Trump plans audacious Bronx rally but congressman says his borough won't be fooled

People vote with their feet. Are these 1000s who showed up for the rallies a mirage?
We count votes, not cult squeals and genuflections. Trump is wasting campaign money so that he can get some applause and fool himself into thinking he is well liked in NYC.

Better donate now! Trump doesn't mind illegal donations from foreigners.
Now he is thinking outside the box.

If Trump is able to garner a crowd in deep blue districts, it will send alarm bells to those who targeted him in NY. If even one district swings to GOP that otherwise wouldn't have, it would be a worthwhile political payback. Furthermore, this could have a trickle down effect.

Of course, Biden can also hold a rally in similar deep red districts...

Deep blue New York is in play.

In a major throwdown to Democrats, former President Trump will host a campaign rally in the Bronx on Thursday as he sets his sights on flipping the Empire State red this November, a situation that would have been unfathomable in 2021 when he departed the White House.

Trump’s campaign announced Friday night that Thursday’s rally will take place at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, a 127-acre public park just blocks away from the boundary line of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district. The New York Post reports that the campaign has a permit to fit 3,500 people into the space.
No one knows Trump the grifter and his crooked bullshit better than his fellow New Yorkers. That's why he has never won his home state in any election.

Trump is literally wasting his breath there.
New York 2020 election results:

Biden: 5,244,103 (60.9%)
Trump: 3,251,326 (37.8%)

New York 2016 election results:

Clinton: 4,143,874 (68.8%)
Trump: 2,640,570 (37.5%)

Trump scored almost identical percentages in both elections. He utterly failed to move the needle.

Trump is the most thin-skinned person any of us will ever see. You know it had to have crushed his little black heart to be so roundly rejected by his fellow New Yorkers.

He worked so hard sucking up to them and showboating for their approval for decades, only to fail to have hidden his true nature from New Yorkers who are above average in their discernment of hucksters.

I'm sure the people in the Bronx will enjoy his roadshow for the entertainment it is. But they aren't stupid. Trump is, and he desperately craves their attention and electoral stamp of good housekeeping.


So very sad.
In 2020, Trump won a near invisible 15.9 percent of the Bronx vote.

That's 20 points less than his statewide vote!

In 2016, he netted 9.6 percent of the Bronx.

You always have to hear what Trump says, and then figure out his true motives and the true facts. Trump never speaks the truth or his true motives.

Trump isn't there to win their votes.

The Bronx is only 8.3% white.

Trump is there for the photo ops. The people who stand behind him at his rallies as useful idiot backdrops are almost all white. If a minority person happens to stumble into a Trump rally, his staff immediately grabs that person, hangs a MAGA hat on their head, thrusts a professionally made BLACKS FOR TRUMP sign in their hands, and puts them on the stage behind Trump. But they are far and few between.

The Bronx will provide some nice juicy photos for his campaign ads with Asians, blacks, and Hispanics carefully framed behind his beaming face.

Trump is a marketing genius, after all. Especially of himself.
Now he is thinking outside the box.

If Trump is able to garner a crowd in deep blue districts, it will send alarm bells to those who targeted him in NY. If even one district swings to GOP that otherwise wouldn't have, it would be a worthwhile political payback. Furthermore, this could have a trickle down effect.

Of course, Biden can also hold a rally in similar deep red districts...

Deep blue New York is in play.

In a major throwdown to Democrats, former President Trump will host a campaign rally in the Bronx on Thursday as he sets his sights on flipping the Empire State red this November, a situation that would have been unfathomable in 2021 when he departed the White House.

Trump’s campaign announced Friday night that Thursday’s rally will take place at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, a 127-acre public park just blocks away from the boundary line of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district. The New York Post reports that the campaign has a permit to fit 3,500 people into the space.
I don't know how they got a complete count of those for Trump's NJ rally but RSBN panned the crowd in all directions several times as I watched it live and there were people as far as you could see. Whatever the count it was in the tens of thousands just using my primitive means to guesstimate.

And yes Biden can hold rallies anyplace he wants but he doesn't because he has trouble filling a small venue without ordering or paying people to be there. I seriously doubt anybody would be interested enough to hear him to wait in line for hours, sometimes a day or more, to be sure they got a place inside the venue and then stand for another hour or two before Trump speaks. It's a phenomenon most Americans have never witnessed before

And I didn't see anybody walking out while Trump was still speaking--again RSBN was panning the crowd during the speech--and their commentators didn't mention anybody leaving. The MSM is truly disgusting trying to make Trump look bad and they don't care how unethical they are doing it.
I don't know how they got a complete count of those for Trump's NJ rally but RSBN panned the crowd in all directions several times as I watched it live and there were people as far as you could see. Whatever the count it was in the tens of thousands just using my primitive means to guesstimate.

And yes Biden can hold rallies anyplace he wants but he doesn't because he has trouble filling a small venue without ordering or paying people to be there. I seriously doubt anybody would be interested enough to hear him to wait in line for hours, sometimes a day or more, to be sure they got a place inside the venue and then stand for another hour or two before Trump speaks. It's a phenomenon most Americans have never witnessed before

And I didn't see anybody walking out while Trump was still speaking--again RSBN was panning the crowd during the speech--and their commentators didn't mention anybody leaving. The MSM is truly disgusting trying to make Trump look bad and they don't care how unethical they are doing it.
He had trouble getting a few dozen in New Hampshire
No, it’s the only place he can go because he’s tethered to the courthouse.

It won’t even be close and you already know that
That is because NY has over 4 million phony votes they can access and give to the candidate of their choice. I posted a video about it awhile ago. I bet you did not watch it. They proved with the states own data those illegal votes are there and kept in a separate data base that can be tapped when needed. No one is elected in that state. They are appointed by whoever is counting the votes.
Now he is thinking outside the box.

If Trump is able to garner a crowd in deep blue districts, it will send alarm bells to those who targeted him in NY. If even one district swings to GOP that otherwise wouldn't have, it would be a worthwhile political payback. Furthermore, this could have a trickle down effect.

Of course, Biden can also hold a rally in similar deep red districts...

Deep blue New York is in play.

In a major throwdown to Democrats, former President Trump will host a campaign rally in the Bronx on Thursday as he sets his sights on flipping the Empire State red this November, a situation that would have been unfathomable in 2021 when he departed the White House.

Trump’s campaign announced Friday night that Thursday’s rally will take place at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, a 127-acre public park just blocks away from the boundary line of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district. The New York Post reports that the campaign has a permit to fit 3,500 people into the space.
I predict Trump will be booed off the stage. Who wants to listen to a carnival clown that constantly lies about everything?
Now he is thinking outside the box.
Really? too funny

Residents in the South Bronx, where Trump’s rally is taking place, are mainly Hispanic (64%) and Black (31%)

The facts vs spin/myth/sleight-of-hand

The bullshit:

Trump has insisted that he has a shot this fall at winning New York, which a Republican presidential nominee has not carried since 1984. The Bronx is a Democratic stronghold, which Trump lost by about 68 points to Joe Biden in 2020. That margin, however, was down from four years earlier, when Hillary Clinton carried the county by 79 points. Residents in the South Bronx, where Trump’s rally is taking place, are mainly Hispanic (64%) and Black (31%), according to the US Census Bureau.

Several House Republicans from New York said they could no longer make it to Trump’s event due to changes in the chamber’s voting schedule Thursday.
Really? too funny

Residents in the South Bronx, where Trump’s rally is taking place, are mainly Hispanic (64%) and Black (31%)

The facts vs spin/myth/sleight-of-hand

The bullshit:

Trump has insisted that he has a shot this fall at winning New York, which a Republican presidential nominee has not carried since 1984. The Bronx is a Democratic stronghold, which Trump lost by about 68 points to Joe Biden in 2020. That margin, however, was down from four years earlier, when Hillary Clinton carried the county by 79 points. Residents in the South Bronx, where Trump’s rally is taking place, are mainly Hispanic (64%) and Black (31%), according to the US Census Bureau.

Several House Republicans from New York said they could no longer make it to Trump’s event due to changes in the chamber’s voting schedule Thursday.
Even the leftist Five Thirty Eight had Trump down by only 9% in New York 8 days ago. A month earlier the spread was only 10%. Nobody thinks it isn't a long shot for Trump but New York is in play.
Even the leftist Five Thirty Eight had Trump down by only 9% in New York 8 days ago. A month earlier the spread was only 10%. Nobody thinks it isn't a long shot for Trump but New York is in play.
Of course it's a long shot. Everybody agress on that. D'Oh!

Trump has no realistic chance of winning NY state, let alone the city. This rally is just one more Big Circus Event.

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Now he is thinking outside the box.

If Trump is able to garner a crowd in deep blue districts, it will send alarm bells to those who targeted him in NY. If even one district swings to GOP that otherwise wouldn't have, it would be a worthwhile political payback. Furthermore, this could have a trickle down effect.

Of course, Biden can also hold a rally in similar deep red districts...

Deep blue New York is in play.

In a major throwdown to Democrats, former President Trump will host a campaign rally in the Bronx on Thursday as he sets his sights on flipping the Empire State red this November, a situation that would have been unfathomable in 2021 when he departed the White House.

Trump’s campaign announced Friday night that Thursday’s rally will take place at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, a 127-acre public park just blocks away from the boundary line of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district. The New York Post reports that the campaign has a permit to fit 3,500 people into the space.
Audacious? :auiqs.jpg:


How many yards is it from the criminal court he thought he'd be in today?

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