Trump Destroys US Dollar Dominion


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
For decades the "deep states" of elite capitalist nations assumed the only threat to their continued economic pillage and plunder came from the political left.

And then came Trump.

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

"The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America.

"Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its violent regime change warfare against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions..."

"The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the 'Heartland' nightmare of Halford Mackinder a century ago.

"The root cause is clear: After the crescendo of pretenses and deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria, along with our absolution of the lawless regime of Saudi Arabia, foreign political leaders are coming to recognize what world-wide public opinion polls reported even before the Iraq/Iran-Contra boys turned their attention to the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela: The United States is now the greatest threat to peace on the planet."
The only thing propping up the US Dollar in the face of America’s insurmountable, and unrecoverable debt; is our military strength. And it’s been this way for quite some time...
I've read these nutty articles about how the dollar was going to lose its hegemony for decades now, usually written by some crackpot with no understanding how the global monetary and payments system works. This crazy site is no different. They've been making the argument back when Bush was President, saying Bush was the reason why the dollar would stop being the reserve currency. Guess what? It didn't happen. And it's not going to happen under Trump, or the next President, or the next President, or the President after that.

The simple fact is that there is no alternative, not the euro, not the yuan, not gold, nothing.
I've read these nutty articles about how the dollar was going to lose its hegemony for decades now, usually written by some crackpot with no understanding how the global monetary and payments system works. This crazy site is no different. They've been making the argument back when Bush was President, saying Bush was the reason why the dollar would stop being the reserve currency. Guess what? It didn't happen. And it's not going to happen under Trump, or the next President, or the next President, or the President after that.

The simple fact is that there is no alternative, not the euro, not the yuan, not gold, nothing.
The US is trying to impose their will on the free global market. The world is forced to break free but Uncle Sam reacts with more sanctions and bombs.
The only thing propping up the US Dollar in the face of America’s insurmountable, and unrecoverable debt; is our military strength. And it’s been this way for quite some time...
"International" institutions like the IMF and World Bank have relied on the US military might and the willingness of both major parties to use it since 1945.

It could well be the entire debt-based global economy is on the brink of collapse in spite of US military hegemony?


Super-imperialism - Wikipedia

"For the past half-century, U.S. strategists, the State Department and National Endowment for Democracy (NED) worried that opposition to U.S. financial imperialism would come from left-wing parties.

"It therefore spent enormous resources manipulating parties that called themselves socialist (Tony Blair’s British Labour Party, France’s Socialist Party, Germany’s Social Democrats, etc.) to adopt neoliberal policies that were the diametric opposite to what social democracy meant a century ago.

"But U.S. political planners and Great Wurlitzer organists neglected the right wing, imagining that it would instinctively support U.S. thuggishness.

"The reality is that right-wing parties want to get elected, and a populist nationalism is today’s road to election victory in Europe and other countries just as it was for Donald Trump in 2016."

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony"
I've read these nutty articles about how the dollar was going to lose its hegemony for decades now, usually written by some crackpot with no understanding how the global monetary and payments system works. This crazy site is no different. They've been making the argument back when Bush was President, saying Bush was the reason why the dollar would stop being the reserve currency. Guess what? It didn't happen. And it's not going to happen under Trump, or the next President, or the next President, or the President after that.

The simple fact is that there is no alternative, not the euro, not the yuan, not gold, nothing.
What makes you think your understanding of the global monetary and payment system works exceeds Michael Hudson's? (P. 6)

"Prof. Hudson began writing this book while serving as the balance-of-payments economist for the Chase Manhattan Bank and Arthur Anderson during 1964-69, and completed it while teaching international finance at The New School in New York. (He is now Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri at Kansas City.)

"His book was quickly translated into Spanish, Japanese, Russian and Arabic, and a new and revised edition was republished in Japan earlier this year (2002) before being published in Britain by Pluto.

"This book was the first to explain how America has obliged other countries to finance its payments deficit, including its foreign military spending and its corporate buyouts of European and Asian companies.

"In effect, America has devised a new means to tax Europe and Asia via their central banks’ obligation to accept unlimited sums of dollars.

"The burden on Europe and Asia is not felt directly as a tax, however, but indirectly through their payments surpluses with the United States."
I've read these nutty articles about how the dollar was going to lose its hegemony for decades now, usually written by some crackpot with no understanding how the global monetary and payments system works
I've read these nutty articles about how the dollar was going to lose its hegemony for decades now, usually written by some crackpot with no understanding how the global monetary and payments system works. This crazy site is no different. They've been making the argument back when Bush was President, saying Bush was the reason why the dollar would stop being the reserve currency. Guess what? It didn't happen. And it's not going to happen under Trump, or the next President, or the next President, or the President after that.

The simple fact is that there is no alternative, not the euro, not the yuan, not gold, nothing.
What makes you think your understanding of the global monetary and payment system works exceeds Michael Hudson's? (P. 6)

"Prof. Hudson began writing this book while serving as the balance-of-payments economist for the Chase Manhattan Bank and Arthur Anderson during 1964-69, and completed it while teaching international finance at The New School in New York. (He is now Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri at Kansas City.)

"His book was quickly translated into Spanish, Japanese, Russian and Arabic, and a new and revised edition was republished in Japan earlier this year (2002) before being published in Britain by Pluto.

"This book was the first to explain how America has obliged other countries to finance its payments deficit, including its foreign military spending and its corporate buyouts of European and Asian companies.

"In effect, America has devised a new means to tax Europe and Asia via their central banks’ obligation to accept unlimited sums of dollars.

"The burden on Europe and Asia is not felt directly as a tax, however, but indirectly through their payments surpluses with the United States."
I've read these nutty articles about how the dollar was going to lose its hegemony for decades now, usually written by some crackpot with no understanding how the global monetary and payments system works

Oh, so the good professor has been writing the same garbage for decades now.

Guess what? 99.9% of the other monetary economists disagree with him.

But you keep believing the 0.1%. lol
What makes you think your understanding of the global monetary and payment system works exceeds Michael Hudson's?

Speaking for myself , i do not exceed the professors understanding , nor do i even come close....

But how much do I really need to know?

Hudson views all global conflict through the lense of economics , which once one removes all jingoist reference is easily revealed.

Add to this that every fiat system in human history failed juxtaposed to our monetary imperialism

Further fuel that w/debt insanity , rising nationaism

No, i don't think anyone needs be an ecomnomic guru to realize the juggernaut we're riding here

For decades the "deep states" of elite capitalist nations assumed the only threat to their continued economic pillage and plunder came from the political left.

And then came Trump.

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

"The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America.

"Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its violent regime change warfare against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions..."

"The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the 'Heartland' nightmare of Halford Mackinder a century ago.

"The root cause is clear: After the crescendo of pretenses and deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria, along with our absolution of the lawless regime of Saudi Arabia, foreign political leaders are coming to recognize what world-wide public opinion polls reported even before the Iraq/Iran-Contra boys turned their attention to the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela: The United States is now the greatest threat to peace on the planet."

If you understood geopolitics, russia and china arent being driven together. That's what you're told to believe on the surface. Inserting the vietnam war as a precursor to the death of the dollar is another laugher. That was all started with the creation of the fed in 1912/13 under wilson. The next currency reset will be worldwide in digital form.
For decades the "deep states" of elite capitalist nations assumed the only threat to their continued economic pillage and plunder came from the political left.

And then came Trump.

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

"The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America.

"Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its violent regime change warfare against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions..."

"The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the 'Heartland' nightmare of Halford Mackinder a century ago.

"The root cause is clear: After the crescendo of pretenses and deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria, along with our absolution of the lawless regime of Saudi Arabia, foreign political leaders are coming to recognize what world-wide public opinion polls reported even before the Iraq/Iran-Contra boys turned their attention to the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela: The United States is now the greatest threat to peace on the planet."

If you understood geopolitics, russia and china arent being driven together. That's what you're told to believe on the surface. Inserting the vietnam war as a precursor to the death of the dollar is another laugher. That was all started with the creation of the fed in 1912/13 under wilson. The next currency reset will be worldwide in digital form.

Digital currency makes no sense. For one, it requires electricity to access, for two, it can be manipulated remotely with a keyboard. No bueno.
For decades the "deep states" of elite capitalist nations assumed the only threat to their continued economic pillage and plunder came from the political left.

And then came Trump.

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

"The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America.

"Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its violent regime change warfare against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions..."

"The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the 'Heartland' nightmare of Halford Mackinder a century ago.

"The root cause is clear: After the crescendo of pretenses and deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria, along with our absolution of the lawless regime of Saudi Arabia, foreign political leaders are coming to recognize what world-wide public opinion polls reported even before the Iraq/Iran-Contra boys turned their attention to the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela: The United States is now the greatest threat to peace on the planet."

If you understood geopolitics, russia and china arent being driven together. That's what you're told to believe on the surface. Inserting the vietnam war as a precursor to the death of the dollar is another laugher. That was all started with the creation of the fed in 1912/13 under wilson. The next currency reset will be worldwide in digital form.

Digital currency makes no sense. For one, it requires electricity to access, for two, it can be manipulated remotely with a keyboard. No bueno.

At least one can use paper money for TP, like the venezuelans now......~S~
For decades the "deep states" of elite capitalist nations assumed the only threat to their continued economic pillage and plunder came from the political left.

And then came Trump.

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

"The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America.

"Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its violent regime change warfare against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions..."

"The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the 'Heartland' nightmare of Halford Mackinder a century ago.

"The root cause is clear: After the crescendo of pretenses and deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria, along with our absolution of the lawless regime of Saudi Arabia, foreign political leaders are coming to recognize what world-wide public opinion polls reported even before the Iraq/Iran-Contra boys turned their attention to the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela: The United States is now the greatest threat to peace on the planet."

If you understood geopolitics, russia and china arent being driven together. That's what you're told to believe on the surface. Inserting the vietnam war as a precursor to the death of the dollar is another laugher. That was all started with the creation of the fed in 1912/13 under wilson. The next currency reset will be worldwide in digital form.

Digital currency makes no sense. For one, it requires electricity to access, for two, it can be manipulated remotely with a keyboard. No bueno.

I agree 100 percent. Digital currency is no good. It will be manipulated and used to control every aspect of one's existence.
For decades the "deep states" of elite capitalist nations assumed the only threat to their continued economic pillage and plunder came from the political left.

And then came Trump.

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

"The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America.

"Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its violent regime change warfare against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions..."

"The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the 'Heartland' nightmare of Halford Mackinder a century ago.

"The root cause is clear: After the crescendo of pretenses and deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria, along with our absolution of the lawless regime of Saudi Arabia, foreign political leaders are coming to recognize what world-wide public opinion polls reported even before the Iraq/Iran-Contra boys turned their attention to the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela: The United States is now the greatest threat to peace on the planet."

If you understood geopolitics, russia and china arent being driven together. That's what you're told to believe on the surface. Inserting the vietnam war as a precursor to the death of the dollar is another laugher. That was all started with the creation of the fed in 1912/13 under wilson. The next currency reset will be worldwide in digital form.

Digital currency makes no sense. For one, it requires electricity to access, for two, it can be manipulated remotely with a keyboard. No bueno.
It's also a powerful tool for controlling a population. At the slightest transgression, or at any whim which would suit the "powers that be"; a targets assets can be frozen.
For decades the "deep states" of elite capitalist nations assumed the only threat to their continued economic pillage and plunder came from the political left.

And then came Trump.

"FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

"The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America.

"Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its violent regime change warfare against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions..."

"The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the 'Heartland' nightmare of Halford Mackinder a century ago.

"The root cause is clear: After the crescendo of pretenses and deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria, along with our absolution of the lawless regime of Saudi Arabia, foreign political leaders are coming to recognize what world-wide public opinion polls reported even before the Iraq/Iran-Contra boys turned their attention to the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela: The United States is now the greatest threat to peace on the planet."

If you understood geopolitics, russia and china arent being driven together. That's what you're told to believe on the surface. Inserting the vietnam war as a precursor to the death of the dollar is another laugher. That was all started with the creation of the fed in 1912/13 under wilson. The next currency reset will be worldwide in digital form.

Digital currency makes no sense. For one, it requires electricity to access, for two, it can be manipulated remotely with a keyboard. No bueno.

I agree 100 percent. Digital currency is no good. It will be manipulated and used to control every aspect of one's existence.

Already happening , all our military bases around this rock protecting sh*tholistans who we grease with foriegn policy $$$'s ,and consistently vote against us in the UN (as alluded to in the OP article) exist our of sheer extortion upholding our dollars benchamark as global fiat


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