Truth time-The Forgotten History of Black Republicans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
There was once a time when blacks were republicans. These blacks were not Clarence Thomas or Ben Carson. They fought white racism instead of validating it. But something changed about 90 years ago whereby events led blacks to leave the party.

The Forgotten History of Black Republicans
Leah Wright Rigueur

Why would an African American join the Republican Party? The question is an old one, an ubiquitous inquiry that many people, Democrats and Republicans alike, have posed consistently since the 1930s—the decade when black voters first began to flee the Republican Party, then known as the “Party of Lincoln,” an ideological home so very different from what “Republican” means today.

“Since President Franklin and the New Deal,” wrote the editors at the Chicago De- fender in 1976, “being black and Republican was about as compatible as being black and aspiring to leadership in the Ku Klux Klan.”

The GOP of today bears little resemblance to the “Party of Lincoln” to which black voters had been fiercely loyal since the era of Reconstruction. Instead, the modern Republican Party is indelibly associated with Herbert Hoover’s “lily-white” movement, “Operation Dixie” of the 1950s, and Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy.” It is a party whose 1964 presidential candidate voted against the landmark Civil Rights Act passed in that year, and whose 1980 nominee launched his official presidential campaign with a now-infamous “states’ rights” speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi—the town in which three civil rights workers were murdered sixteen years earlier. As politicians shaped the GOP from the “top down,” ordinary white city dwellers and suburbanites from all backgrounds and income levels along with an “army” of conservative activists, influenced the direction of the GOP from the grass roots, reacting to changing social and cultural norms, the liberalism of the civil rights movement and the radicalism of Black Power. In short, the GOP is a party whose conservatism, to to quote Robert Smith and Hanes Walton, seems to make it “virtually impossible for blacks, given their history and condition,” to accept.

White Republicans often heap gratuitous public praise on African American members of the GOP, applauding them for having the gumption to leave the “plantation politics of the Democratic Party,” as Pat Buchanan did on CNN in 2011, while defending Herman Cain. This line of thinking stems from the flawed and simplistic belief that African Americans have been brainwashed into voting for the Democratic Party and, as a result, ignore the benefits of belonging to the GOP. The trope of the Democratic Party as a slave plantation has been a recurring feature of GOP rhetoric since at least 1968, when Richard Nixon mentioned it in an interview with Jet magazine; predating even this, black Republicans have used the phrase regularly since 1964. Such thinking is problematic—often condescending and occasionally even bigoted, insinuating that Democrats have “bought” the black vote with “government handouts,” and that African Americans are therefore unable to make their own rational political choices, thereby sidestepping the GOP’s role in repelling black voters.

Most of these black party members joined the Republican Party (or never left it) out of a belief in what they called “traditional” conservatism: anticommunism, free market enterprise and capitalism, self-help and personal responsibility, limited government intervention, and a respect for authority, history, and precedent, along with Western institutions and traditions. In this sense, their beliefs were aligned with those of their white counterparts; and like their white counterparts, black Republicans’ traditional conservatism also reflected their dissatisfaction with the Democratic liberalism of the New Deal and the Great Society. Reflecting the political diversity of the Republican Party more generally, there were three broad wings of black Republican thought, a great ideological gamut that encompassed liberal, moderate, and conservative factions. Equally important—and especially baffling to critics—most black Republicans, regardless of their ideological differences, believed that racial egalitarianism was in keeping with the Republican Party’s principles. Indeed, the majority believed that in times of crisis, the government had a right to intervene on behalf of the nation’s citizens; consequently, African American party members’ traditional conservatism often included a belief in federal intervention in specific matters of civil rights and racial equality.

The Forgotten History of Black Republicans
Todays white republicans fool historically illiterate blacks with how they are the party of Lincoln and the democratic party was the party of slavery and racism. And dumb blacks fall for this halfstory.

Facts About "The Lily-White Movement" in the Republican Party

The Lily-White Movement was an anti-African-American movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Why did it start?

The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc via Union Leagues and the biracial Black-and-tan faction of the Republicans.

Who labeled it?

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

What were the consequences?

Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

According to author and professor Michael K. Fauntroy, "the 'Lily-White Movement' is one of the darkest, and under-examined [sic], eras of American Republicanism.

The Black Conservative: Facts About "The Lily-White Movement" in the Reublican Party

White republicans won't tell blacks about that. And so today, we are supposed to join a political party that pretty much kicked us out of the party because we used the political system to gain some semblance of equal influence as whites.

We need to learn history not halfstory.

Public housing?

Public schools?

Fatherless households?

Where do I sign up?!!!
You sign up at the Republican Party HQ

William Howard Taft- 27th President, Republican Party. 1909-1913.

Civil rights
Taft announced in his inaugural address that he would not appoint African Americans to federal jobs, such as postmaster, where this would cause racial friction. This differed from Roosevelt, who would not remove or replace black officeholders with whom local whites would not deal. Termed Taft's "Southern Policy", this stance effectively invited white protests against black appointees. Taft followed through, removing most black office holders in the South, and made few appointments from that race in the North.[9]

At the time Taft was inaugurated, the way forward for African Americans was debated by their leaders. Booker T. Washington felt that most blacks should be trained for industrial work, with only a few seeking higher education; W.E.B. DuBois took a more militant stand for equality. Taft tended towards Washington's approach. According to Coletta, Taft let the African-American "be 'kept in his place' ... He thus failed to see or follow the humanitarian mission historically associated with the Republican party, with the result that Negroes both North and South began to drift toward the Democratic party."

William Howard Taft Explained
I think a lot of the dysfunction we're seeing in American politics right now stems from the fact that old people who are still stuck in the 60s are clashing with younger people who were raised with a completely different set of beliefs. Those old people run all of our institutions and fill kid's heads full of nonsense that doesn't reflect today's reality and that's why only women and fringe weirdos side with the social justice left.
I think a lot of the dysfunction we're seeing in American politics right now stems from the fact that old people who are still stuck in the 60s are clashing with younger people who were raised with a completely different set of beliefs. Those old people run all of our institutions and fill kid's heads full of nonsense that doesn't reflect today's reality and that's why only women and fringe weirdos side with the social justice left.
No that's not it. Our problem is people who make comments like the quote every time the lie they have told themselves is shown. You lie to yourselves about todays realities which is what has generally been the case with part of the white community since day 1 of this nations existence.
I think a lot of the dysfunction we're seeing in American politics right now stems from the fact that old people who are still stuck in the 60s are clashing with younger people who were raised with a completely different set of beliefs. Those old people run all of our institutions and fill kid's heads full of nonsense that doesn't reflect today's reality and that's why only women and fringe weirdos side with the social justice left.
No that's not it. Our problem is people who make comments like the quote every time the lie they have told themselves is shown. You lie to yourselves about todays realities which is what has generally been the case with part of the white community since day 1 of this nations existence.

I don't expect you to agree with me. After all, you're old.
I think a lot of the dysfunction we're seeing in American politics right now stems from the fact that old people who are still stuck in the 60s are clashing with younger people who were raised with a completely different set of beliefs. Those old people run all of our institutions and fill kid's heads full of nonsense that doesn't reflect today's reality and that's why only women and fringe weirdos side with the social justice left.
No that's not it. Our problem is people who make comments like the quote every time the lie they have told themselves is shown. You lie to yourselves about todays realities which is what has generally been the case with part of the white community since day 1 of this nations existence.

I don't expect you to agree with me. After all, you're old.
And you're stupid. You can't miss todays realities when you live it. You certainly cannot face todays realities. That's why you're in here whining about non existent anti white discrimination.
LBJ called Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the one he stalled in the Senate, but then passed under his signature after the whacked JFK, the "****** Bill"

FDR Would not even shake Jesse Owens hand for fear of the black rubbing off on him, but these are the democrat Party "Civil Rights Heroes"
I think a lot of the dysfunction we're seeing in American politics right now stems from the fact that old people who are still stuck in the 60s are clashing with younger people who were raised with a completely different set of beliefs. Those old people run all of our institutions and fill kid's heads full of nonsense that doesn't reflect today's reality and that's why only women and fringe weirdos side with the social justice left.
No that's not it. Our problem is people who make comments like the quote every time the lie they have told themselves is shown. You lie to yourselves about todays realities which is what has generally been the case with part of the white community since day 1 of this nations existence.

I don't expect you to agree with me. After all, you're old.
And you're stupid. You can't miss todays realities when you live it. You certainly cannot face todays realities. That's why you're in here whining about non existent anti white discrimination.

Old people like you taught my generation and younger to look past race and judge people on their behavior. But they didn't really mean it. What they really wanted us to do is lie to ourselves and lie to black people. Maybe it was a guilty conscience for the shit they and their parents had done. Maybe it was just an old habit they picked up from decades of using black people as a political pawn.
I think a lot of the dysfunction we're seeing in American politics right now stems from the fact that old people who are still stuck in the 60s are clashing with younger people who were raised with a completely different set of beliefs. Those old people run all of our institutions and fill kid's heads full of nonsense that doesn't reflect today's reality and that's why only women and fringe weirdos side with the social justice left.
No that's not it. Our problem is people who make comments like the quote every time the lie they have told themselves is shown. You lie to yourselves about todays realities which is what has generally been the case with part of the white community since day 1 of this nations existence.

I don't expect you to agree with me. After all, you're old.
And you're stupid. You can't miss todays realities when you live it. You certainly cannot face todays realities. That's why you're in here whining about non existent anti white discrimination.

Old people like you taught my generation and younger to look past race and judge people on their behavior. But they didn't really mean it. What they really wanted us to do is lie to ourselves and lie to black people. Maybe it was a guilty conscience for the shit they and their parents had done. Maybe it was just an old habit they picked up from decades of using black people as a political pawn.

The older generation of whites lied to you about everything. And your generation is lying to it's kids just like your parents lied to you.
LBJ called Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the one he stalled in the Senate, but then passed under his signature after the whacked JFK, the "****** Bill"

FDR Would not even shake Jesse Owens hand for fear of the black rubbing off on him, but these are the democrat Party "Civil Rights Heroes"

So? Johnson signed the civil rights act. An act that should not have been necessary had republicans and democrats not decided to implement apartheid. Blacks were once republicans, but republicans kicked us out when we tried getting equal influence. Democrats nominated a black man for president. Now he's the leader of the party. So all this not shaking hands and shit you're talking about is irrelevant. Blacks do have some say in todays democratic party and we don't see a lilly white movement because of it.
LBJ called Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the one he stalled in the Senate, but then passed under his signature after the whacked JFK, the "****** Bill"

FDR Would not even shake Jesse Owens hand for fear of the black rubbing off on him, but these are the democrat Party "Civil Rights Heroes"

So? Johnson signed the civil rights act. An act that should not have been necessary had republicans and democrats not decided to implement apartheid. Blacks were once republicans, but republicans kicked us out when we tried getting equal influence. Democrats nominated a black man for president. Now he's the leader of the party. So all this not shaking hands and shit you're talking about is irrelevant. Blacks do have some say in todays democratic party and we don't see a lilly white movement because of it.

The Bill should have passed when Ike was President
LBJ called Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the one he stalled in the Senate, but then passed under his signature after the whacked JFK, the "****** Bill"

FDR Would not even shake Jesse Owens hand for fear of the black rubbing off on him, but these are the democrat Party "Civil Rights Heroes"

So? Johnson signed the civil rights act. An act that should not have been necessary had republicans and democrats not decided to implement apartheid. Blacks were once republicans, but republicans kicked us out when we tried getting equal influence. Democrats nominated a black man for president. Now he's the leader of the party. So all this not shaking hands and shit you're talking about is irrelevant. Blacks do have some say in todays democratic party and we don't see a lilly white movement because of it.

The Bill should have passed when Ike was President
The bill should never have been necessary as we were supposed to have had civil rights as of 1787, or even being generous June 19, 1865.
LBJ called Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the one he stalled in the Senate, but then passed under his signature after the whacked JFK, the "****** Bill"

FDR Would not even shake Jesse Owens hand for fear of the black rubbing off on him, but these are the democrat Party "Civil Rights Heroes"

So? Johnson signed the civil rights act. An act that should not have been necessary had republicans and democrats not decided to implement apartheid. Blacks were once republicans, but republicans kicked us out when we tried getting equal influence. Democrats nominated a black man for president. Now he's the leader of the party. So all this not shaking hands and shit you're talking about is irrelevant. Blacks do have some say in todays democratic party and we don't see a lilly white movement because of it.
Trump has done far more for blacks, mostly by not playing into the race baiting narrative and lifting the economy, than Obama ever did
Trump has done far more for blacks, mostly by not playing into the race baiting narrative and lifting the economy, than Obama ever did

Trump has done nothing for blacks and he has not lifted the economy. Do you understand me? I'm not debating your white ass on this matter. I'm telling you how it is as I am black and you're not. Trump is the king of race baiting, but then again whites have been race baiting since 1776.
Trump has done far more for blacks, mostly by not playing into the race baiting narrative and lifting the economy, than Obama ever did

Trump has done nothing for blacks and he has not lifted the economy. Do you understand me? I'm not debating your white ass on this matter. I'm telling you how it is as I am black and you're not. Trump is the king of race baiting, but then again whites have been race baiting since 1776.
Much of our nation now lives off of checks and benefits sent out. And lots of people have been paid off costing trillions of dollars over the years. Waste and more waste and the lowering of quality with it. If bad times ever come. and they do in human history. Then you will prove how resourceful and forthright and dignified you are if and when this occurs and the checks and benefits are reduced a good amount in percentage. And the loans collapsing...oh the loans...This of course will affect many people of all backgrounds. Your clammering will be proved or disproved about your gentle and sunny nature. Stop hating. People see your points. Really. They also know there are endless scams of the taxpayer/consumer going on. The government people know the money is getting tighter.
LBJ called Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the one he stalled in the Senate, but then passed under his signature after the whacked JFK, the "****** Bill"

FDR Would not even shake Jesse Owens hand for fear of the black rubbing off on him, but these are the democrat Party "Civil Rights Heroes"

So? Johnson signed the civil rights act. An act that should not have been necessary had republicans and democrats not decided to implement apartheid. Blacks were once republicans, but republicans kicked us out when we tried getting equal influence. Democrats nominated a black man for president. Now he's the leader of the party. So all this not shaking hands and shit you're talking about is irrelevant. Blacks do have some say in todays democratic party and we don't see a lilly white movement because of it.
Trump has done far more for blacks, mostly by not playing into the race baiting narrative and lifting the economy, than Obama ever did

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment

Hello, my friends. Respectfully, did you, your family members, friends & neighbors approve of Pres. & Mrs. Obama promoting COMMUNITY VIOLENCE, FEAR & HATE...while IGNORING our Nation's THUGLIFE Child Care Public Health Crisis?

Tupac Biggie Child Abuse, Trump finger pointing.jpg Barack Obama Prevent Child Abuse_3.jpg
Trump has done far more for blacks, mostly by not playing into the race baiting narrative and lifting the economy, than Obama ever did

Trump has done nothing for blacks and he has not lifted the economy. Do you understand me? I'm not debating your white ass on this matter. I'm telling you how it is as I am black and you're not. Trump is the king of race baiting, but then again whites have been race baiting since 1776.
Much of our nation now lives off of checks and benefits sent out. And lots of people have been paid off costing trillions of dollars over the years. Waste and more waste and the lowering of quality with it. If bad times ever come. and they do in human history. Then you will prove how resourceful and forthright and dignified you are if and when this occurs and the checks and benefits are reduced a good amount in percentage. And the loans collapsing...oh the loans...This of course will affect many people of all backgrounds. Your clammering will be proved or disproved about your gentle and sunny nature. Stop hating. People see your points. Really. They also know there are endless scams of the taxpayer/consumer going on. The government people know the money is getting tighter.
Shut up.

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