Why Trump is rallying in deep-blue Bronx where thousands are expected to show support: He’s ‘not afraid to show up’

I'm always home sick for the NYC that doesn't exist anymore

If Trump was as popular in New York and the Bronx as he and his cult think he is, he should have been able to pack Yankee Stadium, which is in the Bronx.

He had to hold his rally in an open air park since tens of thousands of empty seats in a city of nine million would have been embarrassing to his image.
You're not allowed to talk about NYC anymore
I forbid it
Trump has several tells when he is lying. I would love to play poker against him.

One of his tells is "nobody's ever seen before". Another tell is when he says something three times in rapid succession. Another tell is his lips are moving.

" We have levels of support that nobody's seen before. … Don't assume it doesn't matter just because you live in a blue city. You live in a blue city, but it's going red very, very quickly."
You're not allowed to talk about NYC anymore
I forbid it
Sorry to make your ass hurt.

To insecure people like Trump, size matters. He needs constant stroking. Constant feeding of his ego.

So it has to suck he can't get more than a few thousand New Yorkers to show up for their homeboy.

As I said before, New Yorkers are world class experts when it comes to recognizing a con man. And it stings Trump to no end after he has spent a lifetime sucking up to them.
Trump is obsessed about crowd sizes. Remember his very first scandal when he claimed his inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama's?

Trump aspires to have the rock star status of Obama.
Trump has a small chance in Queens, Staten Island and Long Island. Brooklyn and the Bronx have some nice neighborhoods but overall, there are too many lawless people there to go for Trump. Manhattan, with all its rich, crooked, establishment, la la land types will never vote for a man of the people or America first. But you have to give Trump credit for going for NY. Let's see how many appearances Biden makes in Wyoming this campaign. MAGA
Trump is lawless.
Trump has a small chance in Queens, Staten Island and Long Island. Brooklyn and the Bronx have some nice neighborhoods but overall, there are too many lawless people there to go for Trump. Manhattan, with all its rich, crooked, establishment, la la land types will never vote for a man of the people or America first. But you have to give Trump credit for going for NY. Let's see how many appearances Biden makes in Wyoming this campaign. MAGA
Biden has visited Texas three times this year, Maggot

He's visited Florida three times.

He's visited North and South Carolina five times.
Sorry to make your ass hurt.

To insecure people like Trump, size matters. He needs constant stroking. Constant feeding of his ego.

So it has to suck he can't get more than a few thousand New Yorkers to show up for their homeboy.

As I said before, New Yorkers are world class experts when it comes to recognizing a con man. And it stings Trump to no end after he has spent a lifetime sucking up to them.
Far from it
You just a retard that probably doesn't even have a passport

Top one
Here's another native New Yorker for ya

Last edited:
Far from it
You just a retard that probably doesn't even have a passport

Top one
Here's another native New Yorker for ya

Nine million New Yorkers, and you found ONE who likes Trump.


Let's review, shall we?

New York 2020 election results:

Biden: 5,244,103 (60.9%)
Trump: 3,251,326 (37.8%)

New York 2016 election results:

Clinton: 4,143,874 (68.8%)
Trump: 2,640,570 (37.5%)

In 2020, Trump won a near invisible 15.9 percent of the Bronx vote.

In the aggregate, New Yorkers HATE the criminal grifter.

TRUMP: “We will immediately begin the largest criminal deportation operation in our country’s history.”



This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.


LOL CNN admits the crowd is much bigger than they expected:

Carnivals tend to have pretty decent turnouts. No one can resist a modern day P.T. Barnum.

But in a city of nine million, a few thousand in a turnout is nothing. You get bigger turnouts for spring training.

I hope you freaks don't actually believe Trump has a chance in the Bronx. I would hate that you are dumber than even I think you are.

It would be pretty scary if you have actually deluded yourselves that deeply.
Nine million New Yorkers, and you found ONE who likes Trump.


Let's review, shall we?

New York 2020 election results:

Biden: 5,244,103 (60.9%)
Trump: 3,251,326 (37.8%)

New York 2016 election results:

Clinton: 4,143,874 (68.8%)
Trump: 2,640,570 (37.5%)

In 2020, Trump won a near invisible 15.9 percent of the Bronx vote.

In the aggregate, New Yorkers HATE the criminal grifter.

TRUMP: “We will immediately begin the largest criminal deportation operation in our country’s history.”



This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.


Do us a favor
Stand at the edge of the platform ....I'll be standing right behind ya don't worry
Trump is a master showman. He has a genius for getting people to talk about him.

We have become inured to his bloviating and lies and overt racism, so he has to find new ways to get the spotlight back on his clown show to divert from the unwelcome attention he is getting as a crook.

The only thing Trump's Bronx circus was missing was a tent over it.
Trump is a master showman. He has a genius for getting people to talk about him.

We have become inured to his bloviating and lies and overt racism, so he has to find new ways to get the spotlight back on his clown show to divert from the unwelcome attention he is getting as a crook.

The only thing Trump's Bronx circus was missing was a tent over it.
^^ LOL what an ass clown.


Trump is a master showman. He has a genius for getting people to talk about him.

We have become inured to his bloviating and lies and overt racism, so he has to find new ways to get the spotlight back on his clown show to divert from the unwelcome attention he is getting as a crook.

The only thing Trump's Bronx circus was missing was a tent over it.
Even CNN theirs a large native contingency

You've just been shoved onto the tracks


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