USMB Coffee Shop IV

I had a Bill Barr Christmas. I was just getting over a cold sore when I came down with the stomach flu. Bill Barr said "It was one damn thing after another." It sounded like my health issues when I overheard it the first time. :auiqs.jpg:

Even so, I thanked God at vespers for all the dear people who gather to talk coffee here at Foxfyre's best coffee shop on the internet. So to one and all, I say: :love_ya4:
Y'all are in my heart and prayers always, mostly for thanking God for friends who are so upbeat.
Some of the best advice I've seen in one of these memes:
Gornia Shoraya still hasnt been professionally and scientifically documented and explored. I blame the Russian goverent for chasing away foreign scientists.
I have a theory. When Jeff Spicoli grew up, he changed his name and invented the Moon Pod.

I wonder why the number of posts allowed have dropped so dramatically? How did we get 80,000 + posts in the first one, but can only get to 2,800 posts before it gets shut down now? That's a pretty significant difference.
The board back then was much better......too many good posters have left or been kicked off.
The board back then was much better......too many good posters have left or been kicked off.
I like it better. I've seen a lot of people change for the better in the last 12 years. And the ones who were kicked off? Some return after their forced hiatus was up, and they don't do stupid and offensive stuff like before. Our moderators are to credit for the respectable maturity they bring out in other people. All of them.
A couple of days ago my iPhone wouldn't recharge, ordered a set of fast charge cables which arrived this morning. Hooked up the new cable and it still wouldn't charge. So I'm thinking I need a new (used/refurbished) phone. Found the same phone for $230, ordered it via Amazon....... About a couple minutes later it struck me that it may actually be the plug (with USB connect) itself. Pulled out one I have for a different device, connected it to the phone and it started charging. Canceled the other phone order and ordered a quick charge plug instead. :thup:
A couple of days ago my iPhone wouldn't recharge, ordered a set of fast charge cables which arrived this morning. Hooked up the new cable and it still wouldn't charge. So I'm thinking I need a new (used/refurbished) phone. Found the same phone for $230, ordered it via Amazon....... About a couple minutes later it struck me that it may actually be the plug (with USB connect) itself. Pulled out one I have for a different device, connected it to the phone and it started charging. Canceled the other phone order and ordered a quick charge plug instead. :thup:
Yay. We've experienced that phenomenon ourselves, i.e. thought something had given up the ghost and needed to be replaced when there was a quick and simple fix. Glad you found one for your issue.
The board back then was much better......too many good posters have left or been kicked off.
I do miss CK. He was a good administrator at least for the Coffee Shop. I miss many posters who have left and those who have passed on. But frankly I don't miss anybody who has been kicked off for cause. There will always be the numbnuts and haters among us, but I love USMB because it is a free speech forum that accommodates pretty much everybody's point of view. But those who are destructive/danger/threat to others, pushing illegal activities, or make it impossible for some to participate peacefully here do not deserve to be here. Nobody has a right to not be offended here. But everyone has a right to not be attacked in a way that is real life personally or materially harmful.

And I am eternally grateful for a forum that accommodates a thread like the Coffee Shop that invites and welcomes everybody regardless of what side of the sociopolitical or religious spectrum they might be on so long as they are willing to just enjoy the company of others here. And I am eternally grateful to all our USMB moderators over the years who have understood that and protected this and other such threads from the deliberate trouble makers.
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Welcome to the Coffee Shop Likkmee. We're happy you found us and I've heard Costa Rican blends are excellent. So keep coming back and keep right on joining in.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage (even though the photo is mostly to keep a forgetful Foxfyre informed that she has already greeting a newbie to the Coffee Shop.)

I'm all out of coffee and smokes. Should I quit? Should I overstock on these things? Can I live without them? I live without music and I'm doing fine so why not coffee and smokes?

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