Tucker Carlson producer caught in Dominion texts calling Trump election deniers ‘cousin fucking terrorists’


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
The reference seems to refer to white southern conservatives' (Trump's base) tendencies to engage in incest and inbreeding. Especially those from the deep south (Alabama, etc.)
This is important because it helps Dominion prove that Fox aired fake voting fraud allegations for rating purpose as they knew it was all a farce.
Tucker Carlson producer called Trump election deniers ‘cousin f***** terrorists’

"More than a million pages of internal Fox messages have revealed that a producer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that dealing with criticism from those sceptical of the election results was like “negotiating” with “especially dumb” “terrorists” who sleep with their cousins.

The files released in connection to the $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against the company by Dominion Voting Systems also revealed that Fox Corporation executive Raj Shah, who had served as a spokesman in the Trump White House before making the jump, blasted the then-president’s personal lawyer and ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as he spoke at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee on 19 November 2020."
I'm assuming this was the producer after the one fired for being a white supremacist?
lol the most inbred region in the U.S., outside of he usual assorted ethnic minorities, is New England. Among ethnic groups Alaska's native population is the most inbred in the U.S.
The reference seems to refer to white southern conservatives' (Trump's base) tendencies to engage in incest and inbreeding. Especially those from the deep south (Alabama, etc.)
This is important because it helps Dominion prove that Fox aired fake voting fraud allegations for rating purpose as they knew it was all a farce.
Tucker Carlson producer called Trump election deniers ‘cousin f***** terrorists’

"More than a million pages of internal Fox messages have revealed that a producer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that dealing with criticism from those sceptical of the election results was like “negotiating” with “especially dumb” “terrorists” who sleep with their cousins.

The files released in connection to the $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against the company by Dominion Voting Systems also revealed that Fox Corporation executive Raj Shah, who had served as a spokesman in the Trump White House before making the jump, blasted the then-president’s personal lawyer and ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as he spoke at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee on 19 November 2020."

Well, you got to admit he does have a point.
The reference seems to refer to white southern conservatives' (Trump's base) tendencies to engage in incest and inbreeding. Especially those from the deep south (Alabama, etc.)
This is important because it helps Dominion prove that Fox aired fake voting fraud allegations for rating purpose as they knew it was all a farce.
Tucker Carlson producer called Trump election deniers ‘cousin f***** terrorists’

"More than a million pages of internal Fox messages have revealed that a producer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that dealing with criticism from those sceptical of the election results was like “negotiating” with “especially dumb” “terrorists” who sleep with their cousins.

The files released in connection to the $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against the company by Dominion Voting Systems also revealed that Fox Corporation executive Raj Shah, who had served as a spokesman in the Trump White House before making the jump, blasted the then-president’s personal lawyer and ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as he spoke at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee on 19 November 2020."

Jerry Lee Lewis married his own cousin, and was a Democrat. Of course, Democrats have moved from fucking their own cousins, to fucking their own children.
There's no doubt at this point, what Tucker and people like him think of the rubes.

And I guess there's no surprise that they don't mind.
In mac1958’s world rubes are patriots who believe in fair elections, secure borders, fair trade practices that promote American jobs, enforcing the law, and protecting children from homosexuals and other perverts
The reference seems to refer to white southern conservatives' (Trump's base) tendencies to engage in incest and inbreeding. Especially those from the deep south (Alabama, etc.)
This is important because it helps Dominion prove that Fox aired fake voting fraud allegations for rating purpose as they knew it was all a farce.
Tucker Carlson producer called Trump election deniers ‘cousin f***** terrorists’

"More than a million pages of internal Fox messages have revealed that a producer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that dealing with criticism from those sceptical of the election results was like “negotiating” with “especially dumb” “terrorists” who sleep with their cousins.

The files released in connection to the $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against the company by Dominion Voting Systems also revealed that Fox Corporation executive Raj Shah, who had served as a spokesman in the Trump White House before making the jump, blasted the then-president’s personal lawyer and ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as he spoke at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee on 19 November 2020."

Butbutbutbut Tuckers producer!

Jerry Lee Lewis married his own cousin, and was a Democrat. Of course, Democrats have moved from fucking their own cousins, to fucking their own children.

The DuPont family was famous for marrying their cousins, as a ploy to keep he family empire and fortune intact.

The first Pierre Samuel du Pont advocated marriage between cousins to ensure “honesty of soul and purity of blood.” Several generations later, the reigning patriarch was grumbling that “the thinning” of that pure blood by inbreeding was producing freaks. But the intermarrying cousins, most of them clustered around the original family holdings on the Brandywine River, went right on producing scores of little Pierre Samuels, Alfreds, and !renées with the typical long du Pont noses, and the family disposition toward tuberculosis. By the 1920’s, the close Delaware clan was the richest family in America.
MAGAs know they're being lied to -- that's the reason they watch Fox in the first place. Rupert Murdoch understood this. He watched this dynamic play out in the 1980s and early 90s with Rush Limbaugh dominating the AM radio band. Like Limbaugh, Murdoch figured out that conservatives are not living in an evidence-based world. They don't want news to be informative; they want news that reinforces and confirms their beliefs and biases.

You could have Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity on a hot mic blathering away about how stupid and inbred their viewers are and that they're just doing their shows for shits and giggles, and it won't change how MAGAs think one bit. They will always believe that liberals suck. People on TV can't change that view. Only real-life, real-world experiences can. That's frankly what liberals don't understand and why the Mueller investigation and all that other shit never mattered.

What did matter was the derailment in Palestine, Ohio or factories shutting down in Middle America and shipping jobs over to Asia and the Americas. MAGAs turn on their TV and don't see liberals really speaking to that, which only reinforces their world view that they are looked down on.
The reference seems to refer to white southern conservatives' (Trump's base) tendencies to engage in incest and inbreeding. Especially those from the deep south (Alabama, etc.)
This is important because it helps Dominion prove that Fox aired fake voting fraud allegations for rating purpose as they knew it was all a farce.
Tucker Carlson producer called Trump election deniers ‘cousin f***** terrorists’

"More than a million pages of internal Fox messages have revealed that a producer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that dealing with criticism from those sceptical of the election results was like “negotiating” with “especially dumb” “terrorists” who sleep with their cousins.

The files released in connection to the $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against the company by Dominion Voting Systems also revealed that Fox Corporation executive Raj Shah, who had served as a spokesman in the Trump White House before making the jump, blasted the then-president’s personal lawyer and ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as he spoke at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee on 19 November 2020."

Fucker Carlson is now and always has been for sale. As long as there is money it, Fucker will do it. Hence his two faced lying about Dominion.
I'm assuming this was the producer after the one fired for being a white supremacist?
Or more to the point after the ones being called Nazis but
before ones being RAcist.Plus in between ... election deniers.
Covid spreaders and anti- maskers.Around the time that
schools managed to be open possible extremist prone to
5 will getcha 10 that if Hugo Black { 5th longest serving Supreme Court
Jurist} was around today he'd be lauded .Solely on his being a Liberal Democrat.
And for selling short as along as it got him votes.His explanation'
for Being a member of the Klan earlier in his career. " I would have joined any
group if it helped me get votes.I guess that explains why he
made a show of Filibustering an anti-lynching bill.
The reference seems to refer to white southern conservatives' (Trump's base) tendencies to engage in incest and inbreeding. Especially those from the deep south (Alabama, etc.)
This is important because it helps Dominion prove that Fox aired fake voting fraud allegations for rating purpose as they knew it was all a farce.
Tucker Carlson producer called Trump election deniers ‘cousin f***** terrorists’

"More than a million pages of internal Fox messages have revealed that a producer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that dealing with criticism from those sceptical of the election results was like “negotiating” with “especially dumb” “terrorists” who sleep with their cousins.

The files released in connection to the $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against the company by Dominion Voting Systems also revealed that Fox Corporation executive Raj Shah, who had served as a spokesman in the Trump White House before making the jump, blasted the then-president’s personal lawyer and ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as he spoke at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee on 19 November 2020."
Well, that hit close to their home, didn't it?
I don't know how many times I have said that Trump and these propagandist must have nothing but utter contempt for the rubes in order to lie to their slack-mouthed pinched faces as much as they do.

You have to consider your rube audience to be the dumbest morons on Earth to swallow the manufactured bullshit you feed them day after day, year after year.

It does not surprise me one bit to see how much they mock their viewers and Trump with each other in private.

And STILL the rubes will continue to line up for more of their bullshit to gobble down!

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