Van Jones: "Men are hurting. Feminist culture tells you 'dont cry cause you're the problem anyway'. masculine culture tell you 'dont cry cause...'

^^^Beware deviants trying to normalize pedophilia, like this one. The left's obsession with sexually torturing children needs to be completely eradicated, by any means necessary.
It's your boy Trump who bragged about walking into the dressing room of the Miss Teen USA contest just because he hosted the thing.
A predictable outcome of Identity Politics. "Toxic Masculinity". "We don't need men". Turns out they were paying attention.

Men, especially young men, are hurting. But they're also fed up and pissed off, and they decided to vote this time.

Will the Dems admit this to themselves?
How are young men "hurting"? Can someone provide specific examples of this?
I'm happy to answer when one of you defines what a woman is to you.
Dang, you don't know yet? Here's a hint.


NOT Woman.
Trans people are also rare. Rarer than the intersexed who are about as prevalent as red heads. Also biology doesn't say anything. We study biology and then we group what we study into categories. We do that. Biology doesn't care if someone has an extra X chromosome, mix matched genitalia, red hair, a sexual attraction to the same sex or brain physiology shifted towards the opposite sex. You do for some reason.
Intersex is a biological construct, trans a social one.
It may be your honest opinion but that doesn't make it a scientifically sound one. Tattoos and health care aren't the same thing.
They don't have to be, but the principal behind society denying youngsters autonomy over their bodies is the same, they are simply too young to make a fully informed decision about a permanent body-altering procedure.

We don't allow the young to vote. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.
We don't allow the young to get tattoos. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.
We don't allow the young to hold elective office. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.
We don't allow the young to gamble. They're not mature enough to make a wise decision.

We should not allow the young to permanently alter their bodies in an attempt to look more feminine or more masculine. They are not mature enough to fully understand the ramifications of possibly never having children or a normal sex life.
If a young man is struggling dating wise that's on him. It's all about choices. Want to sit home and sulk that's on the person.
Who says anyone is feeling like they aren't? That's your ignorant premise. Your feelings are a result of biology, and the biology of trans people shows a shift to the gender they identify with. They identify the way they do because of their biology, just as you do.
That’s bullshit. Feelings can’t show you how menstrual cramps hurt or how your emotions change during that timeframe. Feelings can’t teach trans men what it’s like to get hit in the balls. You would not understand. “Feeling” is nothing but BS. One can’t change their sex or their gender. You can’t “feel” like something they aren’t.

I'm happy to answer when one of you defines what a woman is to you.
Biology is very clear on that one, it's the chromosomal makeup that determines man and woman. Anything beyond that is window dressing. Or are we witnessing a miracle? We've been told for decades now that sexual orientation can't be changed, but if a straight man literally becomes a woman, he is now a homosexual, and if a homosexual woman literally becomes a man, she is now straight.
That’s bullshit. Feelings can’t show you how menstrual cramps hurt or how your emotions change during that timeframe. Feelings can’t teach trans men what it’s like to get hit in the balls. You would not understand. “Feeling” is nothing but BS. One can’t change their sex or their gender. You can’t “feel” like something they aren’t.

Exactly. Trans men may think they feel like a woman, but they have no clue what it actually feels like to be a woman, and vice versa.
It's your boy Trump who bragged about walking into the dressing room of the Miss Teen USA contest just because he hosted the thing.
Go to the inner cities. A huge percentage of teenage women have children with no father figures. This is actually rape from law. No on enforces it though.

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