symptoms.

In the only widespread current testing I could find with Delta...74% of those tested found infected had been vaccinated...

The delta is pretty new, I don't know what there has been enough time for a ton of studies but I'll dig in and look. I was referring to the tested efficiency rates that the vaccines had when they received their emergency use authorization.
Do you have a link to that...with Delta?

Because my understanding is there isn't testing for the vaccinated if they don't show symptoms.

In the only widespread current testing I could find with Delta...74% of those tested found infected had been vaccinated...

Thats great... I believe Mass has the first or second highest vax rate in the US so of course the % of breakthrough cases will be higher. Simple math... Pop Quiz: Let's say Mass had 100% of their population vaccinated. Can you tell me the % of positive cases that would then be coming from vaccinated people?
Please send a link showing the vaccines at 40%... Talking Pfizer and Moderna

I don't have time to find that exact link with the extreme I found before, but here is one that gives you an idea.

Pfizer’s CEO says Covid vaccine effectiveness drops to 84% after six months​


The idea being that there are several factors working against these vaccines. One is they are quickly losing effectiveness due to time, and another is they are losing effectiveness due to variants.
And that is what people should expect. Considering that there are benign coronaviruses the immune system does and should ignore, it is actually surprising that these mRNA vaccines work at all since they only inject a spike protein and expect that to work.
I don't have time to find that exact link with the extreme I found before, but here is one that gives you an idea.

Pfizer’s CEO says Covid vaccine effectiveness drops to 84% after six months​


The idea being that there are several factors working against these vaccines. One is they are quickly losing effectiveness due to time, and another is they are losing effectiveness due to variants.
And that is what people should expect. Considering that there are benign coronaviruses the immune system does and should ignore, it is actually surprising that these mRNA vaccines work at all since they only inject a spike protein and expect that to work.
But they do work. You just sourced data that showed Pfizer going from 90% to 84% in 6 months, that’s pretty damn good. Also all data points to those 10-15% that do catch it having much less sever reactions. There are also booster shots available. You are right about variants. God help is if one comes out that is resistant to the vaccines. That will throw the world back into shutdown and mask mode. Nobody wants that so why are so many fighting against taking the safest route to knocking this thing out?!
But they do work. You just sourced data that showed Pfizer going from 90% to 84% in 6 months, that’s pretty damn good. Also all data points to those 10-15% that do catch it having much less sever reactions. There are also booster shots available. You are right about variants. God help is if one comes out that is resistant to the vaccines. That will throw the world back into shutdown and mask mode. Nobody wants that so why are so many fighting against taking the safest route to knocking this thing out?!

Pfizer used to claim 98% effective at one time.
And admitting 84% likely means the reality is much lower.
And the point is it is sinking fast.
Natural immunity is measured in decades, while this is more like just years.

The cause of variants is time, and it is "flattening the curve" that is at fault for that.
There is nothing "safe" about a new synthetic vaccine not FDA approved even.
That is like claiming thalidomide is safe since it passed testing.
Thats great... I believe Mass has the first or second highest vax rate in the US so of course the % of breakthrough cases will be higher. Simple math... Pop Quiz: Let's say Mass had 100% of their population vaccinated. Can you tell me the % of positive cases that would then be coming from vaccinated people?
Negative Ghostrider.

Roughly 63% are fully vaxxed...and 72% have had one shot.

Do that math.

If 70% are vaccinated and 74% of the infected have been vaccinated... That means the vaccinated have a HIGHER rate of infection than the unVaxxed. great news for the vaccination pushers.
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Politicians, politicos and the MSM has invested a lot of time and energy in promoting the narrative that the unvaccinated are solely responsible for the current rise in reported COVID-19 cases in the US.

That well crafted narrative has been destroyed...

"People can carry “enormous” amounts of the delta variant virus in their nose and throat — regardless of vaccination status, reported The New York Times."

If both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated transmit the virus easily... that removes the key pillar of the argument against those refusing the vaccine.

Once again... It's a person's choice of they wish to take their 99% chance of defeating the virus and building natural immunity.

Being vaccinated does not mean you can’t contract the virus or spread it or even die from it!

Being vaccinated mean it should or could lessen the symptoms which mean keeping you out of the Hospital and not overwhelming the medical system.

The vaccine is not a cure!

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