Conservatives Warned Trump Supporters About Rally in the South Bronx!


People are probably correct in saying Trump won't take NY.....however, Trump staged a pretty good rally, right in the heart of the democrat machine and the democrats were triggered, still are. Hell, about 25 responses from the triggered left in this thread already....... :auiqs.jpg:

Trump winning.............Look at all the free publicity He gets from the left media for driving a knife in the heart of the Big Blue Apple.

Don't forget how He's further motivated and energized minority voters across the nation with one rally, deep in the heart of the dem machine.

It was a highly successful, fun rally.

People noticed.

Well, the issue is the following, "will any of the Dem politicians actually look to cross political lines and speak to the deep red districts"?

Harris could try to flip Alabama or Alaska even if Biden doesn't go.

You are one country, are you not? Trump is actually proving to be the unifier. The irony of it all.
It's hard to fathom, for the left, that there were people at a Trump rally, from other states.......can you imagine that?

Johnny was on the ground interviewing all kind of people from the Bronx, BTW.

Don't tell our lefty posters.
Should have watched it, was a great time for all.

Nothing you attempt to spin happened.....Get a phucking life.

Bunches of black and Latino democrats there, tired of Biden and the Dem continual BS. Most registered as Repo's....
Trump rallies are good clean family fun.
There was apparently a much longer crowd of people that were still lined up. The security precautions in an high crime borough seeing a presidential candidate must have been insane.

Frisk, metal detectors, open mouth, shoes off, the whole nine. Maybe 3-5 minutes per person, I don't know.
Prove it with something from a real news source.
If it weren’t for undue over reliance on the petty emoticons, would the dainty be able to post at all?

Hey. At least the moron ditched his Merchan avie.

Maybe he’s catching on what a hack he proves himself to be.

By the way, it sure looks like he got 25k or more to attend in the Bronx.

Meanwhile, President Spudz McAlzheimer couldn’t fill an old phone booth.
If it weren’t for undue over reliance on the petty emoticons, would the dainty be able to post at all?

Hey. At least the moron ditched his Merchan avie.

Maybe he’s catching on what a hack he proves himself to be.

By the way, it sure looks like he got 25k or more to attend in the Bronx.

Meanwhile, President Spudz McAlzheimer couldn’t fill an old phone booth.
25k? You Lie again.
The guy drew 25,000 in S Bronx, deep blue NY. No way he could have predicted that.

Why not? He's entertainment. And 25,000 in a state with 3.2 million Trump supporters in 2020. 690,000 of them in NY City. The Bronx had 67,000 Trump voters. Plus 200,000 in Brooklyn and Queens, 120,000 on Staten Island and 85,000 in Manhatten (they have public transport you know?), 25,000 isn't actually that much.
circus acts don't count

Trump creates massive triggering event in South Bronx


Five of the most eyebrow-raising liberal reactions to Trump's Bronx rally​


Hochul didn't mince words when asked about Trump campaigning in the deep-blue borough to woo Black and Latino voters.

"Well, I’ll tell you what won’t make a difference at all, Jake, and that’s for Donald Trump to be a ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx," she told CNN's Jake Tapper as the former president's supporters were gathering. "New York will never, ever support Donald Trump for president."


Ocasio-Cortez, a fellow New York Democrat, dismissed the Trump rally as a stunt to pay his legal fees.

"He is broke. He needs to pay these legal funds. And bussing people in, in order to get those donations so that he can funnel them to his legal fees, is kind of his business right now," she told MSNBC's Chris Hayes on Wednesday.


MSNBC political analyst Charles Blow argued that Trump would never win New York and said rally attendees weren't really from the Bronx. He also weighed in on why the presumptive presidential nominee was rallying in an area with a heavy minority population.

"He’s trying to signal to other people, signal to people in swing states who are White, who don’t want to be thought of as voting for a racist to soften the ground and say, ‘Maybe he’s not a racist,’ and also to shave off a couple points among Blacks and Hispanic who say, ‘I don’t want to vote for a racist,’" Blow said.


Liberal MSNBC host Alex Wagner also tried to discredit the rally on her Thursday night show.
She quoted Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., who described the rally as full of "transplants" before she slammed it as a "fakey campaign stop."
"Sort of a weird way to court Black and Latino voters, but also, if you are Donald Trump, I get it," Wagner said sarcastically.
Her guest, Center for American Progress President Patrick Gaspard, also called the rally a "fraud."
"They imported a whole bunch of people into the Bronx. Let's be really clear here: Donald Trump ain't winning the Bronx," he told Wagner.


Ocasio-Cortez also reacted with glee to the idea that Trump's rally would be hit by heavy rain in the region.

"God is good," the Democratic congresswoman wrote on X with a praying hands emoji in response to a post claiming that the rally would turn into a "muddy mess."

How to turn democrats into instant assholes: Just add Trump........ :auiqs.jpg:
Why not? He's entertainment. And 25,000 in a state with 3.2 million Trump supporters in 2020. 690,000 of them in NY City. The Bronx had 67,000 Trump voters. Plus 200,000 in Brooklyn and Queens, 120,000 on Staten Island and 85,000 in Manhatten (they have public transport you know?), 25,000 isn't actually that much.


According to Dolan's reporting, those who were in attendance didn’t amount to a lot, judging by the b-roll aired later that evening. What's more, most individuals in the crowd were not even from the Bronx.

When Dolan featured a pro-Trump rally-goer, it turned out he was from Queens.

“Donald Trump can now say he held a rally in the South Bronx, home to immigrants and minority communities, and that it was well attended,” Dolan said. “It’s just not clear that the people who attended were from the Bronx. The campaign controlled who got in, and the campaign, of course, picked only supporters.”


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