Van Jones: "Men are hurting. Feminist culture tells you 'dont cry cause you're the problem anyway'. masculine culture tell you 'dont cry cause...'

When did I blame women? I blamed society for telling men "you cant complain because you are the problem, or, if you're hurting suck it up princess because you are a man".

Then, when they need help, there is nothing available to them but there are countless problems available for men. Jones made the quote, he is telling America why Trump won. The Dems turned them backs on men.

This isn't new. The Wests enemies have always desired that the West turn their backs on the strong and to do this via police apparatuses, politicians etc. In my country, by nature this is what our police apparatuses do. Thus, we lose our best and brightest and the nation has little innovation in a global economy in which it is most valued.
The Emasculated Need to Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down
It only refers to criminals and psychos if you're pretending to be a mental health expert. In reality and according to the real experts trans identities are not a mental illness. Really imagining that you're a qualified expert however might be. :lol:
An "Expert" Is a Liar for Hire

For the right money or publicity-reward, the misrulers can get any pompous and pushy popinjay to scribble some queer-peer reviewed propaganda on anything the rule-and-ruiners desire that we believe.
Intersex is a biological construct, trans a social one.
Trans is a blanket term that encompasses not only social identity and presentation but also people who are seeking to physically change their bodies because of incongruity between their bodies and identity. When we look at the brains of these people with FMRI we see a shift in their brain physiology towards the gender they identify with. That indicates a biological construct.
They don't have to be, but the principal behind society denying youngsters autonomy over their bodies is the same, they are simply too young to make a fully informed decision about a permanent body-altering procedure.

We don't allow the young to vote. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.
We don't allow the young to get tattoos. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.
We don't allow the young to hold elective office. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.
We don't allow the young to gamble. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.

We should not allow the young to permanently alter their bodies in an attempt to look more feminine or more masculine. They are not mature enough to fully understand the ramifications of possibly never having children or a normal sex life.
You're confusing concensus with science. That said minors can get tattoos with their parents consent in my State of Florida as the governor fights their access to Healthcare.
Trans is a blanket term that encompasses not only social identity and presentation but also people who are seeking to physically change their bodies because of incongruity between their bodies and identity. When we look at the brains of these people with FMRI we see a shift in their brain physiology towards the gender they identify with. That indicates a biological construct.

You're confusing concensus with science. That said minors can get tattoos with their parents consent in my State of Florida as the governor fights their access to Healthcare.
The gangs have no woke ways. And they are growing.
That’s bullshit. Feelings can’t show you how menstrual cramps hurt or how your emotions change during that timeframe. Feelings can’t teach trans men what it’s like to get hit in the balls. You would not understand. “Feeling” is nothing but BS. One can’t change their sex or their gender. You can’t “feel” like something they aren’t.

This is what happens when you argue with emotions instead of science. You make arguments like the one above.

For one people develop sex identities before puberty. Little girls feel like little girls long before they menstruate. Then there are conditions like amenorrhea where for whatever reason (problems with reproductive system or hormone production) a woman never gets her period. And the flip side where trans women who are receiving horomones might very well feel the emotional affects of PMS.

All that said those experiences are a misconception about why people feel they are who they are. During your development your brain undergoes a sexualization process as well. Its this developmental process that determines your sense of self.
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This is what happens when you argue with emotions instead of science. You make arguments like the one above.

For one people develop sex identities before puberty. Little girls feel like little girls long before they menstruate. Then there are conditions like amenorrhea where for whatever reason (problems with reproductive system or hormone production) a woman never gets her period. And the flip side where trans women who are receiving horomones might very well feel the emotional affects of PMS.

All that said those experiences are a misconception about why people feel they are who they are. During your development your brain undergoes a sexualization process as well. Its this developmental process that determines your sense of self.
“Might very well”. So you don’t know. And no science doesn’t know. Because scientists disagree. During your development biology is key not your feelings.

You just made my argument for me.

Trans = make believe
“Might very well”. So you don’t know. And no science doesn’t know. Because scientists disagree. During your development biology is key not your feelings.

You just made my argument for me.

Trans = make believe
We do know you dipshit. I said might very well because it depends on what level of hormone treatments they're on. The emotional affects of a woman's menstrual cycle are caused by hormones, not woman magic. If you introduce those same hormones you get the same affects.
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Trans is a blanket term that encompasses not only social identity and presentation but also people who are seeking to physically change their bodies because of incongruity between their bodies and identity. When we look at the brains of these people with FMRI we see a shift in their brain physiology towards the gender they identify with. That indicates a biological construct.

You're confusing concensus with science.
I'm using social constructs to demonstrate to you that society deems children unable to make fully informed decisions about their bodies and actions because they are not mature enough to do so, yet you want to grant them the ability to make permanent, life-long decisions about things that they will likely feel different as they grow up. Let their hormones settle down and their brains fully develop as they move into adulthood, THEN they can decide if they want to look more feminine or more masculine and give up having children and a normal sex life.
That said minors can get tattoos with their parents consent in my State of Florida as the governor fights their access to Healthcare.
Yet we see movements attempting to take parents OUT of the decision to physically alter children's bodies in ways they really don't understand (notice that the only concern is that parents will PREVENT body alteration, not encourage it). Instead of altering their bodies and messing with their ability to reproduce, we'd be better served by understanding what's messing with their minds and helping them better cope with it.

It was not long ago that the height of mental illness treatment was shoving a metal rod into a patient's brain and hoping they didn't immediately bleed to death. I predict that, in another hundred years or so, people will look back at what we're doing to children today with the same revulsion we feel at that.
We do know you dipshit. I said might very well because it depends on what level of hormone treatments they're on. The emotional affects of a woman's menstrual cycle are caused by hormones, not woman magic. If you introduce those same hormones you get the same affects.
And therein lies the key. You have to artificially INTRODUCE the hormones to get the effects. A woman's body naturally produces those hormones, a man's body does not.
We do know you dipshit. I said might very well because it depends on what level of hormone treatments they're on. The emotional affects of a woman's menstrual cycle are caused by hormones, not woman magic. If you introduce those same hormones you get the same affects.
So you need treatments. One may be sober unless they drink alcohol. Drugging a boy to help them believe they are a girl is fucking barbaric. And you don’t know what effects you get. Defect. Men don’t menstruate. They don’t get menstrual cramps. You’re a defect. You can glue balls on women and say voila you’re men.
I'm using social constructs to demonstrate to you that society deems children unable to make fully informed decisions about their bodies and actions because they are not mature enough to do so, yet you want to grant them the ability to make permanent, life-long decisions about things that they will likely feel different as they grow up. Let their hormones settle down and their brains fully develop as they move into adulthood, THEN they can decide if they want to look more feminine or more masculine and give up having children and a normal sex life.
You should be using science to make your argument to me and the science thay minors are capable of making these decisions with the guidance of trusted adults.

Medical decision-making in children and adolescents: developmental and neuroscientific aspects - PMC.
Yet we see movements attempting to take parents OUT of the decision to physically alter children's bodies in ways they really don't understand (notice that the only concern is that parents will PREVENT body alteration, not encourage it).
This isn't anything new. Some States allow minors to get vaccines against the wishes of their parents, get blood transfusions or surgeries despite their parents maybe having religious objections. Just because they're a parent doesn't mean they're a trusted adult from the perspective of the child. Some parents are bigots or religiously close minded to modern medicine.
Instead of altering their bodies and messing with their ability to reproduce, we'd be better served by understanding what's messing with their minds and helping them better cope with it.
Well see now you're delving into the cosplay of your peers and imagining yourself in a position to determine healthcare treatments.
It was not long ago that the height of mental illness treatment was shoving a metal rod into a patient's brain and hoping they didn't immediately bleed to death. I predict that, in another hundred years or so, people will look back at what we're doing to children today with the same revulsion we feel at that.
Are you cosplaying as a Doctor or Fortune Teller?
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And therein lies the key. You have to artificially INTRODUCE the hormones to get the effects. A woman's body naturally produces those hormones, a man's body does not.
To get the emotional affects of a menstrual cycle, yes. But again, some females don't experience this because of their own biological issues. They never get their period and dont experience mentrual cycles. Does that mean they don't know what it feels like to be a woman or just that they dont know what it feel like to go through menstrual pain? You people are confusing yourself on two separate topics. What it feels like to go through the emotional effects of a menstrual cycle and what it feels like to be a woman aren't necessarily the same thing. None of you can address the brain, where identify comes from because the evidence there is on my side.
So you need treatments. One may be sober unless they drink alcohol. Drugging a boy to help them believe they are a girl is fucking barbaric. And you don’t know what effects you get. Defect. Men don’t menstruate. They don’t get menstrual cramps. You’re a defect. You can glue balls on women and say voila you’re men.
Those are a lot of angry words from a sad boy who can't use his science. There there. :itsok:
Already addressed. Scientists disagree.

Is English your second language, defect?

You start using emojis, I know you lost another debate.

Too easy
You haven't addressed anything. You screamed angry words like an incompetent child.

If your argument is that you have to go through menstrual pain to know what it feels like to be a real woman then by your logic females who have amenorrhea and have never had a menstrual cycle aren't real women and cant know what it is to feel like a real woman.
You haven't addressed anything. You screamed angry words like an incompetent child.

If your argument is that you have to go through menstrual pain to know what it feels like to be a real woman then by your logic females who have amenorrhea and have never had a menstrual cycle aren't real women and cant know what it is to feel like a real woman.
Menstrual pain was one example not the only one. Fact is we men have zero clue of what it’s like to be a woman. None. To say we “feel like one” is simply make believe.

Same holds true for women who “feel like men”
Menstrual pain was one example not the only one. Fact is we men have zero clue of what it’s like to be a woman. None. To say we “feel like one” is simply make believe.

Same holds true for women who “feel like men”
But why don't you know what it feels like to be a woman? What's your argument for what causes you to feel one way or the other? Magic?
But why don't you? What's your argument for what causes you to feel one way or the other? Magic?
1) Mental illness
2) A ruse to get into women’s spaces

That’s my argument. We need to treat these people and not play into their delusions. And certainly don’t put our daughters, sisters, mothers and wives at risk to be “politically correct”.
1) Mental illness
2) A ruse to get into women’s spaces

That’s my argument. We need to treat these people and not play into their delusions. And certainly don’t put our daughters, sisters, mothers and wives at risk to be “politically correct”.
That's just more name calling. What's your science behind where identity comes from?

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